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I'm attempting to create a GoPro style wide angle helmet cam 🀩 I'm not sure how many of you can spot the difference between this and the old cam, it could be easy to miss if you aren't familiar with photography so I'll explain.

Basically the old first person camera was stretching the corners of the screen outwards a lot which I wasn't a huge fan of. This happens due to the camera angle being very wide (it's way over 100 degrees) so the player can see around without having to excessively turn the camera. The test camera in the video is also very wide but it creates a "fisheye" type of wide angle instead. Fisheye means a rounded image - if you watch real helmet cam videos this is the kind of lens they actually use (for example in this video you can see how the horizon gets rounded)

Can you see a difference and if yes which one do you prefer? I myself prefer this one as it feels more realistic.

You can also see the stadium from my last post as well as the reins in motion and a bit of the horse's animations! (rider's hands still missing animations πŸ˜†) Oh and new water effects!



love the new first person cam! I'm sooooo excited for the full game to come out! Keep up the good work!

Sarah williams

i understand this is still in dev, but this is a massive downgrade the old animations and everything were way better...