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Here's a look at another new scene coming to Town of Passion - Beta 1.2!

Can you guess who or where this scene takes place?  There just enough details for you to possibly figure it out ;)

Work on the new build is going great.  This build is honestly pretty crazy.  The theme 'Spring Cleaning' comes from the fact that I want to dedicate this build to finishing up a lot of the 'backlog' that I have for Town of Passion. 

As such, I'm finding that there's so many different places that are finally getting closure or the long-awaited updates and it's pretty dang satisfying!  I hope you guys will enjoy the build as well!

I don't have an exact release date for the build but it should be pretty routine with the late April release!  I will post an exact date as we get closer.

Thank you all for your support and I will see you soon!
