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Hey guys!

Time to share some of the new things coming to ToP Beta 1.2.  This build, even more so than usual, has updates scattered across different parts of the game so I'll list some of those things here and in game when you carry over a save file.

== Lust Plotline ==

The Lust storyline has been updated and you can now visit Ragash when the time is right!  You'll have to make your way past the dangerous swamp North of Valencia first though.  Who knows what kind of dangerous monster girls are lurking in the shadows...

Both the Lust & Passion storylines will be finished later this year (currently planned for around the fall) and shortly after that, the final 'boss' of the game will be ready to be encountered.  It's crazy to think that the game's ending is almost in sight!

== Akane Spring Quest ==

If you've completed the Sakura Forest questline, you may have noticed a chest hidden in the maze.  You can now return there and start a new quest with Akane! 

== New Exploration ==

Some items ingame have received new & improved functions which allow you to explore more obstacles.  It also may be possible to upgrade some of your older key items now too!

== Release Date ==

I'm aiming for a $5+ Patron release on April 25th and a public release on April 29th!  I also mentioned that I'm hoping to have an Android release simultaneously.  I'm unsure if that'll happen at the same time but if not, it should release shortly after so stay tuned!  The Alpha release still had several issues to work on so there's still much to be done.


There's a lot more that I'll include in the patch notes as well but this Spring Cleaning build has been a great way to go back and add some of those things that have been on my backlog for a while.  I hope you guys enjoy playing Beta 1.2!

Thank you for your support and I will see you soon!




love the story although i prefer zombie retreat character graphic than this one xD keep up the good work. waiting for next updt


There is a bug when talk to evelynn about coin later she dissappear and cannot continue she is not thete in the store