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I'm so glad everyone enjoyed the last post about the Starfighter process!  🤗💨💕 Thank you so much!

I thought to share another part of the process: a project that never made it! 😢💦💦

I started writing a script for a Stucky doujinshi (post Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and pre Civil War), but ultimately, it never came to fruition- there's a lot of reasons why, I won't bore you with the details, but I did start the foundation and made a few (very) rough panels.

I transferred the script over and added the roughs that I had so far.. It reads like an incomplete fanfic, but with panel descriptions?😂💨

(It has sexual content and is PWP!)



Bucky comes in from the rain and sets his groceries down on the counter. He removes his hoodie to reveal his face- eyes downcast.

From his position at the door, he looks over at his journal (where it rests on top of the fridge). 

Switch to a reverse shot where the journal looms in the foreground, as if it’s watching him- Bucky moves out of the room to avoid it.

-Shower scene-

Bucky’s metal hand turns the faucet and we see him soaking, his back board and shoulders heavy. (He doesn’t actively wash, just lets the water run over him.)

He presses his forehead to the tile and sighs, troubled, and we read his internal thoughts: Even when he’s not here..

A flashback panel to Steve on the helicarrier, bloodied and bruised, his gaze intensely fixed on Bucky, I feel him..

Bucky’s hair falls in his face as he lowers his head, Even when I hide from him..

Another flashback panel: Bucky is blended in among a crowd, watching the news being broadcast from a large screen to the streets below: Steve is on, in his full Captain America regalia, a paradigm of heroism, I can’t escape.

Bucky tilts his head back, his throat exposed, his expression frustrated, Even when I try not to think of him..

A flashback shot of Bucky lingering over Steve’s prone body on the shore of the Potomac. Steve’s lashes are wet and he is bloodied but beautiful, Bucky gazes at him with open awe, his hand poised as if he doesn’t dare touch him, I can’t stop myself.

In the shower, Bucky is panting, his body is flushed, he is desperate and confused..

I can’t stop.. when it happens..

-Back in the main room-

Bucky’s wet hand reaches out and grabs the journal.

-In the bedroom-

Bucky is leaning back on his little cot, hair still wet and his bare chest dotted with water droplets. (He is wearing black cargo pants and heavy boots.) 

He opens up the journal to the page with Steve’s photo and we see Bucky’s reaction up close: his intense gaze, his flustered face.

My mission.. (internal thought) Steve..

Bucky leans his head back with a sigh, closing his eyes. His hand  blindly reaches out to the surface of the photo, fingers grazing across Steve’s face. Bucky reacts as if touching the photo is touching Steve, imagining how it would feel. He looks needy and aroused. 

Sometimes, I think of.. what would happen if he found me..

With awkward motions, eyes still closed, his other hand moves down his chest to his pants, thumbing open the fly, If he would want me..

Bucky lets out a moan and we see a panel of his knees opening. A panel of his face tilted back in ecstasy, his hand obviously pumping off-frame, If I would let him..

-The fantasy-

We switch to a stark black panel to indicate a change in environment- we’ve been transported into his fantasy: Bucky is leaning back on the bed, eyes closed as he languidly jerks himself. Steve is standing at the foot of the bed, dressed in full Captain America regalia, watching. (His body heavily shadowed.)

A panel of Steve's glove reaching out into the dark, calling Bucky’s name softly.

Bucky starts, afraid, and pulls his hand out of his pants- Steve is suddenly at his side and catches him by the wrist, places a stilling palm over Bucky’s chest, “Bucky..” 

Bucky is breathing heavily, scared.. even in his fantasy, the urge to run is strong, but Steve’s familiar voice and his own desperation make him hesitate to act on his instincts..

Steve’s gaze travels over Bucky’s trembling body, “Look at you..” Bucky whimpers below him, averting his gaze in shame.

Steve’s hand makes soothing motions over Bucky’s chest, cupping his pectorals and squeezing them- below, Bucky starts the squirm and we see his boot heels dig into the mattress on either side of Steve. Bucky lifts a lust-laden gaze up at him, pleading, “S-steve..” He says it hesitantly, like he’s not allowed.

“I’ve been looking for you,” Steve murmurs as he lowers his mouth to Bucky’s abdomen, speaking against his skin, “I searched everywhere”

Over the quick rise and fall of his chest, Bucky watches as Steve reaches in his pants to pull him out. Bucky is thick and aching, Steve seems to understand, “Buck, you need this?”

Bucky’s metal hand curls the sheets in a fist, his hips nearly lifting off the cot with impatience. His eyes screw shut as he nods.

Steve starts, taking Bucky in his mouth without hesitation. He bobs his head down, sucking, cheeks hollowed out with pressure, and Bucky gasps sharply, his mouth ajar in shock. Below his dick, Steve’s fingers find Bucky’s ass, his thumb pressing against his hole. 

Bucky makes a loud noise, like a sob, and shakes in earnest an orgasm is abruptly torn from him. “That’s it..” Steve coos gently, watching as Bucky’s back arches off the bed and he comes in erratic spurts over his trembling chest.

Gasping for air, Bucky looks disorientated and spent, his face flustered. Still catching his breath, he looks to Steve, “You.. want me..?” 

“I need you,” Steve affirms, positioning himself between Bucky’s legs. 

Steve lifts his hips and reaches out to Bucky’s face, thumb brushing over his lips, “Bucky, let me have you..” Bucky’s brow furrows and the next panel reveals that Steve is nudging inside.

A wide panel of Steve flush against Bucky’s raised hips, Steve arched and panting softly, Bucky is shaking beneath him.

He wants me.. (dialogue over panel) Bucky’s POV of Steve thrusting above him, his eyes closed in bliss, “Bucky.. Bucky.. You’re so warm..”

Bucky is trembling and flustered, barely holding on, (“I can’t..”) The come is still splattered on his chest while Steve pounds into him, Bucky's eyes are rolling back, “Steve.. Please..” 

Steve is enraptured, he looks to Bucky with adoration, fucking him thoroughly, rocking Bucky’s body, “Buck-”

-Back on the bed-

We see Bucky outside of his fantasy, jerking himself off furiously, gasping, he's crying, “Steve--!

-In the fantasy-

As if on cue, Steve releases with a grunt, shocked, and empties into Bucky.

-Back on the bed-

Bucky orgasms, strained, and collapses. 

Catching his breath, he stares up at the ceiling, bereft. 


Haha, so as you can see, the ending needed a bit more work! Please don't judge me too harshly!😂😘💕 It was ultimately never finished, but I hope you can enjoy it a little despite this.🙏💨💕

Thank you so much for reading!


Amy LaPointe

I love these glimpses into your work process! It's so in-depth 😄


Aw poor Buck! Go out there and get America’s Ass!


I love love this!!!


I assume it would be to easy to end it with Steve bursting through the door, blue lips from the cold weather outside, red nose and a small scratch on his cheek. He holds up a tube of lube: “I got it!” Bucky jumps up from the bed and grab Steve, pushing him up against a wall: “I warmed up for you!”💨💨I’ll be quite now...😶🙈 This is a wonderful peek you given us Hamlet. Love you PWP, it’s so sweet and emotional💕🙏 Your Bucky is a treat💕🍑


This is amazing! ❤️


OMG!!!!!!!!!! Want to see it!!!!


This was so beautiful and it's so amazing to see your process! Thanks for sharing with us ♥️♥️

Alex Richmond

HAMLET THIS IS WONDERFUL! I really love seeing the script process, I have NO PROBLEM with it seeming like fanfiction, and I laughed super hard at "tie this up in a meaningful way!" because I have DEFINITELY written notes like that on projects. Obviously you are busy and do your thing, but if you ever, I dunno, got bored and felt like drawing more of this, I don't think anyone would complain XD Thank you for sharing with us!!


Ahhhh!! This is amazing!!♡♡ My heart jolted when I read Stucky in the email title. You always contributed beautiful works to this fandom. Its exciting to see the things you were working on


I love this turns me on




I love it! I could definitely see a parting shot of Steve outside his apartment. Or like a mirrored shot of Steve getting off in his own bunk somewhere far away with Bucky’s name on his lips. Looking forward to seeing more of it though!


OH HAMLET,,,,, it's so beautiful and hot and heartbreaking!!! 😭😭😭💔 i love stucky so much (i have your stucky print on my desk) and i wouldve been thrilled to see a stucky doujin from u!! this and the starfighter post have been really cool looks into your process! i love the behind the scenes stuff, thank u for sharing it 💕💕💕


if I could I'd smash that heart icon 10000 times 'cause Stucky is my nemesis.... ahhhhh I enjoyed this!!!!! thanks for sharing <3 a shame it was never finished.... I'd love to see that douji


My heart stopped when I saw the word Stucky. This is gorgeous and hot and heartbreaking and absolutely everything to me. You know how people reply with “this cleared my skin and watered my crops?’ YEAH. This did that. Thank you so much for this glimpse of my boys. 😭❤️


Yay It's been a hot minute since you did any stucky. It was awesome, if you draw it out I can't wait to read it! ♡


Have you thought about creating a novel or novella with this content? 😲 I could go for that! It is great to see how you produce ideas, thank you for posting it! ❤️ ❤️ 🙏


This post and the last have been amazing! I truly enjoy seeing how your process unfolds. I hope that we as a community continue to make you feel brave and supported enough to share these kinds of things. We love your ideas just as much as any finished product!

Kou Stark

Wow Hamlet you are too kind with this. So good to see the process behind the magic but also just so wonderfully written. ❤ shame it never came to fruition but I love this anyway


-fans self- Oh my, thank you for sharing this. <3


I will be Stucky for life. Fun fact...I'm getting a black standard poodle puppy in two weeks...her name will be Winter (as in Soldier) and I got a Winter Soldier emblem dog tag.


I have always adored Stucky and felt that it was the direction the story should have gone. Thank you for this, it's wonderful! <3


Stucky forever!! I love this, maybe one day you’ll get more inspiration 😁


Oof, this is good, good stuff. I love the detailed descriptions you give -- I can practically see how you'd draw each of those panels just from reading them! I personally like the unresolved ending, too. Thanks for sharing another awesome look into your process ❤️


I miss them so much and this was just perfect!!