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Future Art Balance/Prioritization

  • Option 1 - Split scenes evenly 76
  • Option 2 - Professor does all/most scenes 28
  • Impartial! :) 31
  • 2018-08-25
  • —2018-08-26
  • 135 votes
{'title': 'Future Art Balance/Prioritization', 'choices': [{'text': 'Option 1 - Split scenes evenly', 'votes': 76}, {'text': 'Option 2 - Professor does all/most scenes', 'votes': 28}, {'text': 'Impartial! :)', 'votes': 31}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 26, 12, 0, 46, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 25, 0, 34, 12, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 135}


Hey guys!  I have a pretty important poll for you guys that I'll be using to get important feedback from!

Currently there are two different styles of art/animation that are occurring in Town of Passion:

1- ProfessorF's art & 3D animation

-Prof draws his own scenes, and then uses a pretty complicated 3D animation technique to create some very impressive animations.  

2- MuffyMidnights art & RenatoSs's animation

-The dynamic duo!  I love Muffy's art style because it was the closest in resemblance to Cullen's original style when I was searching for a new artist

Here's an example to quickly see which scenes came from which artists in the last build (ProfessorF on left, Muffy on right): Link 

Currently, I have Professor doing most of the 'big' scenes.  I love what he's able to accomplish with the 3D animation technique and his scenes often get a lot of praise from players.  

Meanwhile, I think Muffy really shines designing costumes and profile scenes but she's also doing some of the 'build up' scenes.  RenatoSs has been animating Zombie's Retreat scenes so I'm keeping him busy regardless ;)

However, I wanted to gauge your guys' input on what you think is the best route to do moving forward:

1- Both artists do a pretty even amount of scenes.  Professor typically does main story scenes.  Muffy typically does bonus costume/side quest scenes.

2- Professor does all scenes and Muffy does all costumes/profile scenes.   More art consistency at the risk of longer/delayed releases.  Overall, less scenes per build (typically 2).  

I have my choice that I'm leaning but I do want to get feedback as this is a  pretty important decision moving forward!  If you want to take the discussion further, I'll be reading comments!  However, please don't be rude/disrespectful about either artist if you have a preference!

Thank you guys for your feedback and support! =)



If you can afford consistency, I say go for it! However, if it delays development too much or is too taxing to handle in the long run, a swap is OK.


I love both and like the way you have it with.