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Well, it was fun while it lasted. I was supposed to meet Kiriko for yoga this morning, but I grew so much since last week that I couldn't make it up the stairs by myself. The size I can more or less deal with, but the sheer weight has gotten to the point where it's really hard to move on my own. It took Brigitte, Kiriko, and I like 10 minutes to get me up the stairs to the studio, and it took every ounce of  my willpower to keep from breaking down and 'cumming'. I know I'm so close to the end of the month, but I'm really worried what will happen if I keep growing. I can feel the cum churning in my balls, begging to be let out, and I spend more time erect than not. Every time my heart beats, I can feel it in my cock, the veins pulsing and member throbbing, rattling my body with every pump. The weight twists my body and pulls me forward, as if it wants me to take hold, but the sheer girth of the thing keeps me from wrapping my hands around it. 

I told Kiriko that I was done with this challenge and I wanted her to lift her seals. Sure it was fun in the beginning, but I can't go 5 minutes anymore without getting horny. A few weeks back, I could more or less deal with it and stuff myself down a leg or up my shirt, but with my current size every time I get hard I get lightheaded just thinking about ramming my cock into her ass, filling her like a water balloon and kissing her hard till the cum spurts from her mou-FUCK. I can't even think straight. Kiriko tried to talk me out of it, but there's no way I can get much bigger. She told me that it'll take the night to get the offerings and tags prepared, and she'll come by my room tomorrow to lift this blasted curse. Now I just have to make it through the night, and dawn can't come soon enough. 


Day 24, and DVa's about done with this. Can't really blame her, I mean it's got to be hard to drag around 200lbs of cum and cock. By this time tomorrow, Kiriko will have lifted the seals, DVa will have emptied herself, and we can all go back to enjoying the last few days of November...right?




There is so much foreshadowing it hurts XD. Truly another excellent installment! Also good to finally see some teamwork in overwatch!


Can safely say she has definitely gotten bigger than last years nnn!