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Hello dear friends, As you may have noticed over the past few whiles, this patreon has been pretty much devoted to ECKVA. Originally, I intended for it to be more about FWAN and the various series I wanted to make. As you can probably tell, those haven't materialized. One of the reasons for this is the fact that I have a full time job, which gets super in the way of making videos. I've been trying to chisel away at them as best as I can, but balancing it along with watching my very energetic daughter is incredibly difficult, not to mention painfully slow moving. I don't want to stretch myself too thin and then not deliver on all fronts. So that being said, I'm putting the FWAN youtube channel on hold for now so I can dedicate more time to ECKVA. The patreon page will be updated soon to reflect this. I'm so very excited that ECKVA has had a positive reaction thus far! I have loved writing and editing it, and am excited to show you where it goes next. However, since my time is so limited, I need to free up some of it in order to give you folks more frequent updates. One per month is not something I want to settle for. I'll still be working on side projects though! For those of you that follow my twitter, you may remember that I mentioned starting a dumb webcomic soon and that's still right around the corner! It's just that, for the time being, ECKVA will be the main project that gets the majority of my limited time. I hope this is good news for all of you <3 With piles of loves, -Troy



Awesome but once you get the chance, I can't wait for you to get to FWAN animations and series! It'll feel like good old THAC!

Edward Clayton Andrews

Priorities. I haven't even hung my shingle up yet, and don't have your family commitments, and it's still a juggling act. Take care. You can't give us anything if you haven't taken care of you.


honestly I probably would prefer eckva over anything else at this point!! I'm hooked.