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#12 Grimmauld Place was utterly silent in the morning. Although vehicles wheezed past the main road outside the townhouse and people walked along the sidewalk, either going about their daily commute to work or on morning walks, the inside of the large house was eerily quiet. It made sense though. The house had only two occupants at this hour, and both were sound asleep.

In one of the bedrooms situated on the first floor at the very end of the corridor, no sound could be heard apart from the gentle breathing as a naked pair slept. The young man lay on his back, head tilted to the side as the woman lay sprawled over him. Their legs were entangled under the covers which had risen during the night, barely covering their bodies and rendering their naked frames visible.

The woman had her head on the young man’s upper chest, almost buried in the crook of his neck but not quite as her upper body rested on his solid frame while he had one arm over her back, holding her by her ass. It was eight in the morning, and the young man blearily opened his eyes, a yawn escaping his lips before he blinked, feeling the soft roundness in his palm. As he looked down, the memories from the night before came rushing through and a small smile came upon his face.

The young man looked down, brushing the dark brown curls of the woman aside to look at her peacefully sleeping visage, and he caressed her cheek gently. The woman’s eyes twitched slightly before she relaxed once again. Chuckling, he looked over at her naked body before giving her supple arse a gentle squeeze. The large clock on the opposite wall showed it was a little over eight in the morning, and he sighed before gently getting out from under the woman. She gave a cute mewl in protest, and he expertly lay her down on a thick pillow, chuckling when she cuddled up to it.

Smiling, he got off the bed and walked over to the bathroom to freshen up. When he emerged from the bathroom half an hour later, dressed and ready for the day, he saw, to his amusement, the woman still sleeping soundly. Leaving her to her beauty sleep, he slowly opened the door to the bedroom and walked out, gently shutting it behind him before walking downstairs.

The moment he walked into the large dining room, the floo flared an intense emerald, and one by one, members of the Order started stepping out. He remained silent as he stared at Alastor ‘Mad-Eye’ Moody, Remus Lupin, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and Arthur Weasley who came out of the Floo one by one, looking as if they had a tiring night. It was Moody who spotted him, his enchanted magical eye coming clutch.

“Potter,” Moody grunted. Immediately, everyone turned around to look at him and their eyes widened at the sight of him.

“You all look… shit,” Harry remarked, leaning against the door once everyone sat down.

“Bellatrix Lestrange led a raid on the Order’s safe houses last night,” Remus began with a tired sigh. “We set up safe houses for people whose homes have been destroyed by Death Eaters. Somehow, they found out the locations of two of them. By the time we even knew an attack was underway, the first safe house was destroyed and everyone was dead. That was when we received an urgent message from Andromeda Tonks who was in charge of the other safe house. As soon as we got there, we saw the house destroyed, everyone dead but Andromeda, whom Bellatrix held under the Cruciatus. The moment she saw we had made it in, she apparated away.”

“Yeah, I know,” Harry said softly as he walked in, taking a seat at the head of the table. The meaning was not lost on anyone, and they looked at him appraisingly.

“What was that?” Moody asked sharply.

“Tonks and I were together when she got that Patronus from Shacklebolt,” Harry replied, nodding toward the dark-skinned auror. “When he asked her to come at once, I got a feeling that it had something to do with her mother.”

Remus sighed. “Andromeda is in Saint Mungo’s. Nymphadora is there with her.”

“Tonks was there,” Harry corrected calmly, earning surprised looks from everyone. “She came over last night, not in a very good condition, I must add.”

“Nymphadora is here?” Shacklebolt asked with a frown. Harry nodded.

“Don’t worry, she’s sleeping peacefully,” he replied before his eyes hardened slightly. “Although I must say… I didn’t expect you to not even know where she was last night, or even at this time. You seriously thought it was a good thing to leave her on her own, knowing the situation?”

“Enough chit-chat already,” Moody grunted, halting him in his tirade. “We don’t have time to bother about trivial things. Nymphadora is a grown woman and knows how to take care of herself. We better start working on moving all the safe houses. If those Death Eaters know of two, you better assume they know or will know of more soon.”

Harry scoffed to himself. It was an oversight on his part not to expect this kind of behavior from them. After all, they were Dumbledore’s most faithful, and the apple never fell far from the tree. As always, the Greater Good took precedence. Fuck the individual. He was ready to bet every galleon he had that they had no bloody clue about Andromeda’s current status.

There were nods around the table at Moody’s words.

“We need to improve the wards around the properties as well,” Mr. Weasley remarked. “My son Bill is a curse breaker for Gringotts. I’ll ask him to help us with it once he returns from the expedition in a few days. I’m very sure we cannot ask for a better arrangement than what he can provide us with.”

Harry knew about Bill’s expertise in warding and curse-breaking. He was indeed capable, and he believed Mr. Weasley when he said that his eldest would take care of it.

“See to it, Arthur. And you,” Moody grunted, looking at Harry. “Dumbledore told us not to bother you too much, but that doesn’t mean you’re free to do whatever you want. Don’t forget you’re the biggest target, and everything will fall apart if they get you.”

Harry stared unimpressed at Moody while Remus looked at him with a frown.

“I understand how you must be feeling, Harry,” the werewolf said softly, and Harry looked at him. “With Sirius gone, I fully get it why you might want some space for yourself away from the usual crowd. But Alastor is not wrong. You told no one where you were. If something happened to you, nobody could come to your aid.”

“I appreciate the thought, Remus, but I don’t need your aid,” Harry replied firmly, to the man’s surprise. He looked around the table, seeing the frowns on their faces as they stared at him. “I’ve been in a safe place, and I am more than capable of holding my own.”


“Sirius is dead, isn’t he?” Harry asked firmly, shutting Remus up. “He came to my aid, and he died. Ron, Hermione, and the others went with me to help and they almost died. There is no need for more people to die just so they could help in saving me.”

“Tough luck, Potter,” Moody grunted. “Like it or not, you are the primary target. As long as the fight goes on, people will keep coming to your aid. If they die, it was their choice. Suck it up and deal with it.”

Harry sighed. There was no use in arguing with this lot. As they said, banging your head against the wall will only hurt you.

“Don’t try to act like a mother hen with me then,” he replied firmly. “I don’t need a group of babysitters. As you just said, you don’t have time to bother about trivial things. I’m sure you all have more important tasks to deal with than to keep looking after me, especially when I don’t need you to keep tailing me all the time.”

Moody grunted.

“Come, Shacklebolt. We’ve got to get started on the safehouses. Now’s as good a time as any,” the retired auror instructed, and with a final look toward everyone gathered, he and the dark-skinned man walked toward the floo, vanishing one after the other inside the emerald flames.

“How’s Ron doing, Mr. Weasley?” Harry asked, earning a sigh from the red-haired man.

“Unfortunately he is still comatose,” he replied, sounding very much like the concerned father that he was. “Although it is not very serious considering Poppy is letting him remain at Hogwarts, he still hasn’t woken up.”

“Mrs. Weasley’s holding up alright, I hope?”

“As well as can be expected,” the man replied with a small smile.

“I’m sure Ron will wake up soon, Mr. Weasley,” Harry replied. The Weasley patriarch gave nodded.

“What have you all be up to since the battle?” Harry asked as he looked at Remus, who sighed.

“It’s mostly been gathering resources and anticipating their next move. Dumbledore believes attacks will increase over the summer so we’re setting up more and more safe houses for their inevitable need once the war escalates and to house those whose lives are affected,” he replied.

“And how do you check if someone actually needs a refuge?”

“What do you mean, Harry?” Mr. Weasley asked curiously.

“How do you know those you are helping are genuine people? For all we know, some of them might be either Death Eaters in disguise or those who are sympathizers. How can you say for certain that people you’re helping are innocents?”

Both men remained silent as they registered his words.

“Death Eaters knew about safe houses that had people who needed refuge, right?” Harry asked. “How did they know where the safe houses were, and how did they get past the wards before help could arrive?”

“What are you saying? That they had inside help?”

Harry nodded. “Either that, or there is a mole in the Order. One who leaked the information and let the attack happen. None of the two is preferable.”

Remus exchanged a concerned look with Mr. Weasley before he turned toward Harry.

“I don’t believe there is a mole in the Order, Harry,” Remus replied calmly. “Everyone we have in the Order is completely trustworthy.”

Harry had certain opinions about that, but he kept his thoughts to himself.

“Then you misjudged and allowed either a Death Eater or a sympathizer in, and this person or persons provided their allies with inside help,” Harry replied easily. “You need to stay vigilant and see who you are letting in, otherwise attacks like last night will keep happening.”

“But we can’t let everyone go helpless just based on suspicion, can we?” Remus asked frowning. Harry shook his head.

“No, but you can do something to ensure there is adequate security. Like detecting the Dark Mark, or extracting vows from the people to make them prove that they don’t have any evil intentions.”

“Not everyone would like it,” Mr. Weasley replied.

“And? Why do you care whether they like it or not?” Harry asked with an unimpressed scoff. “If they can’t prove their honesty even when their lives are at stake, better believe they don’t deserve your help. Chances are they will soon run away and join their true masters for the next raid.”

Remus exchanged another frown with Mr. Weasley as Harry walked up and got over to the kitchen counter, searching for whatever the house had to eat. He found the kitchen completely stocked, and he mentally thanked Mrs. Weasley. Only she would have done something like this.

“So you’re going to be living here from now on?” Remus asked.

Harry simply nodded and they watched Harry start preparing what looked like a breakfast for more than one person.

“No need to cook for us as well, Harry,” the man said, slightly amused. “We’ve already eaten before coming here.”

“Hmm?” Harry asked, looking up before letting out a mirthful laugh. “I’m not cooking for you. You thought this was for you as well? Nah, it’s for me and Tonks. She must be waking up soon enough.”

“Ah right, you did mention that,” Remus nodded.

“Sirius left all he had to me,” Harry said as he started whisking eggs. “Would be a waste to let this place go to shit. I’ll look into fixing this, make it a house for someone to comfortably live in,” he replied as he poured the egg into the pan. “I might be here and there for the summer, but I’ll be in touch.”

“Just take care of yourself and that would be enough,” Remus replied with a small smile. “And for Merlin’s sake, don’t go chasing trouble.”

“That’s the problem, isn’t it?” Harry chuckled, looking over at the two men. “Trouble comes chasing after me.”

Remus shook his head and sighed.

“I must be going now, Remus. It’s almost 9 already,” Mr. Weasley said, getting up. Remus nodded at the man who looked over at Harry.

“You know this already, but come over to the burrow whenever you want, Harry. It’s almost empty nowadays with the twins moving out and Ron being at Hogwarts,” the red-haired man said. Harry nodded with a small smile.

“I’ll visit soon, I promise.”

“Good lad,” the man smiled, and Harry watched as he also left via floo.

A moment of silence prevailed in the kitchen as Remus sat silently, drumming his fingers over the dining table as Harry continued making breakfast.

“So…” the werewolf began. “I didn’t know you and Nymphadora were so close with each other.”

Harry’s stirring paused for barely a second before he resumed and he let out a small chuckle.

“I should’ve known you’ll detect that,” he said with a smile. “Her scent is over me even after the bath, hmm?”

“Very much so,” Remus said calmly.

“Well, yeah,” Harry replied, nodding. “We’ve always been friendly, and when she came here last night, she was not in a very well state. Things just happened, that’s all I can tell you.”

Remus frowned. “Not in a very well state? And you two did it when things were like that? Are you sure she was in her right mind when it happened, Harry?”

Harry looked at the man and glared. “I wouldn’t have done it if she wasn’t, Remus,” he replied firmly. The werewolf stared at him for a long moment before he sighed.

“That’s better then,” he replied. “Still Harry, I’d advise you not to put too much thought into what happened. She must have been emotionally drained last night, and while you did a noble task of providing comfort when she needed, you should also remember that she is six years older than you.”

“What are you saying, Remus?” Harry asked firmly.

Remus looked slightly uncomfortable as he replied, “I’m just telling you to look for someone closer to your age if you are thinking of starting a relationship with Nymphadora. That is all.”

The man was looking away from Harry, and thus, he couldn’t see the glare Harry was directing at him.

“I will say this once, and only once, Remus, so please always remember it,” Harry began with forced calmness as his eyes drilled a hole through the werewolf’s skull. “You are not my father, and you are not my godfather. So I would appreciate it if you knew your limits and didn’t try to be either of those two. It would be better for both of us if you did that.”

Remus’ eyes widened slightly before they narrowed, and he gave a stiff nod, still not looking at Harry. He slowly got up and walked toward the floo. Just as he was about to go, he heard Harry’s voice once again.

“And Remus,” Harry called out. “Tonks needs someone who will always be there for her, not someone who never tried to contact the only child of the man he used to call a brother and the woman who he claims helped him when no one did. Please keep that in mind.”

Harry slowly poured the eggs into the plates when he heard the floo light up, signaling Remus’ departure.

“Fucking wanker,” he muttered to himself.


Harry was about to take the breakfast up to Tonks when the woman walked in, and rarely had a sight been so erotic. She sauntered in, clad in nothing but the t-shirt he had worn to bed the night before.

“Hey,” she whispered, looking at him.

“Hey,” he smiled and walked forward with their plates levitating in front of him. He set them on the table and joined her.

They kept eating in silence for a while, and the only sound echoing around the dining room belonged to their cutlery.

“So… about last night,” Harry began, looking at her searchingly.

“I don’t regret it, if that’s what you’re asking,” she replied promptly, a slight red dusting her cheeks. Harry gave her a genuine smile.

“I’m glad to hear that. I liked it too,” he replied. Tonks nodded and resumed her eating.

“You just got up?” He asked between bites, earning a small shake of her head.

“I was up when you left the room,” she replied. “I came downstairs when you and Lupin were having your little chat.”

Harry’s hand stilled as he slowly looked up. Tonks shook her head when he went to speak.

“I’m not mad or anything,” she replied. “In fact, I agree with you. It was not his place to say those things.”

Harry sighed.

“I’m sorry, it’s just… when he said that, it felt as if he was trying to act like a father figure after doing fuckall for all these years. I couldn’t take it.”

Tonks nodded, patting his hand gently before getting back to her breakfast.

“So… what do you have to say about it?” Harry asked softly as he looked at her.

“About what?” Tonks replied, not looking up from her plate. Harry released a short breath and wet his lips with his tongue.

“About what I said to Remus… about you wanting someone who will always be there for you,” he replied.

Tonks smiled to herself and replied, “I can’t say I disagree. After all, any woman would want someone who would always be there for her, right?”

“Right,” Harry nodded at the non-answer. Tonks took the final bite of her eggs and looked up with a small smile.

“What we shared last night was magical,” she said softly, taking his hand and rubbing her fingers over the back of it. “And I can never thank you enough for taking that pain away. But Remus was not entirely wrong. You are six years younger than me. It wouldn’t be right.”

Harry frowned. “I see,” he replied as he looked down before he stared her in the eyes, surprising her with the intense stare. “And what if we were the same age? What would your answer be?”

Tonks frowned. “It doesn’t matter, does it?”

“Just answer, Tonks,” Harry replied, leaning forward and staring at her meaningfully. Tonks looked at his face and bit her lower lip softly.

“I think last night should be enough of an answer,” she whispered, earning a smile from the young man sitting with her. She looked at him in surprise when he got off his chair and banished their plates before holding out his hand for her.

“Come, there is something we should talk about,” he said gently, taking her hand and pulling her out of her chair. She let him take her with him, and they walked upstairs to her room.


“Shh…” he shushed her, pressing his finger against her lips and she stared at him in surprise. “Come on.”

They walked over to the bed and he sat her down before taking a seat beside her.

“There is something I want to talk to you about,” he began. Tonks nodded for him to continue.

Harry took a deep breath and started explaining everything. He started with his reservations about how Dumbledore and the Order were going about this war, something Tonks was slowly starting to agree with as well. Then he told her about his views on the political structure of Wizarding Britain and how it was abused by the people in charge. Tonks listened as he passionately explained how the system was broken, and how change was the need of the hour.

She had to admit that he made very valid points, and most of them were things she knew to be true. However, people rarely ever thought about all of it, instead choosing to go about their day and choosing the ignorant yet comfortable life free of that mental burden.

It was when he told her about his goal of conquering Wizarding Britain and transforming it into the magical kingdom of old that her eyes bugged out in shock. Something like that had never come to her mind, and although she had to commend him for the ambition he harbored, it also made her feel overwhelmed. She quietly listened, hands clasped in his lap, as he continued to explain what this plan of his entailed, and she would be lying if she said she was not intrigued.

In the midst of all of it, when he casually dropped the little tidbit about He-who-must-not-be-named and what he had done to ensure his immortality, it took all she had to not jerk away in horror. To think that the evil bastard had torn his soul apart…

She was horrified when he told her that he used to have one of those vile objects hidden in his scar, and it took her a few seconds to comprehend it when he told her how Dumbledore had been setting him up to die since that was the only way he knew how to destroy a Horcrux and that all of them had to be destroyed for the dark bastard to truly perish.

That was when she realized where his vehement disagreement with how Dumbledore and consequently the Order did things came from. He had already formed his own side, one separate from both the Death Eaters and the Order, and in the light of recent events, his choices made perfect sense to her.

“Those members of the Order you trusted left you to fend for yourself last night,” Harry hissed. “They didn’t even think about what you must be feeling, and they had no bloody clue that you were not even there last night. That’s how much they care about their so-called comrades.”

Tonks tried to come up with anything to defend them, but there was nothing she could think about. She knew he was not lying, and she knew the Order would always put the whole above the individual. It used to make sense to her once upon a time, but after suffering herself, she couldn’t give a damn about that notion.

She was not the only one who believed that the Order was not doing enough. There were several others unhappy with how pragmatic everything was. Instead of taking the fight to Death Eaters and crippling their advancement, the Order was happy to let them take charge and opt for a wait-and-see approach.

“The Order believes in trading lives, and so does Dumbledore,” Harry spat. “If letting someone die means saving ten others, they would not even try anything else. Not even think about a way that could save all eleven of them. That is what’s wrong about them, and I could never see eye-to-eye with people like them.”

Tonks knew, and she closed her eyes with a resigned sigh.

“I understand,” she whispered. “I completely understand it now, Harry. Funny, isn’t it? You don’t even think about such things, not until you suffer yourself. Not until you go through all the shit, and as funny as it is, it’s as unfortunate.”

Harry nodded.

“That is why I’ll break it all apart,” he said firmly, looking her in the eyes, and Tonks knew. The intensity of his gaze screamed at her, that he would do it. “I’ll break this pathetic system of discrimination and suffering, and I’ll forge a kingdom out of the remains. For too long has everyone lived the way they have been told. No more.”

Tonks bit her lip softly and asked, “Why are you telling me all this, Harry?”

Harry looked at her.

“Shouldn’t you keep this a secret? Shouldn’t this be known only to those you trust without any hesitation?”

Harry chuckled and looked at her meaningfully.

“You put so much trust in me last night,” he replied, and unbidden, the memory came to the forefront of her mind. “This is me proving to you that I fully trust you.”

She gave him a soft smile and squeezed his hands before she nodded.

“Okay. I’m in,” she said, earning a smile from him. “What do you want me to do?”

“By the time I’m done with them, no Death Eaters will remain. None of them deserve to live,” Harry began, earning a firm nod from her. There was no way she would ever refute that now. They were animals who deserved to be put down.

“And as things stand, there is no way the families of those Death Eaters who are not directly involved in this war will have a place of prominence in the new Wizarding Britain. I’m not an idiot to give power to those who will hold me in resentment over their perceived slight to their families,” Harry continued. “As such, I have no grand plans for the families of the Death Eaters. They will keep their lives if they are innocent, and if they have ever been involved, they will die.”

Tonks stared at his face for a long moment before she nodded.


“Moving on to the good guys,” he chuckled and firmly declared, “To consolidate my power, I will be taking a witch from the most prominent families as wives, who shall rule beside me as the queens, as well as take multiple lovers, only with the approval of my wives, who shall be the mistresses. Any children we have will continue their mothers’ family lines.”

Tonks’ eyes shot open.

“Multiple women?” She asked in surprise, earning a nod.

“I’ll marry them if and only I trust them with all I have and if they are open to sharing, otherwise we can remain allies. I would prefer the former though, since it would help solidify the alliances,” Harry replied. “The Queen Primary has already been decided, and she agrees with all my plans.”

Tonks nodded faintly before she made the connection, and her eyes widened.

“Me,” she whispered. “You want to marry me as well.”

Harry nodded, gently raising her hands to his lips and planting a soft kiss on her knuckles.

“You are the only daughter of the House of Black, and I trust you with my life, Tonks,” he said softly. “What we shared last night… I want more of that, for as long as we live.”

“H-Harry I… I’m sorry but—”

“I know you want me, Tonks,” he whispered, interrupting her. “You admitted some time ago that last night was proof enough. And I know the idea of becoming the queen is not something you would’ve expected, but I bet you like the prospect of it. Am I wrong?”

Tonks shook her head and sighed.

“Then what is it that’s making you hesitate?” He asked, gently cupping her cheek and making her look at him. “Is it the sharing part? Just say so and I’ll not talk to you about this again. I’ll fully understand and respect your choice.”

“It’s not that,” she replied, taking a deep breath and exhaling sharply. “Contrary to what you might believe, polyamory is not a new concept to the Wizarding World, even though it has not officially happened in recent years. After all, the law states clearly that a person with multiple lordships must take a wife for each line to prevent intermixing of blood and keep the lines separate. So it’s not the concept of sharing my husband that I find repulsive in any way. In fact, as a bisexual, it is the preferable option for me to have both husband and wife to be with.”

“I didn’t know you swung that way as well,” he said with a chuckle, earning a playful slap to the chest. Tonks sighed.

“What is it then?” He asked gently, making her look at him.

“… It’s as Remus said… I’m six years older than you, Harry. It won’t look good. You should be with women closer to your age.”

Harry scoffed.

“Who cares how it would look?” He asked dismissively. “I don’t care as long as we both get what we want.”

“But the people will—”

“They don’t get to decide,” Harry stated firmly in a furious whisper as he cupped her cheeks and leaned close enough that their faces were almost touching. “I want you, and I know you want me as well. What we shared last night was special, and I’ll be damned if I lost it just because of a handful of sheep that can’t think for themselves.”

Tonks stared at Harry for a long moment, and he tried with all his might to make her understand.

“Do it, Tonks,” he whispered, lips almost touching hers. His words ran around in her mind, intent on convincing her, on breaking the little barrier down, and in the end, Tonks’ desire won out. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips against his, and Harry rejoiced.

He kissed her back heatedly and smiled when Tonks swung her leg over him, straddling his lap. Without any delay, his hands reached behind her and cupped her pert round arse and he gave her cheeks a firm squeeze.

Tonks pulled back from the kiss and looked at him heatedly.

“I’m going to be your queen, and we will forge this kingdom along with everyone we trust,” she whispered. Harry nodded and slammed his lips back against hers. He felt her wrap her arms around his neck and push herself firmly against him.

Unlike last night, there was no timidness to Tonks’ movements. She seemed to have been revitalized as if her true self had finally come out to play. Her hips rolled over his hardening member, and she shifted back and forth, rubbing her pussy over his cock.

Harry opened his mouth and pushed his tongue forward, and Tonks eagerly met him halfway, kissing him. Their tongues rolled around in her mouth and he felt her hands trail down, grabbing the hem of his t-shirt and pulling it upward. He pulled away from her for only a second so she could get his t-shirt off before smashing his lips against hers once again.

“Just get on with it and fuck me,” she whispered against his lips, and Harry quickly obliged. Lifting himself off the bed, he pushed his joggers down and freed up his member before violently tearing her knickers off her sultry frame. Tonks smirked at him and pulled his t-shirt over her body, freeing up her tits to his hungry gaze.

“Last night you made love to me,” she whispered with a smirk. “Now, you better fuck me.”

Harry looked at her and grinned as she reached behind her and grabbed him by the base of his cock. He felt her line him up against her familiar wet snatch and he saw her bite her lip in arousal. Harry held her by the waist as Tonks pushed the head past his lips and he gave a hard thrust while pulling her down at the same time.

“Ah fuck!” Tonks cried out as she was penetrated fully, her insides stretching out around his girth as Harry held himself, feeling the way her hot slick walls contracted around his member. He pulled out of the kiss and looked at her.

“Nice to have you back,” he smiled when he saw her bubblegum-pink hair with streaks of bright blue, red, and green through it. Tonks smirked at him in response and held on to him with her hands on his shoulders.

“Just fuck me already!” She cried out, and Harry eagerly obliged. He lifted her by her ass, pulling out of her until only the head of his cock remained inside her before he slammed back inside, setting up an easy rhythm as he plowed his cock in and out of her welcoming pussy.

“Oh fuck! Oh yes… fuck me!” Tonks groaned, enjoying the feeling of his thick, long cock pounding into her.

“With pleasure,” Harry grinned as he worked his hips, feeling his cock inside her warm, wet snatch.

“Mmm… I love your cock already,” she moaned in pleasure, holding onto his shoulders as she slowly started to fuck herself on his cock, meeting his thrusts with each roll of her hips.

He kept slamming in and out of her, working his cock into her repeatedly, and watched as her large, firm tits bounced erotically on her chest as he pounded her at the edge of the bed.

“I will be your wife,” Tonks whispered sensuously, staring him firmly in the eyes, and Harry’s cock throbbed at her declaration. He turned them over, pinning her on her back to the bed, and started slamming his dick in and out of Tonks with more power, driving his cock into the hot metamorph with reckless abandon, burying himself to the hilt inside her and pulling back before slamming back once again.

“Ohh fuckkk! Ohh yess! Give it to me, oh you magnificent bastard!” Tonks cried out. “Yes! Claim me! Make me yours! Fuck me like I’m yours!”

“I’ll… ugh… I’ll fuck you for your whole life,” Harry grunted as he held himself over her supported on his arms, relentlessly driving his dick inside her quivering quim. Her walls tightened around him as he continued to drill away into her, intent on fucking her into oblivion today. The bed bounced under their movement, pushing her wide, round arse up to meet his downward thrusts every time he slammed into her.

“Ah yes… I’d love nothing more… fuckkk!” Tonks cried out, her lust overtaking her senses as her climax tore through her. His thick cock plunged deep inside her, the entire length burying through as the thick, bulbous head of his manhood slammed against her cervix. Tonks clenched around him furiously, coaxing a grunt out of him as he went over the edge.

Her wet hot walls contracted around his prick as she shuddered violently under him, riding through her climax and he exploded inside her once again. Wave after wave of intense pleasure coursed through her at the sensation, sending her reeling, and all she could do was scream in ecstasy as Harry’s seed shot inside her wanton pussy.

Breathing heavily, Harry rolled off her and stared at the ceiling as Tonks gasped with deep breaths, clenching her inner walls to keep all his cum inside.

It took a few minutes for the aftershocks of her mind-numbing orgasm to subside, and she slowly turned her head over to see him looking back at her with a smirk.

Chuckling, she smirked back and turned to stare at the ceiling.

“Queen Nym…” she whispered, chuckling. “Has quite a nice ring to it.”


To be continued…


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