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Hey friends,

The Patreon page has been updated! Most reward tiers have remained the same, with one exciting exception.

The $7 tier, previously the "early birdie" tier, now gives you access to The Library. The Library contains a vast collection of various bits of boops from everything I've worked on up to now. I've scoured my external hard drives and backups for things that folks might find interesting, so some of it is stuff that you probably haven't even seen before! Some of it is downright embarrassing!

Here's a few examples of things buried in there:

  • Animation frames from Day Is Done 
  • Hidden drawings that popped up in Dos-o-rama 
  • An old webcomic I did in college
  • Scripts from Marble Hornets
  • Cat pictures probably

And I'll be adding stuff as I find it, as well as things from ECKVA and whatever else I do from here on out.

The only thing you'll need in order to access it is Google Drive, which is included automatically with all Google accounts. You have one of those, right?

If you're in the $7 tier or above, check your email attached to your patreon account for an invitation to view The Library tomorrow evening! I hope you like it <3

With no overdue fees,




I must pay my parents $22 a month now instead of $15 for just my phone. I neED THOSE CAT PICTURES