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Full of expectation and excitement, not to say excitement, fat Jennifer slid back and forth on her feeding chair as the door to the room slowly opened. She literally beamed when she saw the tall person enter. Jennifer's anticipation was so great that she wiggled around restlessly and everything about her wobbled. Into the room stepped a tall, pretty and young woman with a blonde ponytail that reached down to her butt. Apart from a tight pair of shorts, she was wearing nothing. Large, bare breasts adorned her body, which was richly decorated with tattoos. The woman was not overweight, which was very rare for this establishment, but she was curvy and perfectly filled out. A juicy young woman through and through. Her arms and legs were round and fleshy, her ass big but still firm, and nothing was hanging off her belly yet. Most of her fair skin was covered with numerous different images and motifs. Rose tendrils wove themselves around her ample but firm breasts, skulls grinned on her shoulders and all kinds of excerpts from movies and comics adorned her beautiful thighs. The woman pushed a trolley in front of her with all kinds of crockery, pots, parcels and polystyrene packaging. The door immediately closed behind her. Jennifer's stomach growled demandingly and her mouth was watering as she smelled all the food and treats in the bowls and packages. The sight of this woman who was here to feed her, fatten her up and make her bigger also made her wet and horny. As Jennifer knew, the beautiful young mistress was called Nina. She had often had the pleasure of stuffing the fat girl. Both got on very well personally, but Jennifer especially liked the dominant and very demanding streak that Nina displayed when feeding her feedees. No talking back was tolerated and the plate always had to be eaten. That's how Nina wanted it and that's how Jennifer wanted it too. It was not for nothing that she had literally exploded in the last few months. Her fat kept swelling and swelling under the endless supply of calories from hard feeders like Nina. The bound feedee's gaze was greedy and it was finally time to get going.

"Well my pretty how are we doing today? I hope you're really hungry," Nina said teasingly and pushed the trolley in front of the naked Jennifer. Her belly bulged lazily forward and hung between her thighs like a sack. It was still empty and flabby, but soon it would be stuffed to its limit to stretch and expand. It was almost as if he wanted to grow towards the car with food, because he needed this filling as much as a thirsty man needed water.

"Yeah, huge appetite," Jennifer confirmed. She wanted to rub her growling flabby belly, but of course she couldn't do that with the restraints. Grinning, Nina squatted down in front of the fat woman and began to knead and massage the fat on her belly.

"You're completely starved, my sweet. It's just a hint of fat," the tattooed woman complained playfully. Her gentle but strong hands moved up and cupped Jennifer's breasts. The pierced nipples were rock hard and the feedee felt her breathing quicken in heat. Then Nina gave her a tender kiss while she continued to caress her fat rolls and tits. Her lips were soft and tasted sweet. Jennifer was extremely turned on by the way her feeder played with her chub. Not just the touch itself, but also the act of testing the layer of fat, feeling the weight the feeder had put on. It was sensual, tender and dominant at the same time. The feeder felt how much fatter she had made her fattened object and knew how much more fat would be added. The two women slowly broke away from each other and looked into each other's eyes. The smell of the food and the arousing touches drove Jennifer completely crazy. She wanted to wobble her own fat with her hands and touch Nina too. She wanted to feel the soft, tattooed skin, the beautiful, large breasts and her hot ass, but she wasn't allowed to yet. Most of all, however, the fat girl wanted to eat until she burst, shoveling in everything that was on the trolley. She was almost dying of hunger now.

"Please feed me, Nina. Please I'm starving," Jennifer breathed. Nina licked her lips and looked at her feedee with a grin. This woman was crazy sexy when she had that bossy look of a feeder who loved control.

"Is that so sweetie?" she asked, lifting the fat girl's belly, exposing her wet crotch and letting it slap back down. "Yes, I think we're still a few pounds short," she concluded and gave her counterpart another flabby slap on her belly before standing up. "I think we'd better get started before you starve to death, sweetie. From the sound of your belly, that could actually happen."

"Yes, please! I'm starving!" Jennifer confirmed, almost whimpering. If she hadn't been so horny from all of this, she might have been shocked at how conditioned her body and mind had become to these fattening meetings. While she had only been happy earlier, she now felt the unspeakable, libidinous and relentless desire to eat, to be stuffed, to be fattened up. She wanted to simultaneously pounce on Nina and be fattened up by her until her stomach could take no more. A huge hole had suddenly opened up inside her that simply wanted to take everything in to make her body grow even bigger and heavier. She had long been addicted to fat and this way of getting fat.


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