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Ms. Rufus was conceived as a character way too late for me to figure out how to naturally insert her into Poppy and Kit's relationship while still fitting plot events to come and I regret it more and more each day




You can do it, it's just the matter of finding the proper...lynx.


When do we actually get to read past page 32? I can’t see it on the website, and the whole pages aren’t posted here. I’m itching to see more!


I'm thinking that Morbi is completing all of them at once, then releasing them in one big Poppy extravaganza update. Otherwise we would of at least had page 33 by now. I hope we get some new pages soon though. The plot is getting really exciting, especially since the little page previews reveal some Renard and Chicadino backstory and we get to see the illusive third Darling daughter.


Speaking of the pic, I wonder what you mean by inserting her into Poppy and Kits relationship. Would she have been a romantic rival? That would be a interesting plot point to throw some tension between the two, though we do have a ex flame of Poppy that hasn't been ruled out as being dead just yet.