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Hey everyone!

Here's a first look at some of the new content that will be coming to the next Town of Passion update!

A while ago, I held a poll on doing either a Holiday update or the Lust update next and the vote was overwhelmingly in favor of the holiday update!  This works out well because I need to sort of 'reset' my schedule.  ToP & ZR are currently releasing in the same month and I need to get back to alternating monthly releases to help my own schedule.  

So because of this, the next update will likely be a short but sweet one!  I'm still working on the final details and may hold a poll too.  Right now, the event will feature Mary & Rose.  I was thinking about also including Fae (the elf at the Library) to give her a fun/cute holiday costume + scene but it may be easier and more logical to just stick to Mary & Rose.  

What are your guys' thoughts on this?  Again, I may do a poll on this next week.

That's about everything for this update!  I hope you all are staying warm in this winter season.  If you're having trouble, Valencia has a few places to keep warm ;)

Thank you all for your support and I will see you with another update soon!




I'd also like to see another raylene and rose scene or raylene and Mary


I would love more Fae dialougue for sure, even if it is just dialogue for non event.


Yeah, a Raylene and Rose scene would be awesome especially after teasing us with the pixelated scene in their bedroom after hours.


I'd like to create an echo variant of Rose/Raylene's Halloween HJ to a basic HJ scene in the future. If time permits, I'd also like for them to get a more 'hardcore' scene too! Will be trying to make it happen!


I think Fae won't make it into this event but she will most certainly have a nice sidequest in a future update! It will involve learning a lot more about Valencia and it's history