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"Oh!  Uhh, he's doing just fine!  Working hard as always!"

I want to keep the scene teases pretty light for this build so you guys can go into most of them blind so here's a pretty tame one that Raylene's getting in 0.6!

So far, 3 scenes are drawn, a fourth is in the sketching phase and the former 3 are all being animated!  With a costume and another 'costume' in the works, this build is shaping up to have some pretty well rounded out content!  Thank you for understanding and being okay with the delay on this build!  It's really helped give myself and the artists some breathing room in ensuring we deliver cool content!

I'll keep you guys updated as the month continues on for a concrete release date!  Also look forward to some other general updates




Siren and Team keep doing wut ur doin' and we won't complain (to much :P ) :D CHEERS


watch out for patreon they take down any game with incest content in it now.