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"Oh please don't come looking for us now!"

Here's a sneak peak at one of the new scenes in 0.4!  Cullen's in the process of sketching all 3 of them up now so I can finally begin sharing some teasers!

On the topic of timing, I am focusing in on that Oct 26th release for $5+ Patrons.  The only possible reason for delay would be if Cullen only needed one extra day to finalize the 3rd scene.  There is also a possibility that the third scene won't be finished by the 26th.  If it's not, the build will still be released on time but I will make sure to notify all $5+ Patrons before hand in case that changes your decision to continue your pledge.  Depending on how much time Cullen would need for the 3rd scene, I'd guess it would be ready for the public release.  Again, I will keep you guys updated once I fully know the timeline!

On the technical side, the build is nearly complete on my end!  There's two fairly simple yet neat puzzles and some basic exploration for you.  For those who like lore, there's actually some very key story details hidden away if you search for them!  I'm currently working on some GUI stuff like a relationship tracker that will show a broad overview of how far you've progressed with each girl in the game.  (Eventually I would like to hire an artist who can make this look MUCH better haha) 0.4 also gives purpose to two previously empty parts of Valencia.

Thank you guys for your support!  I hope you guys enjoy what's to come!!




Thanks for the update. <3 :D CHEERS