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Loud shouts filled the lower chamber of the Wizengamot as the members of the two factions clashed. The roar of voices, each clamoring its own thought, echoed around as the leader of the progressive faction sat down with a satisfied smile on his face.

It had been a long time coming. For far too long had the wizarding world been left to stagnate, forced to endure under the repressive regime of the so-called traditionalists.

The progressives had hoped that there would be a change in the scenery of British politics following the defeat of the dark faction in the war that had gone on for a couple of decades in reality. A new world order, rising out of the ashes of the previous one being burnt to the ground after the defeat of Voldemort – the one they had fought for years to bring into fruition – albeit all for naught.

They had vastly underestimated how deeply entrenched the vicious roots of pureblood propaganda truly were, encompassing every aspect of their society, and the most troubling realization that had dawned upon them was the fact that the beliefs had been fed to generations after generations of witches and wizards, something which had culminated in the most absurd of practices being made the norm.

Such a classic dogma that lacked any semblance of objectivity was something that was truly detrimental to their cause. There were numerous purebloods on the side of the progressives, purebloods who despite not holding to the discriminatory doctrine of their counterparts held to certain beliefs that had been made customary owing to the generations of brainwashing. Practices that had been ingrained, no matter how light they proclaimed themselves to be. Sadly, this included the Weasleys as well.

The fact is that disregarding one’s family, without a genuine cause, is something that is not objectively appropriate in any circumstances, yet the fact also remained that the Weasleys had also cast away one of theirs just because he was a squib, and they really believed that there was nothing wrong with what they had done. Such was the extent to which the practice of traditionalism was deeply entrenched that it had become the norm and something to be taken at face value without question.

That was just a singular aspect of opposition that their faction had to contend with, but the bigger enigma was that such a fight was within their own coalition. It had taken a truly long time to talk things out among themselves to put forward concrete ideas in order to take Britain forward.

Then came the real fight – one away from the battlefield. The staunch traditionalists, the quintessential purebloods, and the old world order. The faction called the conservatives who were comprised of many of the old pureblood families and who were vehemently opposed to what they perceived as a threat to their dominance, and rightfully so. A coalition prominently led by the families of Malfoy, Selwyn, Zabini, Bulstrode, Rosier, and most surprising of them all, Smith.

The inclusion of the latter was an unwelcome surprise given the fact that they had fought on the right side of the war, against Voldemort and his sycophants while the other members of the traditionalist faction were either in cohorts with him or neutral to the affairs of the past few years, and now, all of them were united under a single banner to thwart the progressive plans of the, well, progressives, all in a bid to safeguard their assets.

However, their efforts were finally in vain as the act had been approved. The British Reformation Act, 2001 was soon to be in force, and after final ratification in a month at the Wizengamot session, it would be the law.

Harry Potter smiled a genuine smile as he looked over at the chaos he had caused moments ago. It was a good thing being one with power, Harry realized it now. Although it had changed him post-war, he had taken care not to dive too deep and lose himself. A few perks from it though, well those were hardly something he could complain about given what he had had to endure over the years. He wouldn’t call himself a womanizer, but the number of consensual exploits he had had before and most noticeably since the war had concluded was nothing to scoff at.

As he looked over at the fuming face of the snobby arch-nemesis of his, in the other wizard’s opinion obviously, he smirked. The smirk noticeably widened when he saw the sour look on the face of one Draco Malfoy as the blonde wizard ground his teeth in what was a total knockout blow to the power his family had wielded over the years.

Too bad, Malfoy. It’s over.



The chair crashed violently against the wall, tearing away small chunks of concrete as it splintered, small pieces of wood falling haphazardly all across the dark floor of the Malfoy Manor. The once pristine mansion was now a shadow of its former self, a parting gift from the gracious Dark Lord.

Up above the fireplace, the portraits of Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy looked on as their 21-year-old son raged and fumed.

“Damn you, Potter!” Draco shouted as he dropped down on the couch by the fireplace and clutched his head.

“Why the fuck do you have to fuck things up, every fucking time... aaarrrggghhhhhh!”

He blasted the table away and winced when bits of glass struck him hard on his wrist.

“Shit!” Draco cursed as he dropped his wand.

“Elf!” he shouted.

“Master calls for Plunky?” The diminutive creature bowed low, keeping his eyes fixed at his master’s feet.

Draco sneered at the elf as he put his hand forward.

Plunky raised his eyes and with a snap of his fingers, healed Draco’s hand, the flesh of his wrist patching up, leaving a thin, pink hairline scar. Draco looked at it and sneered.

“Go to Zabini Manor and tell Mr. Zabini that I’d be over by 9.”

Plunky bowed low and popped away.

“You wait, Potter. You’re gonna get yours.” Draco muttered, nursing the thin scar on his hand.

Up above the fireplace, Narcissa Malfoy sighed.


The bedroom was dark, apart from the soft light from the ceiling that cast the entire room in a dim yellow hue. Loud moans and grunts filled the room as the sound of skin slapping against skin echoed throughout.

Two alluring figures were naked on the bed. The woman, her hazel hair shining and slick with sweat, had her head tilted back as she rocked back and forth on all fours, spread out over the bed as her heaving tits swayed. The dark-haired man hammered away into her from behind, thrusting powerfully as his calloused hands gripped her waist firmly while he continued to penetrate her pussy. There was a clearly visible sheen of sweat on both of them, evidence of the fact that they had been fucking for far too long.

The woman whimpered and moaned in pleasure as the emerald-eyed wizard continued to fuck her vigorously. Her fingers were clutching the bedsheet tightly and she was bracing herself as he continued to plunge in and out of her pussy with his huge cock.

“You like that, baby?” Harry grunted out as he gripped her waist hard.

“I LOVE IT!” Tracey screamed as she felt him reach places inside her that were previously left unexplored. Her nerves had been set on fire from the brutal sex the two of them had had following the events of the Wizengamot that morning.

Harry smirked as he reached around her and grasped her heaving tits in both palms. He grabbed on to her tightly before pulling her upright so that her back was pressed firmly against his front. Vehemently squeezing the pillowy flesh of her tits, he started pummeling inside her with reckless abandon, playing with her erect nipples.

“Aaahhhh... ohh yess... Mmmm... ohh yess Harry! Play with them, baby! Ohhh...!” Tracey moaned as Harry continued to fuck her hard and fast.

Harry pulled her tightly against him, keeping her body flush as he started sucking her earlobe, biting the tender flesh, and playing with her tits.

Tracey whimpered when she felt Harry drag his hand down to the bundle of nerves right above her pussy, and she moaned hard when she felt him flick it, hard. Her eyes were closed in pleasure as Harry continued with his ministrations, her body numb and her mind in a daze. All she could do was moan and whimper as Harry continued to give her so much pleasure that it was incomprehensible.

Harry felt his climax approaching and he increased his pace, thrusting inside her furiously as he continued to rub her clit. The sounds of moans and skin slapping against skin were reverberating inside the room as the two lovers continued their carnal dance. Tracey also felt her imminent orgasm and the hold of her inner walls on his cock tightened as she sought to keep it lodged deep inside her.

Harry grunted as he stopped rocking back and forth, and Tracey felt thick spurts of his seed shoot deep inside her walls as her own orgasm rocked through her. She wobbled on her knees and only Harry’s firm grasp around her kept her upright. Both of them moaned as they reached their climaxes at the same time, and Tracey felt him shoot his heavy load deep inside her, painting her inner walls in white.

The couple softly descended on the bed, their backs pressed against each other as they panted and breathed harshly after the intense round of fucking they had given each other. Harry was still palming her tits, idly rolling and pinching her nipples as Tracey took time to clear her mind and come down from her orgasmic high.

“That... that was intense...” Tracey panted as Harry kept caressing her tits and nuzzling her neck.

“Yeah...” Harry laughed as he kept rolling her nipples around. A few minutes passed as they stayed lying on the bed, catching their breath after a passionate session of hot sex before he sighed and slowly pulled away from her. Tracey moaned at the loss of contact and turned around to see him summon his pants from where they had been left on the floor at the entrance to her room before he started to put them on. Turning around, he gave her a smirk that made every woman's knees weak before putting his shirt on. As he buttoned his shirt up, Tracey got up and leaned back against the headboard, the duvet lying discarded under her and she made no move to cover herself up either.

“You know babe, I won’t be able to go if you keep sitting like that...” Harry remarked, and Tracey laughed.

“Well, maybe that’s the plan... I miss you sometimes during the night, y’know...” Tracey’s voice had a wishful lilt, and Harry expertly ignored it. It had been a regular theme with many girls, they had a great time together but it seemed all of them wanted something more out of it despite having made it clear previously that it was only for fun and nothing too serious.

“Sorry love, duty calls,” Harry said before leaning over her, greeting her with a chaste kiss. A few seconds later, he pulled away, leaving her wanting. Tracey sighed as he made to walk out.

“Oh, I almost forgot...” Harry called out. Tracey looked up to see him pull out his wand and as he turned around, he pointed it at her.

The last thing Harry heard as he walked out of Tracey’s apartment was a loud moan that made him jump slightly. Chuckling, he stowed his wand away in the holster before adjusting his cock in his pants and apparating away.


Sounds of footsteps echoed around the dark corridor as a figure dressed in black walked in. The figure walked over to another sitting right by the window on an ornate black chair, dressed equally in black and nursing a glass of Ogden’s finest. The figure sitting on the chair looked up, and gulping the firewhiskey down, stood up.

Blaise Zabini, the heir to the Zabini family, kissed his mother on the cheek as she came to a stop right in front of him.

“Mr. Malfoy,” Valentina Zabini greeted their guest with a nod of her head.

“Mrs. Zabini, a pleasure as always,” Draco stood up and dropped a feather kiss on the back of her hand. Valentina nodded and turned to look at her son.

The infamous Black Widow, having dealt with 9 suitors and counting, smiled as she looked at her only son. At the age of 21, he had grown up handsomely. Patting his cheek, she moved forward and took a seat on the other chair. Blaise took his own seat and poured a glass for her and another one for himself while Draco leaned back on his chair and took a small sip of his firewhiskey, sucking his tongue to get the sour flavor off.

“So... it’s done then,” Valentina remarked as she rolled the glass in her fingers, her eyes on the portrait right above Blaise’s head.

“Essentially, yes...”

“Essentially? You’re still hoping for something then?”

“Well, there is something...” Blaise said haltingly as he looked at Draco.

“Indulge me.” Valentina crossed her legs, her velvet dress rising up to expose her toned calves. Draco’s gaze dropped down to the exposed flesh before he diverted it quickly. However, he wasn’t as quick as he had hoped to be, as evident by the smirk on the face of the Widow.

“Well...” Blaise began. “Draco came up with an idea...”

“And what is this idea, Mr. Malfoy?” Valentina turned her attention to Draco.

Draco looked at her for a moment without saying anything. Valentina, meanwhile, kept her eyes locked on his own, both of them not budging before she brought her glass up and took a sip, gulping the sour whiskey down and exhaling slightly.

Draco sighed.

“The law will come into place soon.”

“At the next Wizengamot session, yes, I know,” Valentina said, looking intently at Draco, who looked over at Blaise. The Zabini heir was slowly sipping his whiskey while looking at him. Blaise gave him a nod.

“And this whole movement is centered around one lynchpin – one person who is spearheading this entire charade of pushing for progressive reforms.”

“I’m aware of the obvious, Mr. Malfoy. Please get to the point,” Valentina retorted impatiently. Draco looked over at her before looking at Blaise who was looking down at the table.

“We plan to assassinate Potter.”

Valentina’s head jerked, her incredulous eyes coming to rest on her blood. Draco pursed his lips and leaned back against the chair, sipping his whiskey as Blaise looked up. His eyes found his mother’s own.

“What did you just say?”

“We plan to assassinate Potter, and you are going to help us out.” Valentina was gobsmacked. There was a minute of silence as the woman processed the words her son had just uttered before she opened her mouth.

“Forget your suicidal plan to assassinate Potter. How the hell do you think I can help you? Do you expect me to...”

“To seduce him and kill him once he is at his most vulnerable. Yes.” Blaise replied with a straight face as his mother looked at him with an incredulous gaze.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Valentina whispered, enraged at the words that had come out of her son’s mouth.

“What? Don’t act as if I’m asking too much of you. It should be like going to work for you.” Blaise was nonchalant on the outside, but he was sweating buckets as he talked back to his mother.

“You... are a vile little creature, Blaise. How the fuck could you even think to use me, your own mother, in such a manner!?”

“Come on, mother. Don’t act as if it’s something new.”

“Not something new!? My son is asking me to whore myself out to an enemy. How am I supposed to react?” She asked incredulously, shocked beyond words at the casual way her son was asking something like this of her.

“Now you’re putting words into my mouth. I never said you have to whore yourself out or anything, just seduce Potter, get him vulnerable and alone, and once it’s safe, take him out. Nothing fancy. A quick death is all we want. Once Potter is out of the picture, this entire charade is over. There’s no one else in their corner to take up the reins like Potter.”

Valentina pursed her lips before she took a deep breath. Draco was looking at the two of them, his gaze switching alternatively.

“Whose idea was it?”

“Killing Potter was Draco’s idea. The plan is mine.” Blaise told her as he leaned back, happy that his mother had seemingly accepted the task.

“So...” Draco hesitatingly began. Both Valentina and Blaise looked at him as he looked at the woman in question.

“Will you do it? Kill Potter?” He asked.

Valentina looked at Draco before glaring at Blaise once again.


To be continued...


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