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Hey everyone!

This is partially an update to mention that the $10 and $15 Patreon rewards have been updated to include the Town of Passion Beta 1.5 contents!

IMPORTANT: This was delayed for a couple reasons. Ultimately, the MermaidBJ was never made into an MP4 so the $15 reward is lacking that scene. I've asked Prof about it so I'm hoping this will be made during some down time on his end. I decided to upload the rest of the reward now to stop leaving it in a limbo state.

If you want links to the rewards, here they are!

$10+ Goddess Tier

$15+ Treasure Trove


A while back I made a poll about doing a holiday build in the winter season or moving on to the lust update. The results were pretty overwhelmingly one-sided so I'm happy to say, bundle up ;)

That's all for this update and I will see you soon with a more official announcement soon. Thank you all for your support!


Michael Logan

I am need help in Siren part I not going up is not doing anything?