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Hey all,

I wanted to apologize for the lack of content that I've put out this month. In addition to my IRL job approaching a critical deadline, I've been dealing with a slew of personal problems that absorbed more time than I thought it would. My plan was to finish and post the Brig animation this month, but I guess I was feeling more optimistic about how much time I could dedicate to it. 

To the people who have messaged me asking if I'm still alive, the answer's definitely yes. I'm planning on adhering to a defined schedule for future animation WIP updates and Pin-Ups so I can better manage my time going forward. I also want you all to not have to wonder when I'm posting, so hopefully this will make my content more consistent and reactive to the community that's helped me through this crazy time. I appreciate all the kind words and support, and I'll have more details about the upcoming work in the monthly update tomorrow! 




sucks to be greeted by more and more unforeseen circumstances but i'm sure the lot of us have been there before. i can def relate to ya so forreal i hope you don't sweat the patreon stuff too much before your own mental health. glad to see you're coming along tho, can't wait to hear from you again :-)

not expandinator

Life happens! we understand, hope all gets better for you soon!