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Someone kept telling me to 'get down', but I swear I'm squished as far down in my chair as I can get. Oh well, at least the movie was alright. Maybe next time we'll just stream something from home, it was a helluva time getting into the theatre.  


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Thank you all for your support not only for this event, but throughout my 'career'. It's because of you all that I'm able to create content, and I am really thankful to have you guys following me throughout this crazy journey. Have a happy holiday, and I'll see you all tomorrow!




This is the first time a creator actually used my suggestion! Thank you for your hard work and hope you have a great thanksgiving!


Well, there's only two things to do. 1) Sit in the back so nobody can be behind you. 2) Keep going and get big enough to be the screen the movie is projected on and sit in the front. 😉