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Hey guys!  Got a small update today with something I'm pretty excited about!

Nearly all costumes/characters are made by me using RPG Maker's built in character creator.  It's handy, but the choices are limited so I'm often forced to work with strict design choices.  Costumes are especially tricky.

Recently I found an artist named Rivet who was interested in doing some sprite work/edits for me!  He's gone in and already done a TON of work editing older characters/costumes but here's a little glimpse at two updated looks.  The characters on the left side (of their pair) are the old sprites.  The characters on the right are the edited ones!  There are more where this came from but you can see how the colors are more accurate and the designs are also a much closer match.

I'm sure only a handful of players probably care about this change but I was too excited to not share it!  Maybe one day the whole ToP tileset can get a custom look?  Giant stretch, but I can dream right?

Thank you for your support and I will see you guys soon with another update!




I love it. This kind of detail makes a great game shine.