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Hey all! 

It's been a while since my last WIP Update, but I wanted to give an update on the stuff that I'm working on. 

I've spent a lot of this month getting elbow deep in to physics simulations, and while it's not too difficult to make physics for a set breast size, the same can't be said for growing sizes. From my experiments, the change in volume drastically affects the overall pressure of the cloth simulation (duh), but simply increasing the pressure alone typically doesn't fix that issue. Rather, it's a combination of a couple different attributes that both increase AND decrease depending on the severity of the expansion that takes place. Figuring out the right attribute cocktail for growing simulations took a lot of trial and error, and while it's still not perfect (weight is still a bit off), I think it's a lot better than what I had before. 

So what's the point in doing all these physics simulations? Well, truth is that it was originally meant to save time animating shape keys for multi-motion animations, but it's now opened up a lot more opportunities for streamlining animation. Generally speaking, it's tough to find 'realistic' reference for gigantic bazongas, and when you hit a size that's borderline yoga balls, giving those melons a believable motion can take a long time and still have that 'plastic' look. Simulating on the other hand, lets you mess with a lot more factors that can help fine tune an animation, and combining that with a few vertex weight mixers can really dial in a look. It still takes time, but the results I've seen have been a helluva lot more convincing, and way less tedious to get right. 

The nice thing about this physics simulation is that it all works off a common breast mesh with variable shape keys, letting me fit the simulation to the particular character bust. While I'm still going to try to use the expansion rig I've been chipping away at, I'm hoping I'll be able to import this physics sim to an entirely different model and begin tweaking it. Lofty thinking for sure, but it's progress for sure. Additionally, I've been adding some vertex weight jiggles (thighs, butt, arms) that should be useful for less demanding animations, but depending on the upcoming animations I might go through a similar simulation process to really cash in on the jiggles. 

And that brings us to what's next! I've currently got a few shorter animations (ala TikTok style) in various states of completion, and ideas for 3 longer animations. The shorter animations have been a nice break from the physics grind, and with the physics mostly figured out I'm hoping to dive in to the character animation and iterate on that. The 3 longer animations are a mix of breast expansion (duh), hourglass growth, and futa growth, and while I have the general beats spaced out, I'll need to storyboard each to see what kind of challenges I'll have to deal with. This should help to properly time out the animation, and cut back on the 'scope creep' that tends to happen when working on a long project. Task paralysis is an absolute nightmare and saps all the creative (and horny) energy away, but I'm hoping that by focusing on fewer projects at once and breaking them down into smaller bite-size pieces, it'll keep things fresh and help me continue learning.

Lately, I know I haven't been great at uploading WIPs, but I'm hoping that with this physics block mostly chipped away I'll have a lot more motivation to create and try new things. It's been a huge weight off my chest (ironic right?) getting these physics to cooperate, and I'm really looking forward to getting back in to character animation. I'll still be holding the monthly pin-up poll, but I'll be curbing it back a bit away from the 'sequences' it's gravitated towards to invest more time in to actual animations. 

Thanks for sticking with me through this tough time. I really do appreciate the support, and while it can be stressful and tedious at times, animating has been an awesome creative (yet horny) outlet, and I can't thank you all enough for engaging with my work. Have a great weekend, and I'll catch you all soon! 



Alexander Pontier

I hope you have fun experimenting! I've found some of the most fun things are found by accident. Your animations are always so much fun!


Looking fantastic hap! Awesome to see it finally coming together! Keep on improving it until you satisfied and can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!


Thanks! It can be a bit tedious getting something new figured out, but having a new tool in my belt is super useful and rewarding


I'm glad it's looking good! After spending a long time on a task, I tend to obsess over details that really don't add much to the overall animation, but take up a lot of extra time. Sure it's useful in some cases, but I need to get better at just moving forward rather than get stuck trying to make everything perfect