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"Quit complaining DVa, everyone's watching! Yoga's supposed to be calming, and it'll improve your balance and flexibility. I know it's hard to concentrate, but tell you what, after we finish this session we'll tag in for the next game of volleyball. Sound fair? Good. Now watch how I do it..."


Here's this month's Pin-Up, suggested by steveboi654! I was going to build an entire yoga studio from scratch, but I thought that it would take up too much time, especially for a simple scene. Besides, beach yoga is a lot more fun. You can get out in the sun, work on your tan, and everyone gets to see you shred your clothes! My computer was having issues rendering Tracer's leggings as more transparent, and I didn't have time to dig through the issue, so I kept them opaque for the time being. I hope you enjoy, and I'll catch you all soon!
