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The Seven D*vas were a groups of heroines who definitively brought an end to the rampage of a titanic dragon designated Genocide Beast III, an event 35 years before the present day in Poppy.

Rose Rani

Petunia's mother and ascending heiress to the Rani Armaments Company, she not only used her family's wealth and resources to bolster military might, but she also personally took to the battlefield as a grandmaster of the Lace Iron Palm. Born under the Lucky Star Mind Radar, Rose had the ability to passively read the minds of those around her, which made her as much a force to be reckoned with in the field of diplomacy as the field of battle.

After the breakup of the D*vas, Rose took to focusing her efforts on strengthening the feline nations, and while ultimately fruitless in the face of the Canine empire's might, she did end up meeting a rambunctious bandit king who would change her life.

Lincs and Miggy

Twin granddaughters of the legendary Handsome George, founder of the Bounty Office, they both inherited his brute strength equally, but only mastered half of his trademark Strong Cut fighting style each. Lincs perfected the art of ripping and tearing, and was able to mulch a dragon's flesh (and anything else within reach) beyond healable thresholds with ease, but the bluntness of her strikes limited her range greatly. Likewise, Miggy's refined magical technique allowed her cutting attacks to extend several kilometers away, but with exponentially weaker force the further they went. 

They also had polar opposite personalities and constantly butted heads whenever they were both forced to work together, much preferring to take turns being active in battle. On the rare occasions they were able to work in sync, however, they were arguably a match for their old man himself.

They currently live in Gracilia, where they operate out of the same facility. At night, a tavern owned and tended by Lincs, and by day, a chapel staffed by Miggy as head priestess. They still don't get along well.

The Tall Lady

Despite being considered the de facto leader of the D*vas during their active period, absolutely nothing is known about this woman aside from three facts: 

She is an unusually powerful witch, she is some species of ape, and she is very tall.

She showed up without warning or explanation shortly after Genocide Beast III first emerged, and immediately took charge of the situation through a combination of competent magical use, and a thorough understanding of the dragon's tactics and physiology. While trusted by the other D*vas and undoubtedly a valuable asset to the eventual slaying of GBIII, The Tall Lady faced a lot of suspicion due to her mysterious persona and her more deplorable actions, and to this day remains a central figure for conspiracy theorists, some of which espouse the belief that she herself was responsible for causing the conflict. She has not been seen since.


A maned wolf born under Firebrand, the same Lucky Star as Valente, Kalak was the least sociable of the D*vas, and by most accounts, originally just wandered onto the battlefield looking to make some explosions and got caught up in things. Her ability made her a natural predator for dragons, able to ignite their magical blood from the inside out, although she was notorious for causing collateral damage. Her most useful role however, was in providing cleanup after battles, turning leftover toxic dragon flesh on the field into ash and cauterizing Genocide Beast III's wounds to impede its healing abilities.

She created the iron mask herself in order to hide burn scars on her face, and was nearly feral for most of her childhood, but after several years of therapy and social conditioning, she has since become a productive member of society, and an activist for wolf rights. 


A member of the Order of Egon, Sister Laffy was considered the heart of the Seven D*vas. A staunch pacifist, she was unusual even among the Order of Egon in showing compassion to dragons, although she conceded it was necessary to cull their numbers for the needs of the many. Although she had no fighting ability whatsoever, an unusual quality in her singing had the effect of lulling dragons into a state of stupor, rendering them helpless and docile even as her teammates tore them apart. Her warm, genial nature also proved indispensable in keeping morale high amongst the public. While each member of the D*vas was highly respected, she was likely the only one who was beloved, rather than feared.

According to Kalak, Laffy was murdered by The Tall Lady shortly after the victory over Genocide Beast III, however, the details of this event have never been corroborated by the other D*vas.


D.D., short for Daysie Duke, while the physically feeblest of the D*vas, constituted a substantial portion of their direct might. Born under the Lucky Star Perspective Force, she had the ability to magically manipulate objects in the world based on her own perspective, making her more dangerous the further away from her target she was.

Despite her exceptionally powerful ability, she was an unstable trump card that had to be used sparingly for the sake of her health and the environment around her. When not active, D.D. required the use of a magical blindfold to limit her ability's effects, and to keep from needlessly burning up her magic. She only ever took to the field twice, and even then, only to directly combat Genocide Beast III.

Already weak from old age during her D*va days, and now restricted to a wheelchair at the age of 195, she's taken a more passive role as head adviser to the Dogs of War, the most elite division of the Canine Empire Military. In extreme circumstances, however, she's willing to take a closer look.


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