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Hey all!

Happy March! As I had mentioned in the post yesterday, February turned out to be much busier than I had expected, and I haven't been happy with the sporadic posting when it comes to Patreon. Going forward I want to make sure that you all are in the loop when it comes to content creation + availability, and hopefully stick to a more robust schedule to keep projects from getting stalled. With that notion, here's the changes that I'm looking to implement for this month: 

Weekly WIP Updates 

Starting this month, I'm planning on doing weekly WIP updates so you all can have tabs on the current projects and an idea of what to expect next. With more frequent WIPs, the WIPs may be at a lower quality so I can focus more on getting the final design finished, but I want to be sure to include you all in the process! I'm going to do my best to post consistently through this month, and I'll re-evaluate the post schedule for the next month. 

Updated Commission Sheet

It's been a while since I've officially re-opened commissions, and in the mean time I'm looking to adjust pricing and availability for commissions. Generally speaking, I'm planning on lowering pricing on Pin-Ups+Sequences and slightly increasing pricing on Shorts+Animations. This will better reflect the time that I spend on each (with animating taking a LOT more time than Pin-Ups), and help me keep a more consistent flow. I'm also updating the character models list and working on a custom body mesh to use for the more niche characters. I'm still revising the sheet, but you can expect an updated version in the next week or so!

Patreon Pin-Ups

I'm planning on doing 1-2 Patreon voted Pin-Ups per month, with one to start off the month and a second halfway though if workload allows. Having a set start date for suggestions and voting should keep you all from wondering when it'll pop up and give people a chance to not miss out on the suggestion and voting windows. At a minimum, these will be a single pin-up, but it may turn into a sequence depending on complexity and time available. This month's pin-up suggestion window will begin tomorrow at 10am EST (3/2). 

Twitter + DA Posting

I've been a little inconsistent with posting on Twitter and DeviantArt comparted to Patreon, but going forward there'll be a 2-3 week lag time between Patreon posts and public posts to Twitter+DA. Due to posting restrictions on DA, some of the more risque posts can't be posted there, but they should be available here on Patreon and Twitter. Depending on timing this might change again, but I'm going to try to keep that timeline going forward. 

Finally, I'd like to thank you all for sticking around! This month marks a year since I began posting content in earnest, and I'm proud of what I've been able to learn since my first few animations. There's still a lot more to pour through, but thanks to you all I think I've found a great corner of this community that's encouraged and supported me since I slapped a couple keyframes together. I've had a lot of fun learning animation, and I hope I can come out with even bigger and better content in the future! 

Stay safe everyone, I'll see you all soon!




kinda nuts it's been a whole year wow lmfao. Seeing your WIPs weekly is forreal exciting, deep dives into even the earliest of development for these animations/photos are honestly interesting as hell imo. I'm hype to see ur updated character list AND see how niche we can get with that custom body mesh >:3c