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Harry saw the spinning surroundings and released his hold on the rope, and as he had been taught previously, he started to walk in the air. His hand grabbed hold of Daphne’s who smiled at him as they landed on their feet gracefully.

The same could not be said about the other two girls who wobbled on their feet at the impact and barely caught their footing.

Harry smiled and looked over at the sprawling manor in the distance. Surrounded by a massive garden that had to be one of the best maintained he had ever seen, Greengrass Manor exuded a sense of calmness. It was a pristine white that seemed to faintly glow in the sunset, and Harry was sure it must be blinding during daytime with the sun overhead.

“Let us take this inside,” Lady Greengrass intoned, and Harry nodded. The woman ignored the way her daughter promptly grabbed the hand of the young lad and walked inside, followed by the remaining four. She had a fair idea of what was about to come, and she had to admit that she had never been more conflicted in her life.

The situation outside was one of concern. With the return of the Dark Lord already having been announced to the public at large, letting her daughter associate with someone who was bound to be the primary target was not something she was very willing to do. However, she had seen the look of absolute adoration her daughter was giving this young man, and the mother within her was at war with the lady that she was.

She resolved to listen to everything they had to say and truly ponder upon it, and she hoped that there was a viable solution to this dilemma. Because as much as she wanted her daughter to be happy, her safety came first.

They walked inside the manor and Harry looked around, taking in the opulence that was openly displayed. Never let it be said that the Greengrass family was one to shy away from showing their generous wealth, as proven by the massive chandelier hanging off the ceiling, or the candlesticks affixed to the walls that were sure to cost a fortune. The less he said about the paintings and the expensive rug underneath his feet, the better it was.

Even though he had been invited for dinner, Harry was not surprised when he was asked to join the family in the living room. It seemed the woman didn’t wish to waste time at all. Harry had no issues with that. Daphne had already talked to him about their approach to this business, and he was very confident in her abilities.

He held back a smirk when the eyes of the Greengrass matriarch remained affixed on her daughter’s hand which kept joined with his as they took a seat on the couch together, adjacent to her.

“Tracey, Astoria, if you would give us some privacy for a short while? We will call you once dinner is ready. Go on, you should freshen up,” Evelyn instructed, and the two girls were prompt to follow. Harry and Daphne smiled at them when they glanced over before they looked back to the woman who was now staring at them in interest.

“How did this come about?” Evelyn asked, gesturing towards their adjoining hands, and Harry let Daphne take charge of this one.

“We started talking sometime during our fourth year,” Daphne began with a smile. “Harry was the champion, remember? Well, he was under quite some pressure. We met near the Black Lake one morning and talked, and since then, it became a daily occurrence for us to meet there and talk. I didn’t know when but I found myself falling for him.”

Harry took over from there, as previously discussed. “You should know that I never expected anything to come out of this. That year was somewhat harrowing for me, but Daphne’s presence was soothing to me. Over time, I realised that I’d come to rely on her like no other, and it didn’t take long for me to fall for her. I mean, I don’t think anyone could blame me for falling for a person like her.”

“You should never sell yourself short, Harry,” Daphne interjected swiftly, looking over at him with a loving smile. Harry had to commend her for the act she was putting forward, although he didn’t think the feelings associated with this fake story were in any way a part of the said act.

Daphne continued, “For you to face all those challenges and yet come on top is nothing short of commendable. You have inspired me in ways I can’t even explain. I couldn’t be happier that you asked me to be your girlfriend. There is no one else I’d rather be with.”

Harry smiled at her tenderly and softly squeezed her hand while the other woman stared at them with slightly widened eyes.

“Well,” Evelyn cleared her throat, prompting them to look over at them. “That was enlightening. We had no idea you felt strongly about someone, Daphne. You kept it hidden for over a year as well.”

Daphne gave her mother an apologetic look. “I didn’t want to tell you anything until I was sure Harry was the one I wanted. Now that I am, I have nothing to hide.”

Evelyn shared a look with her daughter and sighed before looking at the pair.

“I have a few questions,” she stated evenly, and the couple nodded. “What are your intentions with my daughter, Harry?”

Ah, the question every boy dreaded. However, it was the mother asking instead of the father, which was understandable considering the circumstances.

Harry looked the woman square in the eye and declared with firm resolve. “I love your daughter, Evelyn, and I would love nothing more than for her to be my wife one day.”

Evelyn took a deep breath at that.

“Am I right to assume that you want to arrange a betrothal contract with Daphne?”

Harry smiled. “If that is how you would prefer it be done, then so be it. Frankly, I do not care about any contract. My intention is only to spend the rest of my life with the woman I love.”

Daphne kept a lovely smile on her face all the while, her eyes shining. Evelyn needed to only spare one glance at her daughter to realize how much she wanted this. However, that did nothing but make her even more resolute.

“Tell me Harry, how do you plan on dealing with the Dark Lord?” She asked. “I’m sure you know you are probably the biggest target out there, and if my daughter is involved with you so intimately, I can safely assume she would he very high on the list of possible targets, and even us by association. How do you expect to ensure our safety while simultaneously getting rid of him?”

The last thing Evelyn Greengrass expected from this young man was a smirk.

“I have no problem in divulging this information to you, but I would like a magical oath of secrecy first.”

Her eyes widened. Harry smiled.

“I wouldn’t have asked for it if I didn’t deem it necessary. No offense intended, but the trust I have in Daphne does not extend to you, not at the instant.”

Evelyn Greengrass stared at the young man with a keen gaze before looking at her daughter, who gave her a firm nod. She pondered upon it before releasing a small sigh.

“Fine, I agree.”

Harry smiled as the woman gave her oath, and leaned back to make himself comfortable.

“What do you know about Horcruxes?”

Evelyn frowned. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of them.”

Harry smiled. “Believe me, it’s a good thing that you don’t know what a Horcrux is. To tell you in brief, a Horcrux is a soul container. A person can make one by remorselessly murdering an innocent. Such a heinous act fragments the soul, which this person can store in an object. This object is a Horcrux. As long as the Horcrux remains intact, this person cannot be killed.”

Evelyn’s eyes widened as she stared at him in horror.

“Who would commit such an evil act? Surely not…” she trailed off. Harry nodded.

“This pathetic thug who calls himself Voldemort has made Horcruxes. That is how he has managed to remain alive.”

The woman flinched a little at the name.

“Surely that makes it harder to get rid of him then,” she muttered. Harry chuckled and shook his head.

“On the contrary, it is easy to deal with him now. You see, I know what all his Horcruxes are and where they are located. He has no idea his secret is even out. Cocky, isn’t he?” Harry mocked as Daphne chuckled and leaned against him. Evelyn stared at him with disbelieving eyes.

“You mean to tell me that you can kill him for good? Truly?”

Harry chuckled. “I can. Afterall, as long as he is alive, my true goal cannot be achieved. I just need to acquire the remaining Horcruxes. He had seven in total, and only three remain now. Daphne here saw me destroy one.”

Daphne smiled at her mother and fished out the locket that Harry had given her. Evelyn took it gingerly and stared at the charred junk. Her eyes widened when she saw the insignia of Slytherin inscribed on it.

“The famed locket of Salazar,” she whispered reverently.

“It might’ve been destroyed, but the sentimental value remains. At least Daphne tells me so. I’m not a Slytherin so I can’t relate, but perhaps you can.”

Evelyn nodded as she stared at the locket for a few seconds before holding it out for her daughter, who took it and put it back in the pocket of her robes.

“Merlin, we might truly be free of that madman,” The woman whispered emotionally.

“I’ve been approached by his followers over the past year for my daughters and even Tracey to be one of the mistress of their spawn, and I’ve barely managed to deter then away. You have no idea what it would mean to us if this man is dead,” she whispered. Daphne’s eyes widened.

“You mean that letter you sent me a couple of weeks ago regarding finding someone was because of that?”

Evelyn nodded. “I had granted you the right, Daphne, and I am not someone who goes back on her word. You have no idea how relieved I was when I saw you with someone, only for that relief to completely vanish when I recognised who it was. No offence intended, Harry. I hope you understand.”

Harry chuckled. “Perfectly understandable, Evelyn. I am, afterall, the number One target.”

“Right,” she smiled. “However, if such a plan is already in works, it relieves me immensely. And if Daphne has decided that she wants you, I have no objections. The only request I have is for this agreement to remain a secret until this madman is dead. I can easily fabricate a story that I have promised my daughters to some foreign purebloods who I am involved in business with. They wouldn’t be happy but I don’t expect any backlash either.”

Harry nodded. “I understand, and it would reassure me further that Daphne won’t be targeted.”

“Quite,” Evelyn smiled. “I’m sure we would be talking more in the near future about this betrothal and other matters which you alluded to. Dinner will be soon, so I suggest you freshen up.”

Harry smiled and nodded as he and Daphne stood up.

“And Harry dear, you are welcome to stay with us for the summer holidays if you want. I’m sure Daphne will also prefer it that way,” Evelyn smiled, and although slightly surprised at the sudden change in her tone, Harry didn’t ponder upon it anymore. He looked over at Daphne to see her smirk at him, and his decision was already made.

“Well, I wouldn’t want to impose for the entire summer holidays, but I’m sure a couple of weeks would be fine.”

Daphne gave a small pout which vanished when Harry looked down and winked. She grinned in understanding.

“It will most certainly not be an imposition; however, I will let you decide what’s best. Daphne, show Harry to his room. The one opposite yours will do, I believe. And remember, no funny business.”

Daphne rolled her eyes. “I know, mum. I’m on the spell anyway, remember?”

Evelyn watched as the pair walked up the stairs, smiling and talking with each other.

“Can’t say I blame her,” she muttered to herself. “I was not much different back then either,” Evelyn muttered to herself, recalling how her late husband had taken her there during their first time. She had been under the chastity spell too, and yet they had pleasured each other so many times before their first time together.

Evelyn could do nothing but smile sadly at the reminder before walking toward her bedroom. Her eyes fell on her daughter and the young man walking beside her as they turned around the corner and she smirked.

“Indeed, like mother, like daughter,” she whispered with a smirk as she all but threw herself inside her bedroom before shutting the door and applying the privacy charms.


Hand in hand, Harry and Daphne walked toward the room he was going to stay in.

“This is Tori’s, this is Trace’s, and this one’s mine,” Daphne said, pointing to each room. He had been told about Tracey’s predicament. Her parents had died a couple of years ago, and since then, she had been living with her best friend like another daughter of the house.

“So mine is… this one. Right opposite yours,” Harry remarked. Daphne nodded and opened the door. The lamps lit up and Harry nodded as he looked around the room.

“Nice,” he remarked as Daphne came over to stand in front of him.

“Dinner is in over an hour. We should get freshened up,” she said, smiling coyly up at him. Harry smirked and tilted her chin up before he planted his lips on hers. She kissed back eagerly.

“I can think of a fun way to get freshened up,” he whispered, looking at her heatedly. Daphne smirked and stepped back before she threw her shrunken trunk on the bed and started to unbutton her shirt. Harry watched with a smile as once again, her perfect ivory skin was exposed to his hungry gaze, and in no time, she was rendered naked as she had been a few hours ago.

“Join me when you’re ready,” she smirked and blew a kiss before turning around to walk into the bathroom. Harry stared at her perfect plump rear sway hypnotically with every step and shook his head.

“Minx,” he chuckled to himself as he threw his shrunken trunk on the bed as well and quickly undressed.

The sight he was met with was enough to make him take quick strides and she met his frenzied kiss with her heated one. Under the running water of the shower, the two lovers kissed ferociously. Their hands groped each other wherever they could reach, caressing the wet skin and stroking each other. Daphne’s hand deftly trailed down his body to grasp his hard-on, and she turned her head upwards to give him a sultry smirk.

“You want this, don’t you?” She asked, probing her sodden lower lips with the head of his cock, relishing the groans of pleasure mixed with frustration as his hands grabbed her pert round arse and squeezed softly.

“Yeah, I can feel it, my love,” she whispered against his lips. “How much you want to fuck me. And trust me, I can barely wait to give myself to you.”

Slowly, Daphne turned around and pressed her plump posterior against his cock and rocked her ass against it.

“However, for now, you need to make do with my ass. Come on, take me, Harry,” Daphne whispered as she looked at him over her shoulder.

Harry needed no further prompting on her part, and underneath the running shower, he prodded her crinkled rosebud with the head of his prick and slowly eased himself inside her.

“Oh yes…” Daphne groaned as he slithered in. “Go on, fuck me.”

It didn’t take long for Harry to build up his rhythm and soon he was pounding away inside her at a rapid pace. There was an odd thrill about fucking her in her ancestral home knowing that there was a high chance they might be found out, and he knew she was aware of the fact as well.

Harry grinned, fascinated with how this alluring heiress’ mind worked, and turned her face around so that he could stare at it while he fucked her.

“You’re one kinky bitch, aren’t you? Getting off at the thought of being found out by your mother,” Harry grunted as he grabbed her tits and groped harshly while his pelvis slapped her ass repeatedly.

“You… ohh… you won’t have it any other way,” she retorted with a face contorted in pleasure as she smiled at him. Harry couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Merlin you’re right,” he grunted, continuously slamming inside her rear door as Daphne moaned. “And I can’t wait to fuck you properly. Just wait until we sign that contract. I’m going to take you in your room like my woman, with your mother knowing that her prim and proper daughter is being fucked like a whore.”

“Your whore. Now fuck your whore like you mean it,” Daphne hissed. Harry grinned and suddenly turned her to the right so that her entire front was pressed against the shower wall. Daphne hissed as she felt the sudden cold all over her tits when a loud moan escaped her lips when Harry started to mercilessly pound her against the wall. His hands grabbed hers and he pushed them right over her head, pinning the side of her face against the same wall as he took her as he meant it.

A searing wave of ecstasy coursed through Daphne as his fingers that had been working her clit furiously plunged deep inside her, and she felt them flood with her orgasmic juices. She groaned further when she felt her anal cavity get flooded with his hot, potent seed, and not for the first time, Daphne felt that it should’ve been her other hole instead. Her man had indeed taken her like she was his, and the thought sent a thrill of forbidden pleasure down her spine.

Panting, Daphne leaned against the wall and felt him press himself flush against her back, breathing harshly in her ear.

“We’ll need to clean up all over again.”

Daphne couldn’t hold back the giggle that escaped her lips at that.


“Looks like someone had a nice welcome gift for the wonderboy here,” the mischievous voice of Tracey Davis greeted them as Harry and Daphne walked out of their rooms, dressed and ready. Harry looked at her and chuckled before wrapping his arm around Daphne’s waist and pulling her closer.

“And it was quite a welcome gift, that’s for sure,” he replied. Tracey smirked.

“Come on, Tori’s in her room,” she said, looking at Daphne before she gave him a wink and turned around to walk, giving him a nice view of her round ass as it swayed in those tight jeans of hers.

“Sexy, right?” Daphne leaned up and whispered in his ear. Harry’s response was to pinch her rounder ass in response.

“Very. Not more than my lovely queen though,” he grinned at her blushing smile before he leaned down to whisper in her ear, “And yeah, I think I’ll take you up on that offer. Hard to pass having beauties like them.”

Daphne giggled, and Tracey turned around to give them a mock glare. “Alright. You two can make out later. Right now, we want details.”

Harry and Daphne chuckled as they walked through the door, and Harry saw Astoria’s room for the first time. The young woman was sitting on the chair right beside the window and stood up with a smirk when she saw them.

One glance at her was enough to tell him what he was dealing with. Unlike Tracey and Daphne who were wearing jeans, Astoria had gone for a pair of shorts that came down to her mid-thighs and a crop top that was held up with one string around her neck, leaving a large portion of her front above her tits exposed and granting him a generous view of her cleavage. It seemed both sisters were deviants – the difference being Daphne kept it under control while the younger sister was more risqué. Harry didn’t have any problem and happily fed his eyes to the feast they were being offered. The widening of that smirk made him chuckle as he sat down with Daphne on the loveseat.

“We have twenty minutes until dinner, so I’m afraid this won’t go the way the two of you truly want,” Harry began instantly before they could speak, which made Daphne chuckle.

“Oh? And which way do you think we want this to go, Mr. Potter?” Tracey asked with a smirk as she leaned back, pushing her chest out slightly and crossing her long legs. She smiled when he looked her up and down.

Harry chuckled. “Daphne told me what you three decided, and what the two of you told her. I want you to know from me what I have decided.”

That immediately sobered up the two brunettes, who gave him their undivided attention. Harry took a deep breath and looked at them.

“You were right in thinking that I would decline marrying the two of you,” Harry replied.

They exchanged a glance and nodded before they looked at him. “It’s not because I don’t find you beautiful or that I’ve spent barely any time with the two of you. Merlin, I’ll have to be a blind idiot to think you’re not attractive.”

All four chuckled at that.

“I have plans. Ambitious plans which only a few people know about, Daphne included. And that requires me to carefully decide who I will marry.”

Astoria shrugged. “Me and Tracey do not come with any political advantages. I get it.”

Harry smiled. “Looks like smartness runs in the blood,” he remarked, looking at Daphne, who chuckled.

He looked over at Astoria and nodded. “Yes. That’s basically it. However, Daphne told me something else. An idea the two of you proposed.”

Tracey nodded. “So? What do you think about it?”

Harry smirked. “Are you kidding me? Two lovely ladies like yourselves ready to become mine and you think I’ll ever decline? The fact that Daphne trusts you two wholeheartedly further adds to it. I’ll be happy to have the pair of you.”

Tracey and Astoria looked at him with wide eyes before they grinned widely and jumped out of their seats. However, before they could take even a step forward, Evelyn turned the corner and entered the room, stopping them in their tracks.

“Come on, dinner’s ready,” she said, smiling at them. Harry nodded and stood up before taking Daphne’s hand in his. As they walked towards the dining room downstairs, he was aware of the heated gazes the two brunettes were giving him from behind, and he couldn’t help but smirk.

Harry took his seat on Evelyn’s right with Daphne by his side. Astoria sat opposite him with Tracey joining her.

“Girls, there is something you should know before we begin,” Evelyn said, looking at Astoria and Tracey with a smile. “Daphne’s betrothal with Harry here will be finalized soon. However, it won’t be made public until the current problem with the dark lord is sorted out.”

Astoria and Tracey nodded, with the latter wincing at the mention of the dark lord.

“However, I believe we need to discuss a few matters of importance before we sign the betrothal contract,” the woman said, looking at Harry.

Harry nodded at the woman. “I’ll be happy to clarify anything you might want to ask, Evelyn. I’ve already told you my intentions and what needs to be done, and those won’t change.”

Evelyn smiled as dinner was served, and they decided to talk afterward.

However, midway through dinner, Harry paused between bites and looked up. He shook his head when met with Evelyn’s curious gaze and smiled. The woman smiled back and continued to eat, and Harry glanced at Astoria who was sitting beside her and casually eating. The small smirk on her face was enough for him.

That minx! She was playing footsie with him right under the table with her mother sitting beside her and fully knowing that she could find out if she shifted even slightly.

Harry looked at her with an amused glint in his eye when she looked at him, and had to hold back a chuckle at the way her smirk widened and her foot traveled a tad upwards. Harry had no qualms about this, and he was open to letting this small bit of fun continue, however, nothing had been finalized as of now and he didn’t want to come off as someone who was preying on multiple witches (which in all honesty he was) without her knowing what his plans for the future were.

He saw Tracey glance at him and wink, and he knew without a doubt that the other brunette would’ve been doing the same had she been able to access his legs without any effort. Shrugging, he decided to involve her as well. Catching Daphne’s eye, he indicated under the table before tapping her leg once, and the blonde quickly understood after one glance at her sister’s face. Smirking, she nodded, knowing that whatever Harry had thought up would be hilarious.

Harry looked at Astoria and Tracey who were both glancing at him and winked before he waved his hand under the table. Immediately, he felt Astoria’s foot recede as the two young women bit their lips and their eyes widened. He looked at Daphne and smiled lovingly when she put some dessert on his plate and they started to eat, totally uncaring of the plight of the two brunettes sitting opposite them.

Astoria and Tracey could barely continue to eat. Their arousal spiked up to a tremendous level and they felt something phallic start to probe and prod their lower lips, quickly stimulating them before it started to work their clits. Their toes curled and they had to grip the tablecloth tightly to hold back the moans that threatened to escape their lips with every small stimulation.

The pair glanced at the person who could be the only one responsible for their predicament with hooded gazes, wanting nothing more than to fuck propriety and mount him then and there right in front of everyone. However, their sense prevailed for once and they endured. They endured for an entire minute which was all it took for him to bring them over the edge. Their knickers flooded with the result of their arousal, making them breathe heavily and resume their eating at a sedate pace. No one remained the wiser when dinner ended and they asked for a short break before they would rejoin them, and Harry watched with Daphne, both smirking, as the pair of brunettes quickly swished their wands to get rid of any aftereffects before making their way upstairs.

“I need to take care of something, so I will join you soon as well,” Evelyn said with a small smile as she walked away, leaving only Harry and Daphne sitting at the dining table. It was fifteen minutes later when Evelyn Greengrass arrived with, peculiarly, a change in attire. She had replaced her emerald robes with maroon ones. Harry shrugged, attributing it to some habit these pureblood women had.

“Come, Harry. We should take this to the living room. I believe there are some more questions I must ask,” the woman said as she started to walk. Harry nodded and joined him with Daphne’s hand in his. The Greengrass matriarch said nothing when Daphne joined Harry on the loveseat and she took her seat on the couch.

Harry looked at Evelyn and nodded for her to proceed. The woman sighed.

“You must know that it was a massive news you broke to us a few hours ago. After the dark lord made his return, a large portion of Wizarding Britain knew that he was back, even though the smear campaign was rampant against you and Dumbledore. People didn’t want to believe something like that could happen. You just don’t want your old fears to come back from the dead. The latter was true for me. I believed you first-hand when news came out that he had returned, however, what I couldn’t understand was how it was possible. Your answer was enough, and you can’t imagine how reassuring it is to know that his insurance against death is halfway done.”

“More than halfway,” Harry corrected with a smirk, making Evelyn chuckle.

“Quite. And you know where the remaining three are?”

Harry nodded. “One is slightly complicated to get to but I can do it. You might not believe me but I plan on getting rid of two out of the remaining three during the summer holidays.”

Evelyn’s eyes widened before she looked at her daughter who was sitting beside Harry with a smile affixed on her face.

“You know everything?” She asked in surprise. Daphne chuckled and nodded.

“I trust her, Evelyn. She knows everything there is to know about my past and my future plans.”

Evelyn’s eyes widened. Things were indeed very serious if that was the case. She realized with a sigh that finalizing the betrothal was only a formality now. These two were married in all but name already, and her instincts were enough to tell her that they had been well on their way to being a married couple in those terms as well. She had been entirely spot on. Like mother, like daughter, and she’d be a hypocrite if she tried to intervene.

The woman sighed. “That is a massive amount of trust you have put in my daughter, Harry.”

“Nothing less than what she deserves for what she means to me,” Harry replied promptly. The young man’s tone was full of conviction, and Evelyn nodded, still looking at the loving smile on her daughter’s face. She understood, better than anyone. Barely any lord of a pureblood house placed this much trust in his lady, and for this young man to hold his daughter in such high regard must mean the world to her.

The arrival of Tracey and Astoria made them look up and they smiled as the girls took their seats.

“I must say it gladdens my heart to see how much esteem you hold my dear girl in, Harry,” Evelyn said with a soft smile. Harry pulled Daphne closer to him in response, smiling when she leaned her head on his shoulders.

While Tracey and Astoria smirked at the pair’s closeness, Evelyn sighed to herself in understanding and nodded. Things were quite blatantly obvious indeed.

“Okay, Harry. I have two more questions.”

“Please ask away,” Harry smiled.

“How long will the dark lord live for? You said you will go for two of the three this summer. That leaves one and the madman himself.”

Harry looked thoughtful for a moment. “2 years would be the most, I would say. I’d prefer to do it this year, but in a situation like this there are bound to be delays. But yeah, I believe 2 years is the maximum we’re looking at here.”

Evelyn released a relieved breath at that. If this young man had a tentative time frame planned in mind already, then there was not much to worry about on that front. She could coast for a couple of years easily. Off to the side on the couch, Tracey and Astoria listened with wide eyes. They had thought that the terms of betrothal would be discussed, however, Harry was talking about killing the dark lord! And two out of three? What did that mean? The brunettes exchanged a look and nodded, resolving to grill Harry and Daphne on this matter.

“That is heartening,” Evelyn smiled. “Two years are manageable. I truly wish it is done by then.”

Harry smiled. “It is all about access, Evelyn. If luck is on our side, we might get rid of all three within a month as well. Then it would be only him to deal with.”

Evelyn nodded absently. “Listen Harry,” she began in a serious tone. “I’ve seen how much you mean to my daughter, and I’m sure she means as much to you as well. There might not be anything finalized between the two of us, but I am telling you that you can come to me with anything you might need in order to get rid of this monster. I will do everything in my power to aid you.”

Harry glanced at Daphne who looked at him and winked. He chuckled and looked over at the woman and nodded.

“I will. Thank you, Evelyn.”

“It is me who should be thanking you for undertaking such a task. The least I could do is aid you somehow,” Evelyn replied instead. Harry nodded with a smile.

“You had one more question?” He asked, looking at her, who nodded.

“You said something about having a true goal,” the woman asked, and Harry released a deep breath. This was it. Perhaps the answer that could make or break everything he wanted to build with Daphne. He had no doubts that she would be with him regardless and knew the same held for Astoria and Tracey as well. However, he would prefer it if it was with her only living parent on board. He didn’t want to break a family.

Harry sat up straight and Daphne quickly grabbed his hand in silent support. He looked at her and saw the belief she had in him reflected in those sapphire pools, and he knew what he needed to do. He looked over at the others and declared with utmost conviction, “I am planning to conquer the British Isles and turn it into a magical kingdom. Daphne will be one of the queens beside me.”

Three sets of eyes bugged out at that proclamation as Daphne and Harry stared back with resolute faces, both ready to face any further grilling together.


To be continued…


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