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Hey guys!  Leaving you guys with, likely, the last progress report for 0.6!

== Content ==

Earlier this week, I received 3 animated scenes so the content for this update is nearly complete!  One older scene is currently being remastered (going from 4 frames to the standard ~11) and that will likely be the new content for 0.6!

There are also two new scenes currently in the sketching phase so 0.7 content is already underway (Raylene).  There's a new 'costume' in progress too that I'm hoping to squeeze in for this build so we'll see!

== Release ==

Honing in on the release date.  I'm aiming for ~March 23rd.  All I'm really waiting on though is for Seb to finish remastering an old scene.  He's working on a separate project though so I don't want to rush but if anything, the build may come a bit sooner.  Just keep an eye on the release dates at the top of the page!

== AZR ==

Progress on AZR is moving steadily as well!  The first scene in the Alpha is already done which is pretty awesome progress.  Balancing the two games has been a new challenge, but not too tough.  Alpha still planned for April.


And that's about all for this progress report!  Thanks for your guys' support as always!  I'll see you soon with ToP 0.6!




You guys should hurry before patreon fuckers take you down


а на русском планируете вообще делать??)