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“What’s the status, Potter?”

“Good to see you too, Nick,” Harry replied in an overly cheery voice that he knew would irritate the dark-skinned man as he stared at him on the screen. “And I’m afraid you need to specify just what you are asking about.”

“One of my agents has been in your care, and then there is Doctor Banner. I’d like you to explain how things are, since apparently you like to keep us in the dark unless we ask you explicitly,” Fury sighed.

Ever since Potter had come on board, he’d been having one headache after another, and it had nothing to do with the hostiles they had to tackle. It was the man’s nonchalant attitude that grated on his nerves. He was well aware of the fact that Harry Potter was perhaps the strongest being he had ever encountered, and he had seen several individuals who he thought were unparalleled. But there was just something about this man that set him on edge.

“I just like it when you ask nicely, that’s all,” Harry chuckled. “You don’t need to worry. Agent Carter is taken care of. I’ve healed her injuries and last I heard, she was still asleep. Helen is taking care of her so you can go ahead and contact her for any update. I’m sure she’ll tell you the same so you’d be only wasting your time.”

Fury sighed.

“Now, as far as Banner is concerned, I’ve kept him under proper check and you don’t have to bother yourself with him. As far as you’re concerned, he’s a civilian who you hold no control over.”

“Not just any civilian,” Fury remarked sternly.

“Still a civilian who has done no wrong. No matter what your plans with him are, he’s under my protection for the time being. I’ll see what’s to be done about the green monster he’s carrying around. Meanwhile, you better think about the frozen soldier you extracted last night.”

Maria had informed him this morning after he came back from Helen’s that somehow SHIELD had managed to recover Captain America from a frozen glacier up north. Harry was well aware of who the man was, and to think that he was still kicking even after being frozen for almost seventy years was astonishing. The super soldier serum that the man had been injected with was indeed a marvel.

“What’s up with him? He’s fine or what?”

“Everything is fine with him,” Fury replied dismissively. “You need to remember Potter that SHIELD has a vested interest in Doctor Banner for a reason, and we would’ve had this interest even if he was not exposed to Gamma radiation. There are few better physicists than him worldwide, and after what he’s been through, we’d prefer him to be onboard.”

“Don’t think that Helicarrier of yours will be a safe place for him, to be honest,” Harry chuckled.

“The point stands,” Fury continued. “Doctor Banner is an asset SHIELD values highly.”

“And he is a person before an asset,” Harry interrupted. “Listen, Nick. I know you are not an evil person, and I also know SHIELD works for the better. Otherwise I would’ve burned SHIELD down before you could even react. Deep down I know you know this. So I’m asking you, very nicely, to improve your approach. Banner will help you if Banner wants to. As for his green goblin problem, I’m working on it.”

Nick Fury stared at the screen with a frown as it went black. With a sigh, he turned around to look at Agent Hill who had been standing beside him all the while.

“That man is a pain in the ass.”

Maria gave him an apologetic smile.

“I think we should give him the chance.”

“You think, hmm? I thought I told you not to let your personal feelings cloud your professional judgment, Agent Hill.”

“This is me speaking as an agent of this organization, Director. I have seen what I’m sure is only a fragment of what Harry can do, and believe me, he can solve this issue. It won’t do to ostracize him because of slight impatience.”

“It’s the secretive nature of that man that I have a problem with, Agent Hill. I am aware that he is very capable and we cannot even fathom the extent of his powers, but it is the unknown that vexes me.”

“Now you know how others must feel about you sometimes,” Maria replied with a chuckle. Fury gave her a side-eyed look and pursed his lips.

“Trust in Harry, Director. Just like you, he also wants the best for everyone.”

Fury only grunted.


“What’re you doing?” Harry asked curiously as he watched his redheaded girlfriend scrolling through a phone. What was interesting was that it was his phone she was using right now.

Natasha didn’t reply and continued scrolling.

“You know, I didn’t think you’d be one of those ladies who’d be into this sort of stuff,” he continued, chuckling as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, setting his chin on her shoulder and looking at what she was doing.

“Wow, that’s piled up a lot,” he remarked, looking at over twelve-freaking-thousand unread e-mails on the home screen.

“That’s because you barely use this phone. I know you couldn’t care less about stuff but it’s always better to keep checking your mails. You never know when you miss something important,” Natasha muttered as she opened the mail app.

“Well, thanks and good luck for being such a helpful girlfriend,” he said with a chuckle as he pulled back and threw himself down on the couch. “I’m sure you’d be busy with that shit for at least two hours.”

Natasha rolled her eyes and hopped on the table, dangling her legs off the edge and making herself comfortable, or at least as comfortable as she could be over there. Harry looked at her and sighed.

“You could come over here and sit properly, y’know?”

“Shush. And please tell me why do you have an account on a porn site?”

“Huh?” Harry asked curiously as Natasha turned the screen around so that he could see the mail.

“You don’t need this shit,” she muttered and quickly unsubscribed. “You better delete the account too.”

“Yes ma’am,” Harry replied in an exaggerated obedient voice. Natasha simply glanced at him before she went back to it.

Harry busied himself with levitating the artificial fruits in the basket on the table in front of him and in no time, he was playing a game of tag with different fruits as they chased around in the air. He had no idea how much time passed when he saw Nat hop off the table and march over to him.

“You truly are hopeless,” she muttered and handed his phone over. “Look at it.”

“What is it?” Harry asked in confusion and saw what it was. “Notice for the meeting of the Board of Directors of Stark Industries…”

“And it is today,” Natasha informed. “You didn’t even know, did you?”

“I didn’t even remember I was on the Board,” he chuckled. “So what? It’s not as if I have to go. They can do whatever they want. I just hold some investments.”

“Seventeen percent of Stark Industries is not some investments, my dear oblivious boyfriend,” she deadpanned. “Tony Stark is the only one who holds more.”

“I don’t really care what happens though,” Harry reiterated.

“It is expected of you to attend, and given who he is, it will be important to get to know the man better.”

“Have you met him before?”

“A few times, yes,” she sighed. “Not gonna lie, man’s a pain in the ass. Inflated sense of ego even though it’s kinda deserved and a penchant for not taking things too seriously.”

“Sounds like my kind of guy,” Harry replied with a small laugh. “He’s what? 40?”

Natasha giggled.

“31. Come on, Harry. He’s not that old. Although I’d love to see his reaction when you say that to him.”

“Sounds like a plan then. Wanna come with me?”

“I’ll pass,” Natasha shook her head. “SHIELD business with him was enough headache, especially the whole episode with Vanko.”

“Man must be more serious now after getting his words rubbed in his face, eh?” Harry asked, and Natasha understood he was referring to when Stark told everyone how his arc reactor technology was well ahead of time and that no one could hope to replicate it in the near future, only for some random nobody to show up with one of his own.

“You’d think that to be the case, but no,” Natasha sighed. “The guy is someone with so much confidence, or arrogance, whichever you prefer, that he’d agree to take a walk alone in the shadiest part of the world with no company.”

“Sounds like confidence to me,” Harry replied.

“You sure you’re not thinking about how you’d act in those situations?” Natasha asked in exasperation. Harry grinned.

“Alright, I’ll go see what he’s all about. If the dude acts all high and mighty I’d make sure I show him a trick or two. That should bring his attitude in check a little.”

Natasha nodded and grabbed his phone from his hand. Feeling his eyes on her, she glanced at him. As expected, he was looking at her in amusement.

“Smile all you want,” she muttered. “But remember, this is the first and last time I’m cleaning this clutter for you. Be sure to maintain your shit from now on.”

“Alright, alright, damn! You’re on something today. Is it the time of the month or something?” he chuckled. Natasha looked at him with a sharp glare and he quickly put his hands up. “Alright, fine. No joking about that stuff. Got it.”

With another parting glare, the redhead went back to sorting his mess out as Harry leaned back, shaking his head in mirth.

Suddenly, there was a flash of golden light in front of them and they looked up to see Felicia emerging out of thin air. Natasha gave the blonde a nod and went back to the phone.

“I love this teleport thingy,” she grinned and quickly grabbed Harry by the collar.

“Hey!” He exclaimed as she pulled him to his feet. “Damn you’re using that strength boost nicely.”

“Shut it,” Felicia clamped her finger on his mouth, silencing him, and looked at Natasha. “You need him for anything?”

Natasha waved her hand dismissively, not even looking at them.

“Nice,” Felicia grinned before she pulled her finger off his mouth and grabbed his collar once again. “Come on.”

Harry sighed and let her pull him up the stairs.

“Will you tell me what’s the hurry suddenly?” He asked as he was all but pushed inside the bedroom and he saw her shutting the door.

“You mister, are due for a very well-earned reward,” she grinned coquettishly as she gently laid her palm on his chest and gave a small shove. Harry willingly went tumbling back on the bed, supporting himself on his elbows as he grinned at her.

“I’d be the last to complain, but what happened suddenly?” He asked, laughing as she began getting rid of his pants with an eagerness he had very rarely seen from her.

“Nothing much, I just realized I have a wonderful boyfriend who gave me these wonderful powers to have so much fun,” she replied with a grin as she pulled his pants and boxers down in one go, freeing up his member. “Oh look, he’s all ready for me.”

The blonde leaned forward ever so slightly and pursed her lips. Harry thought she would drop a kiss on the crown, but he was pleasantly surprised when she took the bulbous head in her mouth instead.

“Ah yes,” he groaned. Felicia glanced up at him and he could see the mirthful lust swirling in her orbs. She was in a mood though and cupped his balls, rolling them between her fingers.

However, that was not enough. Not even close.

Leaning forward, she took in more and more of his thick shaft. Inch by inch slipped inside her hot, wanton mouth until her nose was pressed against his pubes. The fat head of his prick hit the back of his throat and not for the first time, Harry marveled at her deepthroating skills. She very rarely gagged.

Harry stared at her face, starting from her lustful orbs that were staring right at him before stopping at her lecherous mouth that had formed a wide ‘O’ around his girth. Her lips seemed to be melded to his rigid shaft as her tongue swirled around his length inside her mouth.

“Oh fuck!” Harry groaned tightly, staring at her beautiful face impaled on his massive rod.

Felicia slowly began pulling back. His dick withdrew from her wet, hot mouth until only the head remained inside. She took a long moment to do nothing but swirl her tongue all around it. Drips of her saliva slithered down his length as he watched the sinful sight of his lovely girlfriend worshipping his cock.

Her hand joined the fray immediately, wrapping around his slick length and she began to slowly stroke it.

Slowly, she started descending once again, Inch by inch, once again, his length slid inside her mouth, burrowing inside as far as it could. She sucked as hard as possible, feeling his length buried deep inside her throat. She darted her tongue all the way down and around his cock as it filled her mouth completely, and her fist began jacking his shaft harder as she slurped and sucked her way up and down his massive length.

Her tongue never got a moment of respite and Felicia remained occupied with his cock, sliding her utterly kissable lips over it. The room was filled with illicit sounds of her marvelous cock-sucking.

Minutes passed and Felicia continued to methodically work her mouth up and down his dick. She was enjoying the feel of his cock rubbing the inside of her mouth, slithering over her tongue, and sliding against her hollowed cheeks. Meanwhile, Harry was enjoying the feel of her hot, sinful mouth and that wet, talented tongue of hers as she stimulated his member.

The fat, bulbous head pushed down her throat forcefully as she fucked her face on his prick, sucking and slurping like a woman possessed. Her lovely blonde hair waved around and Harry could see her tits shaking around inside the shirt she had on. Noticing his gaze, she hummed around his cock and quickly unbuttoned her shirt, parting it down the middle and exposing her large, round tits encased in a purple bra.

“Mmm yesss… fuck my mouth, baby! Just like that!” She panted as she pulled her mouth off his length before she quickly went back to her furious sucking.

“Ugh… fuck yes… take that, Licia!” Harry groaned, his eyes almost rolling back into his head under the sheer pleasure he was experiencing under his girl’s ministrations.

“Mmm… fuck yeah! I love your cock so much, Harry! Give it to me! Mmm… Cum for me, baby! Fill my mouth with your hot seed!” Felicia purred erotically, her voice a little breathless.

“You’re a lot more brazen today, babe,” he groaned as she kept slurping like crazy, fucking her mouth raw as she took his cock up and down inside her mouth, taking his entire length inside with every plunge. She kept repeating the motions, fucking her tight throat over his cock like his lovely little slut.

Harry decided to take an active role in this reward, finally taking what she was so eagerly giving him. He began thrusting forward, meeting her mouth that sank downward with every bob of her head. One of his hands reached forward and gripped her lustrous blonde hair in a firm grip.

This was not new for Felicia who knew what was going to happen. A thrill of excitement and anticipation shot through her and her pussy hummed with desire.

“Fuck! Take that, Felicia!” Harry grunted and began slamming his cock inside her mouth, forcefully fucking her throat. The blonde took it in stride, moaning around a throatful of his cock as she rolled her tongue around his plunging length with wild abandon.

Felicia sucked as hard and as fast as she could, intensifying her efforts manifold. She had long lost her sense of time, place, or decorum. She didn’t even know how fast her head was bobbing, but there was this sense that she would’ve definitely dislocated something had it not been for the magically enhanced body she now possessed. The reminder of it made her apply herself with even more devotion than she had been doing previously.

The smacking of her wet, sinful lips slurping around his cock, taking it deep inside her tight, well-fucked throat created a wonderfully erotic symphony that resounded throughout the room.

“Fuck, baby! You’re… oh damn! You’re hellbent on taking it all today!” Harry groaned as he felt his release build up. Emboldened and excited, Felicia began sucking wildly, and she started to squeeze his balls, intent on milking them dry.

Suddenly, Harry’s body tensed and before Felicia could react or do anything, he furiously pulled her face down onto his dick, burying his entire manhood inside her mouth. All she could do was clench her throat and swirl her tongue around his length as she sucked as if her life depended on it.

“Damn! Take that, baby! Take it all!” Harry grunted as he pulled her head firmly on his cock.

Felicia held herself still, face buried and she could barely manage to tilt it enough to look lustfully into his blazing eyes.

Her hands grabbed his thighs as she breathed through her nose – a task not at all easy considering she had her oral cavity completely filled with his massive hard shaft. However, it did not take long for the head of his fat cock to expand inside her throat.

She let out a delightful moan as the first shot of his seed hit her on the back of her throat, and she involuntarily swallowed. It seemed she did not even need to do anything as thick ropes of his hot, sticky cum show down her throat repeatedly. All the while, Harry only groaned in ecstasy.

He had shot more than five globes of his cum down her throat when he finally allowed her to move her head. Felicia slowly pulled back until only the head of his cock was inside her mouth and she grabbed his length. She began stroking it furiously, making him shoot more ropes of his cum inside her mouth.

Felicia could feel the massive load he had unloaded inside her mouth still slithering down her throat. Already a lot of it had pooled into her belly, but she wanted more. She could never have more of his seed.

She swallowed it all, making sure to make enough noise that he heard. The thick streams of her dear boyfriend’s cum slid down her throat as she gulped it all, and she was surprised when he showed no sign of stopping. She wondered just how much he had to give her.

His seed was slipping out of her mouth, dribbling down her chin and onto her chest and Felicia had the perfect idea. Pulling her mouth away from his cock, she quickly aimed it at her face.

Another shot of his seed landed right in the middle of her face, covering her nose and getting into one of her eyes. She did her best to keep her eyes open but could only manage a squint. Another big load shot forward, landing over her cheek and dribbling over her nose and lips, covering her beautiful face as she knelt before him.

The entire cum was slowly dribbling down her chin and onto her bra-covered tits and exposed cleavage. Harry waved his hand and vanished her bra, freeing up her luscious globes before he aimed his cock at her tits and let loose. Shot after shot of his remaining seed landed all over her upper chest, covering her collarbone and down to her lovely tits. Finally, he shot a final load that landed right in the middle of her tits and he dropped on the bed, utterly spent.

“Fuck! That’s the most I’ve cum in one go. That was the best blowjob ever!” he breathed, looking at her cum-covered body. “Damn, I can’t explain how hot you look right now.”

“Well,” Felicia smirked as she scooped his cum off her face and licked it off her fingers, sending a tingle through his groin. She looked up at him and smirked, “Glad you liked your reward.”

Harry chuckled as he leaned comfortably on the bed, breathing heavily.


Harry sat calmly on his chair in the boardroom, ignoring the curious eyes cast on him. He was aware that they knew who he was. After all, protocol dictated the announcement must be made regarding a new appointment before the meeting. It was one person in particular who interested him, however. One who was occasionally looking at him from his spot a little bit further on the table.

He had looked into everything SHIELD had on Stark before he came here. Maria had been very accommodating.

Tony Stark could only be described as a born genius. His father was an accomplished man, and it was evident from a young age that the young Stark was going to be an upgrade. Even at a young age, he was able to build circuit boards, initiate chain reactions in a lab, and even build robots when most kids would be learning tables. He was the youngest person to win the MIT Annual Robot Design Award for a robot that he named ‘Dum-E’. Pretty hilarious, Harry thought. He attended the institute for two years starting at 14 and graduated summa cum laude at 17. It was unheard of for someone so young to be so capable, and he had long been dubbed a prodigy.

Life had been smooth sailing for the man when roughly a decade ago his parents were killed in a car accident. Stark inherited the company, becoming the CEO and the majority shareholder. However, he delegated almost the entire work to one Obediah Stane – his father’s former aide and now his. He instead devoted his time to inventions and weapon designing, becoming quite proficient at both.

‘A massive understatement,’ Harry thought. The Board Meeting was underway for over an hour already, and he knew just like him, the other man’s mind was elsewhere.

Over a year ago, the man had been kidnapped in Afghanistan, and in what many considered a miracle but what he knew was a result of the man’s brilliance, he succeeded in escaping and even created his biggest invention to date.

An armored suit capable of advanced combat and equipped with the best that one could get. Even the military was severely behind when it came to technology. The suit was powered by an arc reactor – a self-sustaining energy source that now powered Stark Industries as well.

Stark was betrayed by Obediah Stane who wanted full power and control, and the old man had even managed to create an armor suit to rival Stark’s. The two had a fierce battle in the middle of the City that was thankfully free of any casualties which Stark won. Stane died, and that ended the unfortunate episode.

However, in a bout of insanity for some and confidence for many, he publicly admitted to being the Iron Man, putting him in the spotlight more than he’d previously been.

Perhaps that was what led to his confrontation with one Ivan Vanko who wielded an electric whip that was oddly powered by the same technology that Stark had declared, not even six months ago, would not be matched by any other person. It did not help when Justin Hammer, a competitor joined hands with Vanko to take down Stark. Fortunately for the man, he managed to come on top and even managed to evolve the tech of his suit in the process.

Things were much better for Stark now. He was still involved in innovating his suit and had even started a relationship with one Virginia Potts who he had appointed the CEO after taking a backseat. The man had not attended a single board meeting in the meantime, even though he was still the majority shareholder and had a seat.

That was until this meeting, and Harry had a very good hunch as to why he had chosen to attend today.

The moment the meeting concluded, he got up and watched Stark exchange a few words with Miss Potts who nodded and walked away. The man was quick to approach him.

“Care for a drink?” The man asked with a confident smirk.

“Only if you’re paying,” he replied.

Tony clapped him on the back.

“Good man. Come on, we’re going out.”


Harry observed getting into a relationship had mellowed Stark down a lot. He had read reports of how the man loved to get drunk with women when he was not involved in his experiments, but so far there had been none of the sort.

They sat on the bar counter of a high-end pub in the heart of Manhattan, and it seemed the man was intent on not cutting any corners. Two glasses of the most premium rum available and they swirled the ball of ice around.

“So tell me about you, Potter,” Tony opened.

“Not much to tell, honestly. Just your regular finance guy picking companies to invest in.”

“Yeah,” Tony replied with a dismissive chuckle. “Net worth in millions not counting the inherited bit, and investments in some of the most promising companies. You a VC or somethin’? Should be down in Cali, if that’s your jam.”

“I find myself liking the weather of NYC, to be perfectly honest with you.”

“Can’t see why. Maybe it’s just me who likes the warmth of Malibu.”

“New York’s not that cold,” Harry chuckled.

“Enough of this,” the man suddenly interrupted and gave him an interested stare. “Just what are you?”

“What d’you mean?” Harry asked with an easy grin. Tony’s response was to pull out his phone and place it screen-up on the counter. He fiddled with it for a few seconds and Harry was suddenly watching his fight with Emil Blonsky. He watched how the massive creature bounced off the barriers he had created before he suddenly became visible. The screen showed the battle that was more of a one-sided assault and it went blank when he vanished with the creature.

“Now, the face was blurred, but that was you.”

“And why do you think that?” Harry asked with a chuckle.

“Well, I’m a certified genius, for one.”

Harry simply stared back expectantly, nonplussed.

“You seriously think you can fool me with that silly blurred face mask and a voice changer? Ha! I got you pegged. My scanners at the tower detected your weird energy signature. The same one you left behind when you tussled with that ugly brute. Looks like you're busted, pal.”

“Energy signature, you say?” Harry asked, curious now. He knew magic left a residue, and people of his kind could detect the magical signature in places or on objects. This was the first time he was hearing about a muggle being able to not only detect the residue but even identify him based on that. It was slightly concerning.

“Loads of it,” Tony drank. “So I’ll ask again. What’s your deal?”

Frankly, Harry saw no harm in telling the man who he was or what he could do. Even though he posed no challenge to him, he could always wipe the information off the man’s mind at the slightest possibility that he was hostile.

“You wanna know my secret?” Harry asked with a smirk. “I’m actually a wizard.”

Tony simply stared at him for a few seconds. Harry let him and enjoyed the vintage.

“A wizard. You go to kiddy parties and make balloon animals? Pull out a coin from your nose, by any chance?”

Harry rolled his eyes and disillusioned the stool Tony was sitting on. The man was none the wiser, staring at him with a look that said ‘Pull another one, pal’.

“Just say you don’t want to tell, man. No need to make up lies like that. Wizard,” he scoffed. “The next I know, you’ll start telling me unicorns and mermaids are real.”

“Look down,” Harry replied. Tony stared at him with a deadpan face.

“Kids do pranks like that in schools.”

“I’m not asking you to look at your dick, smartass,” Harry retorted. Tony’s jaw tightened. “Go on, look at what you’re sitting on.”

“It’s called a stool, you halfw…”

Tony trailed off and stared.

“I’m floating…”

“But you can feel it on your ass, can’t you? The stool?” Harry asked in mirth and waved his hand again. The stool became visible in front of the man’s eyes.

Tony looked up at him before he slowly looked at his glass of rum.

“Just how strong is this? I’m seeing things already.”

Harry chuckled.

“That’s my magic at work. And trust me, unicorns and mermaids do exist. Never talk to a mermaid above water though. Your eardrums will burst.”

Tony watched as the man’s glass floated in the air. He hesitantly reached out and his eyes widened when his hand passed through the pocket of space under it. He was even more surprised when the rum slowly slithered out like a piece of thread and twirled around in the air, forming different shapes before it slid back inside the glass.

“Holy cray you’re not fucking with me,” Tony muttered. He gulped a healthy amount. “You’re not the regular ‘pick a card’ dude.”

“Well, I do know some tricks, if you wanna see,” Harry replied. “Don’t go out telling people about me though, like you did with yourself. I like my privacy in public.”

“Man, telling someone’s the last thing on mind right now. You can fucking teleport!”

Harry rolled his eyes.

“I hope you don’t start fanboying over me now. I’ve had enough of that shit.”

“You wish.”

Tony still felt that he was hallucinating. He had repeated that fight several times, and the only conclusion he had reached was that the man was an Enhanced. He was trying to find a logical explanation for what he had seen, but for the life of him, he could not. It was insane.

There were a lot of feelings he was associating with all of it. The man of science within him was anxious about the fact that something mythical like magic existed. However, he was equal parts curious as well. He wanted to investigate this energy this man could manipulate. The logical part of him had decided to treat it as it was – a form of energy. He had a firm belief that magic did not exist, and he wanted to denounce what he had been shown. However, he also wanted to learn the secrets of this new form of energy and to delve into its depths.

“Don’t think so loud,” Harry remarked as he took another sip. “I can literally hear you thinking as if you’re shouting. And let me tell you I won’t be your lab rat to experiment on. Just know that this power is not something you can take for your own. You can’t use it like you use every other form of energy. It’s impossible.”

“It’s my hobby, you can say, to make impossible things possible.”

“Trust me, in this case, it’s hopeless. Many have tried over the years to either get rid of this power or to harness it for themselves. None have succeeded.”

“They were not Tony Stark.”

Harry shook his head. The man was too sure of himself, and while he could admire that, a part of him could not help but want him to eat dirt at least once.

“Alright, man. I’ll make a deal with you. Take this,” Harry conjured a marble out of thin air. “This should have more than enough energy, as you called it, for you to carry out any experiment you want. Tell me what you’ve managed whenever you want. No constraints.”

“You’re insulting my abilities here, Potter,” Tony said with a smirk as he pocketed the ball. “Your magic, as you call it, is nothing but another form of energy, or even an ability, if you will. Like what happened with the Asgardian a few months ago.”

Harry did not say anything. The man was free to try what he wanted. The fact remained that without his mark, there was no possibility of using magic in this world.


To be continued…



So the Mystic Arts and Magic are specifically different in this story? I know Mystic Arts users tend to pull the power from either cosmic being or different dimensions. Does Magic use mana in this world then?