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The resounding applause that had rung out across the Great Hall took a while to subside, and all the while, Harry continued to stare Umbridge down with a smirk. The woman, who had been basking in the reception was frowning as she looked at him.

Dumbledore spread his arms wide and smiled. However, right before he was about to speak, a deceptively sweet voice cut him off.

Hem, hem.

Harry had to commend Dumbledore’s mental fortitude, or perhaps it was his mastery over the mind arts, that there was not even a wrinkle on his aged face that moved when Umbridge interrupted him. The students watched in surprise when she stood up and slowly walked over to the podium while the teachers looked on with visible frowns. Moody was staring at her with a bored gaze, and McGonagall’s lips were set in a thin line as she cast an unveiled disapproving look at the woman clad in a pink cardigan, a pink skirt, and a pink hat over her head. Never had something like this ever happened.

“May I, headmaster?”

“Certainly,” Dumbledore smiled and stepped back. Everyone stared with visible frowns as the woman stepped over to the podium, at least everyone apart from a select few, as Harry noted a few Slytherins and even students from the other three houses looking on expectantly, or even excitement in some cases. He took note of as many of them as he could before he turned back to look at the ministry stooge.

“Thank you, headmaster,” the woman began in a simpering tone, “for those kind words of welcome.”

Her high-pitched voice grated on Harry’s nerves, and he could barely hold back a grimace when he realised that he would be subjected to that fake-girly tone for as long as she remained at Hogwarts. The woman turned around and smiled widely at the gathered students.

“And thank you, children, for that resounding applause. It heartens me to know how happily you all have welcomed me.”

As one, the students bristled at being addressed in such a manner, and Harry heard Fred and George whispering something. He couldn’t help but smirk. Nothing good could come out of it – nothing good for Umbridge, that is.

The woman gave another little cough, and Harry sighed. That Hem, hem was already annoying him.

“It is really lovely to be back at Hogwarts,” she smiled widely, her pointed teeth sending a few first-year kids recoiling. “And to see such happy little faces looking back at me!”

Someone snorted at the back, and it was understandable. None of the students was looking happy; instead, everyone was staring at the woman as if she had grown a second head.

“Is she, you know, right in the head? Why is she talking as if we all were five-year-old kids?” Katie whispered so that only those in the vicinity could hear. Harry chuckled.

Umbridge stared at him for a moment, a pointed glare appearing on her face for an instant before she looked up again and beamed.

“I am looking forward to getting to know you all, and I am sure we will be very good friends,” the woman simpered.

“Oh yeah, why not? Afterall, we love covering our friends in slime,” George whispered, prompting people to snort. Harry saw Hermione give the twin a disapproving stare and sighed. She honestly needed to grow up.

The woman coughed again (Hem, hem,), and this time, there were audible sighs around the Great Hall. However, she seemed to ignore it all as she stared at him. This time, there was no trace of that fake warmth in her voice. The woman’s face had considerably hardened, and there was a political tone to her voice.

“The Ministry for Magic has always given the utmost importance to the education of young witches and wizards of Magical Britain. This gift of magic that you all have been bestowed with will come to nothing if not nurtured with due care and competence. Numerous witches and wizards have passed through these halls and have contributed to the magical society so that it could become what we have today, and it is imperative that those lessons be passed down to the future generations lest we lost them forever. The priceless knowledge amassed by our ancestors must be guarded, replenished and polished by those who have found their calling in the noble profession of teaching.”

Confused faces stared back at her, and the woman seemed to give them a condescending smile as she turned around to bow to the professors sitting behind her. None of them even reacted.

Harry took one look at McGonagall and choked back a laugh. She was staring at the woman with a penetrating stare, and he was sure the woman would’ve been paralysed right where she stood if she noticed that stare.

Umbridge turned back around and looked at them.

“This school has seen numerous headmasters and headmistresses, and each one of them has brought something unique to the significant task of governing this historical institution, and we must concur, for without innovation, there would be stagnation and decay. That was the reason why the ministry decided to grant the elders of our society their hard-earned rest.”

Harry scoffed to himself.

“Our society is enriched with traditions which we have been following for centuries, and although there should always be dynamism, change for the sake of change is not desirable either, for our traditions often require no tinkering. Thus, there should always remain a balance, as there should remain a balance in every aspect of life. Old habits should be pondered upon judiciously, and rightfully retained, whereas others, outworn and outdated, must be abandoned. Our esteemed ministry is striving to usher us into an era of openness, accountability, and peace, upholding the practices that should be upheld, polishing the practices that should be polished, and discarding the practices that ought to be discarded.”

Umbridge smiled and went back to her seat as Dumbledore took his place back at the podium.

“Thank you for that illuminating speech and your words of wisdom, Professor Umbridge. I am sure that our capable students understood everything you wanted to convey,” Dumbledore smiled. Harry smirked and looked around, taking in the frowning faces scattered all around the Great Hall.

‘Yeah, everyone understood everything with perfect clarity.’

Dumbledore finished his welcoming speech soon, and the Great Hall erupted into clattering and banging as the headmaster dismissed the school. Harry saw Ron and Hermione get up to usher the first-year students towards the Gryffindor tower and stood up.

“You coming, Harry?” Katie asked, and the other two chasers stopped to look at him. Fred and George saw where he was looking and smirked.

“Let’s go, ladies,” Fred said, smirking.

“Oh yeah, boy wonder here has to wish a lovely goodnight to the missus, eh?” George took over, wiggling his eyebrows. Harry gave the twins a deadpan stare.

“I’ll be over soon,” he replied, ignoring their smirks or the occasional giggle as he made his way towards the Slytherin table where Daphne had just got up with Tracey and Astoria and looked up to smile at him. Harry smiled back and waited for her to cross over and join him.

“I’ll be over soon,” she said, rolling her eyes when Tracey smirked. The brunette chuckled and grabbed Astoria’s arm, walking away as Daphne turned towards her intended. She was curious to hear what he wanted to talk about.

Harry was waiting at the end of the table, and Daphne joined him quickly. A few students turned to stare at them and whispers started when they joined their hands and walked towards the exit of the Great Hall.

“Don’t these people have anything better to concern themselves with?” Harry muttered softly so only Daphne could hear. The blonde smiled at him.

The crowd was taking time to disperse, and they sighed as one.

“It’s always the same,” Daphne muttered, and Harry had to agree. Every year at the start-of-term feast, everyone tried to leave at the same time, blocking the passageway. They stood to the side and watched as the prefects tried to usher the students to file out in an orderly manner as they did every year.

“Tough job,” Harry joked.

“Makes you relieved you didn’t make prefect, doesn’t it? Handling this lot, ushering the first years, patrolling the corridors. Too much work in my opinion,” Daphne replied. Harry had to agree.

“It’s not as if I need prefect privileges to abuse the curfew either,” he smirked, bumping his shoulder against Daphne, who looked at him and giggled.

“You’re going to corrupt me, Mr Potter,” she whispered as she leaned closer.

“That is my intention, Miss Greengrass,” he whispered back, looking her in the eyes.

They were very aware of the numerous eyes on them, most filled with jealousy while a few stared in either disdain or adoration. However, they couldn’t care. Being who they were came with baggage, and it was something they had accepted a long time ago.

“This will take time,” Harry sighed as he continued to stare into her sapphire orbs and waved his wand around them. Daphne felt the privacy ward rise around them and sobered up quickly. Harry looked at her, and his demeanour was all businesslike.

“As we discussed last night, I’ve identified a few students who we should approach for the plan Cyrus proposed. Although it would be better to have as many students be a part of this group as possible, I believe we should start with a few and slowly expand.”

Daphne nodded. “I have also considered some names. You go ahead first, and I’ll add any you might’ve missed.”

“From Gryffindor, I believe the entire Quidditch team should be a part of it. Also Ginny is a given. That girl is a spitfire. Neville could be another one. He might not look like it, but he has a hidden strength to him. I’m sure he would surprise everyone.”

Daphne nodded. “If you believe so, then I trust you. I don’t think I have anyone to add from Gryffindor. I don’t know much about the students. Perhaps those we’ve chosen might suggest us more.”

Harry acquiesced. “For the Puffs, Susan Bones has to be at the top of the list. Being a capable witch aside, her aunt is the Head of the DMLE. Hannah Abbott probably comes with the package. Smith’s family commands power in the Wizengamot, not to mention Macmillan. We should get those two on board as well.”

Daphne shrugged. “Although we’ll have to deal with their attitudes.”

Harry nodded, all too aware of the fact. He had dealt with it firsthand back in the second year.

“What about Ravenclaw?”

“Goldstein comes to mind. Also, Padma Patil. She’s one of the top students in our year. I’ll also bet on Chang. She’s Diggory’s girlfriend, and since he’s joining the Order, I believe we can count on her.”

“I’m not too sure about her friend Edgecombe though,” Daphne interjected with a frown. “Her mother works for the ministry, and has been quite a vocal supporter of Fudge over the years.”

Harry nodded, filing that information away. “We’ll discuss that with Chang when the time comes. Anyone else you have in mind?”

“Lisa Turpin, Sue Li and Michael Corner. They are among the Top 10 in our year, and if I’ve seen right, Corner and Ginny have been making eyes at each other all evening. Who knows?” She smirked.

Harry chuckled as he leaned closer and pecked her forehead. “Never knew you had such keen eyes for this sort of stuff.”

Daphne giggled as she absently stroked her ring. “That leaves us Slytherin.”

“Tracey and Tori are no brainers,” Harry interjected swiftly. Daphne chuckled.

“Naturally. Although I’d prefer we went slow with Tori.”

Harry nodded, understanding the reason easily.

“Who else?” He asked. Daphne took a moment to think about it.

“To be honest, I don’t believe we will have much success in Slytherin. Most are either planning to run away or are firmly with the other side. Still, I believe we can talk to a few.”


“To be honest with you, I can give you only three names, one of which is doubtful. The Carrow twins have despised their distant relatives who have been in Azkaban for years now. We can at least talk to them, and if they are interested, then it’s good.”

Harry nodded. “And the third?”

Daphne sighed. “Blaise Zabini. He’s from Italy and mostly keeps to himself. I don’t believe he would stay in Britain once he’s taken his NEWTs. The Zabini family has businesses in Italy, and he would most like join in.”

“What kind of person is he exactly?” Harry asked.

“I have no clue. All I know is that he keeps to himself. Not too shabby in academics either, being in the Top 20 in our year.”

Harry nodded.

“I think we should at least talk to him as well. Wouldn’t hurt. We have our insurance anyway in case anyone betrays us,” he replied, prompting a firm nod from Daphne.

He looked over and saw that most of the younger years had already left, leaving only the students from the higher years in the Great Hall. Most of the professors had left long ago, with only Professors Sinistra and Babbling ushering the students out. Harry dispelled the privacy ward.

“Come on, let’s go,” he said with a smile as he took her hand. “We can discuss more on this later. Curfew would be soon.”

Daphne smiled and they walked together towards the exit. It had been only a few minutes since the students had started filing out, and yet Harry felt it was going too slow today compared to the other years.

He stood at the back with Daphne and waited for the line to thin out a bit and they pointedly ignored the smirk Malfoy aimed their way. They nodded towards Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott who were beside them. The two women smiled and congratulated them on their betrothal.

Harry smiled as they walked out of the Great Hall when he felt someone bump against his left arm. He looked over and noticed it was a girl with oddly a scarf covering the lower half of her face as she walked ahead with a few girls from Ravenclaw in tow.

“Oi Frenchie! What’s the hurry?” one of the girls who Harry recognised as Lisa Turpin said. Harry and Daphne looked on as the scarf-clad girl kept walking, leaving the others to follow.

“Rude,” Daphne muttered. Harry sighed and they started walking towards the end of the corridor.

“It was quite a crowd this year. It happens,” he replied.

“I know that, but when you bump into someone, you should at least apologise,” Daphne replied. Harry chuckled and they continued ahead.

Daphne looked at him in surprise when instead of turning towards the staircase, he continued to lead them towards the dungeons. Harry furrowed his brows.


Daphne sighed. “You’re escorting me to the dungeons?”

Harry grinned. “Have to show you that I know where the Slytherin Common Room is, right?”

Daphne shook her head at the reminder.

“On that note,” Harry said and stopped at the end of the corridor before looking around.

“What are you doing?” Daphne asked once he’d made sure no one was looking and turned towards the wall. She saw as he tapped his wand against the wall and whispered something and her eyes widened when the wall transformed into a passageway. Harry turned to look at her and grinned.

“Come on,” he whispered and led her inside the tunnel. Daphne noted it closed right behind them and he quickly conjured balls of blue lights that floated around them as they walked.

“This is one of the secret passageways, right?” Daphne asked with a smile. Harry grinned.

“The shortest way from the dungeons to the Great Hall. The password is Perseverance. You are one of the very few people in this castle to know about it now. Congratulations, m’lady,” he teased. Daphne chuckled.

“Have I ever told you how happy I am to be with you?” She asked with a grin. “I get to know so many secrets about Hogwarts now!”

Harry gave her a mock affronted look.

“And here I thought you were happy because you liked me that much!”

Daphne giggled. “Well, that too,” she replied, wrapping her arms around his. “But I have to admit that this is quite a nice bonus out of this as well.”

Harry chuckled. “Well, there are many such passageways, so get ready to enjoy a few more bonuses as well.”

Daphne smiled.

“Where exactly in the dungeons does this passage lead out?”

“A little bit away from the entrance to the common room. You’ve seen that small bump on the wall to the left of the entrance, right? It’s exactly opposite that.”

Daphne nodded. “Now this is going to be my go-to way of getting to the Great Hall. No way I’m climbing two flights of stairs so many times every day to get there.”

Harry chuckled. “Now, no need to abuse the privilege like that. And it’s good to climb the stairs every day. Helps you keep in shape, you know?”

Daphne looked at him with a smirk at that remark. “Oh? Think I’m in good shape, are you? I guess someone’s been checking me out.”

Harry smirked as he looked at her. “Kinda hard not to, you know. We’ve been training for hours every day over the past few weeks.”

“Is that so?” She asked, bringing them to a stop and looking him in the eyes. Daphne came up to his chin, so she had to tilt her head slightly upwards to do so. Harry smiled and wrapped his hand around her waist as he pulled her close. The blonde put no resistance, resting her hands on his chest and smiling up at him.

“Indeed. Particularly because of the attire you’ve been wearing during our sessions,” he whispered, and Daphne saw his eyes drop to her lips. A pleasurable thrill shot through her as she smiled at him.

“And? What’s your opinion?” She breathed out, leaning closer.

Harry smiled, and once again, his eyes dropped to her soft pink lips before he looked her in the eyes.

“That I’m the luckiest bastard in this world to have you in my life,” he whispered.

Daphne looked him in the eyes and smiled. The air inside the passageway was thick with anticipation as they stood close together. His hands were softly stroking her waist over the Hogwarts robes, and she stared into his emerald pools, mesmerised by the raw emotions she could see swirling in them.

Her heart was hammering inside her chest as her eyes fell on his lips, closer than before. She knew things had changed between them some time ago, probably when he had given her the ring, and what she did came naturally to her.

“That you are,” she said softly, before gathering all the courage she could muster and slowly pressing her lips against his.

The sensation of their lips touching for the first time was electric. Bolts of pleasure shot through their bodies as he tightened his arms around her. His hands resting on her waist pulled her closer, and he deepened the kiss.

Daphne eagerly let his tongue access as she stood on her tiptoes and pressed herself fully against him. His hands caressed her waist and lower back as she clutched his shirt in her fists, delighted as he explored her mouth with his tongue. His touch sent shivers down her spine and her toes curled.

It seemed time had come to a standstill as they continued to kiss, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace. Her lips were the sweetest things he had ever known, and he couldn’t have enough of her. The heat of her alluring body against his felt like home, and he knew he never wanted to let go.

They had no clue how much time had passed when they finally pulled away and rested their foreheads together, eyes closed and breathing heavily.

“Wow,” Harry found his voice first as he pulled away to look at her. Daphne’s sapphire eyes opened and gazed at his emerald orbs, sparkling with joy. Both knew things had changed irrevocably between them. What they had shared moments ago was something special.

Daphne smiled beautifully, and his lips were on hers again, this time with more intensity. Their bodies remained flush against each other as they kissed fiercely, and this time, Harry allowed Daphne to explore as much as her heart desired. Their breath blended together and their lips moved in perfect sync.

Her arms wrapped around his neck as she tugged him down and pushed herself as high on her toes as she could, and Harry groaned as she started to thread her fingers through his hair, caressing and scratching his scalp.

When they finally broke away, they stood silently in each other’s arms, relishing the intimacy and staring into each other’s eyes with smiles on their faces, embracing the feelings that had been growing between them since the night they had first met.

“I think I’ve fallen for you,” he whispered against her lips. Daphne’s response was to smile brilliantly before mashing their lips together once again.


The next morning, a beautiful blonde woman woke up inside one of the dormitories of Slytherin. Her eyes opened and a brilliant smile lit up her face as she touched her lips, reminiscing what had happened the night before.

Try as she might, she couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped her lips before she quickly looked around with wide eyes. The blonde sighed in relief when she noticed all her roommates sleeping soundly, and her eyes closed as she started to reminisce about what was probably the best memory she had with her intended.

Daphne had never imagined things would escalate so fast. One moment, they had been discussing who to recruit for their group, and barely ten minutes later, they had been sucking each other’s mouths as if they had been starving.

Harry had admitted that he loved her, and she had reciprocated it with her heart. They had not said those words explicitly, but the passion of their kiss had left no doubt in either’s mind.

She loved him, and he loved her.

If someone had told her slightly over a month ago that she would fall in love with the most remarkable man she had ever known and they would be set to marry, she would’ve laughed at them. However, the unthinkable had happened.

“I love Harry,” she whispered, smiling to herself, and buried her face in her pillow.

She lay there, wide awake with a smile affixed on her face for a while until her roommates started to wake up. Nothing, not even the dirty glare Pansy gave her could take away her happiness.

“Someone seems awfully happy this morning,” Tracey teased as she joined her in the bathroom, brushing her teeth and looking at her amusedly. Daphne smiled and went about her way.

“Okay then, keep being secretive,” her best friend retorted, smirking mischievously. “You know I’ll know soon enough. Although I bet it’s about you and the wonderboy cozying up together. Did something happen after the feast?”

The bright smile on Daphne’s face was answer enough, and Tracey giggled.

“Oh you really are a minx!” She exclaimed.

“More like a slag,” an unwelcome voice butted in, and they turned to look at Pansy who was staring at Daphne with a disgusted sneer. “I honestly expected better from you, Greengrass. Sullying yourself with Potter? My, you’ve fallen far below.”

Daphne ignored the vitriol Pansy had chosen to sprout first thing in the morning, however, her best friend was not one to shy away from a confrontation.

“Oh shut up, Parkinson. No one cares about your opinion here. We know you’re so sick of being Malfoy’s whore rather than being someone he truly cares about that you feel like you need to project that negativity on everyone else.”

“Shut up, you filthy half-blood bitch!” Pansy shouted. Tracey rolled her eyes.

“Five years and you’re still stuck on that. Come up with better insults, Parkinson, or is your inbred brain so incompetent that it can’t?” She smirked. Daphne ignored their bickering and went about getting ready for the day while Pansy continued to glare. She was distantly aware of the two going back and forth for a few more minutes when she finally walked out of the bathroom, dressed in her uniform and looked at Tracey.

“You’re still not ready?” She sighed, interrupting their morning chat. “Alright. I’ll wait for a few minutes. Be quick.”

Tracey looked at Daphne and scoffed. “You’ll be waiting a bit longer than that, Daph. Tell you what? You go ahead and have a lovely breakfast with your man while I get ready and teach a certain someone to keep her pug face far away from decent people’s windows.”

Daphne sighed and nodded. As she walked down the stairs and left the common room, she noted the way most of her housemates were staring at her, mostly expressionless, however, she did notice a few glares mixed in. The faces did not surprise her in the slightest. She ignored them and walked out of the door. Taking the secret passageway she and Harry had shared their passionate moment in, she reached the Great Hall in no time.

Her eyes scanned the Great Hall, noticing how crowded it was, and a lovely smile lit up her face when she saw him sitting at the Gryffindor table near the podium. She found she didn’t even need to gather herself anymore as she walked over to the Gryffindor table where he was sitting with, she noted, Longbottom and the entire Gryffindor Quidditch Team. She was aware of the eyes following her movement, but she couldn’t care.

He didn’t notice her arrival as he continued to leaf through whatever he was reading. However, Longbottom and the Weasley twins, who were sitting beside him did see her and their eyes widened before they shifted as one to the left.

Harry noticed movement to his left and turned around to look. To his surprise, instead of Neville, he found himself looking into a familiar pair of sapphire orbs. He barely had time to catch his bearings when her lips descended on his right in front of the entire Great Hall.

All sound ceased as students stared wide-eyed at the sight of Daphne Greengrass kissing Harry Potter at the Gryffindor Table. However, the young couple couldn’t care less. After the initial surprise had worn off, Harry returned the kiss with equal eagerness.

They smiled at each other once they pulled away.

“Morning,” she greeted happily.

“Morning to you too,” he chuckled and shifted closer to her. Daphne smiled and started to fix her breakfast.

“Um… care to introduce us, Harry?”

Harry looked over at Katie who was smirking at them and chuckled before he made the introductions.

"When did this happen!?” One of the Weasley twins, Daphne wasn’t sure which one he was, asked.

“Oh shut up,” Angelina chided, before looking over at Daphne with a grin. “You, girl, are the envy of almost every girl in Hogwarts right now, you know that?”

Daphne chuckled.

“Every girl? Even you, eh? Have hots for the Golden Boy here?” the other Weasley twin interjected with a smirk, before looking at Harry. “Oi Harrykins, don’t go stealing all the witches here, mate! Even though you could have one more, at least leave some here for us as well!”

“Too true, brother o’ mine. Enjoy your blondie, mate. No need to look at the brunettes.”

The three chasers scoffed as they stood up.

“Well, we don’t need to hear you continue any further so early in the morning, so we’ll be going now. And Daphne, feel free to join us whenever you’d like,” Alicia said. The other two nodded beside her before they walked away. The twins turned to stare at their retreating backs before they sighed.

“No need to worry, guys,” Harry chuckled as he pulled Daphne closer. “I have no interest in the chasers. As you said, my blondie is more than enough.”

Daphne slapped his chest as she smiled and they went back to their breakfast.

It didn’t take long for the three young men to go ahead as well, and that left Daphne with Harry eating together.

“I’ve talked to those six,” Harry said after a while. Daphne paused for a second.


Harry smiled. “The twins were already in. Nev and the chasers are ready too.”

“That’s good. We should try to get as many people onboard as we can in a week before we begin the sessions.”

Harry nodded.

“However, we’ll have to find a place to hold these sessions in.”

“What about the classrooms on the fifth floor?” Daphne asked. “Many have remained abandoned for years.”

Harry looked thoughtful for a moment. “Will we have enough privacy over there? There’s Umbridge to consider as well.”

Daphne sighed. “Then we would have to look for better options. Let’s think about it later.”

Harry nodded. “Moody will inform the students about the joint practical class today. We can see who shows promise and invite them to our sessions as well.”

“Good idea,” Daphne nodded with a smile as she finished her breakfast. “Ready?”

Harry smiled and stood up before holding his hand out. Together, they walked towards the exit when Daphne noticed something.

“Isn’t that the same girl who bumped into you last night? Come on, I want to have a talk with her.”

“Is it really necessary, Daph?” Harry asked with a frown. Daphne didn’t stop.

“I won’t shout at her or anything, don’t worry,” she chuckled. “Excuse me!”

They had just walked out of the Great Hall when Daphne called out, and the girl stopped in her tracks.

Frowning, Daphne and Harry walked forward until they were standing right behind her.

“Hey, I’d like to speak to you for a bit, can you turn around?” Daphne asked as they stared at the girl and frowned. None could remember ever seeing a student who covered her entire head and most of her face with a scarf.

They heard the girl sigh before she turned around. As had been the case the previous night, the lower half of her face was wrapped in a silk scarf, and their eyes widened when they saw her.

Those eyes were all too familiar, and Harry turned to look at Daphne, who looked back in surprise before they looked at the girl staring at them unblinkingly. Slowly, Daphne reached forward and pulled the scarf off, and they froze as they stared at her.

She looked much different from when they had last seen her, but there was no doubt in their minds as to who she was.

Harry’s grip on Daphne’s hand tightened, just as Daphne shifted slightly closer to him, and the couple stared at the young woman in profound silence.


To be continued…


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