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Hey all,

Just wanted to share a few things I've been working on lately. The Urbosa growth animation is taking shape, and I've been getting in to the main growth section of the animation. There's still a lot to do, but I'm looking forward to how it'll all turn out, and I'm hoping you all will like it! 

On the sidelines, I've been taking cracks at breast and butt physics for use in a more universal rig. The physics themselves work pretty well on their own, but having the body physics react with the growing mesh is taking time to dial in. I've been iterating on a bunch of different setups to see what works the best, but I still haven't found something that I'm 1) happy with the result, and 2) requires very little touch up work. I'll be continuing testing on the side for now, and hopefully I'll have a more concrete method figured out soon. 




Looking great! I'm excited to see some futa giantess Urbosa!


Living the physics updates and updates in general - super excited for the future!


Awesome to hear things going well and you learning new tricks!

Alexander Pontier

These look sweet and I'm glad you're liking your improving skills. These look like fun and sexy to boot!