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The couple kept swaying together, lost in the moment as they basked in the comfort of being close to one another. The weather outside worsened further as the windows rattled owing to the snowy winds blowing harshly.

They were brought out of their reverie when a low rumble went through. Harry pulled back slightly and looked down at Daphne, who looked up at him. They kept looking at each other before both of them broke down simultaneously. They kept laughing and it took them a while to calm down.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry."

"Yeah, your tummy made that evident," Harry laughed harder when Daphne shoved him away. He caught his footing before snickering as Daphne pouted.

"Alright. You go bring the food on the sofa. I’ll get the wine." Harry said as he made his way over to the cabinet. “Oh, and don’t forget the desserts!” He shouted as an afterthought.

Daphne laughed.

"Don’t worry, love. I’ve got it all.” Daphne smiled and went to the kitchen.


Harry pulled the cork from the wine bottle with the ease of an expert and winked at Daphne. She gave a mock pout before smiling at him as Harry laughed. He always loved to tease her about it, as she had trouble doing the same.

He took the two glasses and held them together in his left hand, and gracefully poured the red wine in both the glasses. He put the bottle back on the table in front of the sofa and handed one to her.

"A toast to us. To being together."

"To us," she said, "together."

They clicked the glasses before taking a sip. Harry savored the taste as he looked over at Daphne. Daphne smiled at him over the edge of the glass.

“You know… this reminds me of something.” Harry started, looking at her.

“Really? What is it?” Daphne asked with a small smile on her face.

“Well…” Harry began as he stretched his legs and leaned back on the sofa, putting his arm behind her and pulling her close.

“This reminds me of that night by the camp that we all had at Tracey’s wedding.” Harry squeezed her softly, pulling her in close as he took a sip of his wine.

Daphne smiled as she recalled the beautiful evening the two of them had spent away from all the hustle and bustle of Tracey’s wedding ceremony.

Tracey was Daphne’s best friend since their childhood. Their parents were close friends since their school days and the two girls had been introduced to each other at a very young age since their parents used to meet together fairly often. Having basically been brought up together, the two of them were very close. This was also evident from the fact that Daphne had been her maid of honor at the wedding.

The wedding was a traditional one as per the norms of the Wizarding society – but Tracey and her husband had decided on a destination wedding. They had chosen Sicily as the venue, and the entire ceremony lasted for three days, spanning from various activities that took place every day during daytime and quite a few times at night.

One such night, it was fairly lively as the wedding guests danced on the disco while the band played songs both soft and vigorous. Daphne recalled how Harry had pulled her aside after a few hours had passed and told her that he had found a special spot.

Daphne was initially reluctant but Tracey was quick to encourage her to take some time for the two of them. When they reached the spot, Daphne was mesmerized. The sky was clear, with no blemishes of clouds blocking their view of the clear starry night. The entire expanse of shining diamonds in the black canvas was astonishing and as Daphne looked on, Harry took the time to conjure soft flaming balls radiating vibrant yellow lights, not dissimilar to what they had going on right then near the Christmas tree. A conjured soft carpet with fluffy pillows stacked together and a bottle of the finest Italian wine courtesy of the cooperative elves and it had made for a wonderful camping spot.

Daphne smiled as she further recalled how they had talked together late into the night, discussing things material or not, simply taking comfort in each other’s company as they laid together for hours, their arms wrapped around one another as Harry caressed her hair softly while keeping her close.

Harry looked down at Daphne and saw her smiling softly. Obviously, she was reminiscing the time they had spent together in Sicily. As he squeezed her softly, she looked up at him and smiled as she was broken out of her reverie. Giving her a tender smile of his own, he leaned down slowly and pressed his lips against hers, tasting the wine on her lips as their tongues tasted the same.

The loving couple spent hours talking about various things and laughing together, sharing stories from their past. Harry told her about the holidays he had spent at Hogwarts and with the Weasleys, fondly recalling the Christmas in his fifth year when Mr. Weasley had thanked him for saving his life. He had never told anyone apart from Daphne, but it had meant a lot to him when Mr. Weasley had publicly called him an honorary son of his. Daphne held him tight while he recalled the evening, caressing his chest softly, always remaining his silent and steady support.

Daphne meanwhile shared the stories of the Christmases she had spent with her parents and Astoria, her sister, and what shenanigans they got up to when Tracey and her parents joined them sometimes.

They had a good laugh when Harry told her about their adventures in the second year when they had infiltrated the Slytherin common room, especially when Harry recalled how Hermione had got stuck in the body of a furry cat. He regaled her with the entire story, starting with their suspicion regarding Malfoy which Daphne scoffed at, their planning and the brewing of the Polyjuice which made Daphne gawk at him before shaking her head, all the way down to how they had basically achieved nothing apart from locking Crabbe and Goyle inside a broom cupboard after feeding them spiked muffins.

Harry had a good laugh at Daphne’s expense when she told him how Astoria had poured cake frosting on Daphne’s head when they were kids, and how she had cried afterward when they had told her that Santa had forgotten to bring her any gifts.

It was an hour to midnight when a soft, romantic song came up on the wireless and Harry stood up and held out his hand.

"May I have this dance?"

"With pleasure," Daphne said, as she took his hand and glided into his arms.

The young couple danced around, slowly, tenderly, as they held on to one another. Songs passed in between but they had lost track of time, so engrossed they were in one another and the moment itself. The fact that they had had their first fight and resolved the issue hours before made the moment even more endearing.

Almost a quarter of an hour had passed and the two were just swaying together right in front of the Christmas tree, where they had shared their previous kiss. They were wrapped in each other’s embrace – Daphne with her arms wrapped around his neck while Harry had his arms wrapped around her waist, his hands on her lower back as he pulled her tight against himself.

Daphne closed her eyes and inhaled his scent. It was such a warm feeling, being held so intimately by the man she loved with all her heart. She knew it was time. She wanted him, and it would be the best way to celebrate Christmas.

She shivered as he held her close and her breath hitched when she felt him. There was no mistaking the fact that he was very much attracted to her, and no matter how much he tried to respect the boundaries she had put between the two of them, Daphne had noticed quite a number of times when he would react to her with obvious desire. It always made her feel special and wanted but she never had the courage to take the final plunge, at least not until now.

Daphne pulled her arms from his neck and leaned back until Harry was holding her at her sides. She looked up at him with an uncertain look.

“What is it, love?” He asked her gently, concerned.

“Will you do something for me, Harry?”


Daphne took his wrists in hers and pulled his hands away from her waist. She brought them up to her face and planted kisses on each of his palms. Harry gave her a confused look before his eyes widened comically.

Daphne’s breath caught in her throat as she felt him touching her. The feeling of being touched at such a sacred place where no one else had touched her before was exhilarating. Even though he was touching her through her clothes, Daphne could feel the callouses of his hands as they pressed up against her.

Harry was looking at her with wide eyes, disbelief written all over his face.

“Da-Daph… are… are you sure, love?”

“Mm-hmm” Daphne nodded as she pressed the back of his hand slightly against her, and she released a shudder as his firm hands squeezed her gently over the fabric of her blouse and bra.

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, Harry. It took me too long to decide, but I’ve finally realized that I want you, my love. Please, Harry, make love to me, right here, right now.” Daphne’s eyes were electric, blazing with emotions previously unseen and Harry was mesmerized with the blinding smile on her face that carried with it so much love that even he was taken aback for once.

“Al-alright, Daph. But… But I want to ask you something before we do this.”

“Please not now, baby. I promise we will talk later but please not now. Just this Harry,” Daphne pleaded with him before she kissed him again. Harry’s hands were still pressed against her tits, squeezing slightly, and Daphne was getting aroused with every second. Her nipples were hard and she was sure Harry could feel them poking his palms. She had taken her hands away from his own and slid them up his chest and behind his head, and pulled him down until their lips were locked together. Their tongues met in a frenzy of emotions and their combined passion shone brighter as they continued kissing each other.

Harry gently squeezed her soft tits, feeling their firmness under his palms. He could feel her hard nubs poking through her clothes and as he flicked his thumbs over her nipples, he was rewarded with a shiver from Daphne.

He gently pressed his fingers on her bare skin right above her clothes and slowly slid them down until he reached the top of the first button. She shuddered when she felt the button pop open and moaned when she felt Harry trail his fingers down and pop one button after another, his hands softly caressing the soft expanse of her skin as it was exposed.

Harry grabbed hold of her blouse where it was tucked in at her waist and with a gentle tug, pulled it out of her skirt. He grabbed hold of her waist and with his fingers, pulled the blouse out of her skirt entirely before he caressed her sides.

Daphne was in heaven as she felt the hands of her love all over her body, starting from the bare skin of her waist and softly caressing her sides and moving to her back. She shivered when she felt him rub his hands over the sides of her tits over her bra and let the silky blouse slide off her frame and drop down on the ground.

They continued to kiss each other as Daphne softly nibbled at the bottom of his lips.

My turn,’ she thought, as she shakily but quickly unbuttoned his shirt and grabbed hold of his tucked shirt at his waist, and with a firm pull, ripped it out of his pants. Harry quickly helped her to slide his shirt off his body and Daphne wasted no time in pulling his undershirt out of his pants before she lifted it over his head and dropped it down where their other clothes were haphazardly thrown on the floor.

Not pulling away from their kiss, Daphne ran her hands over the exposed skin of Harry’s chest and it was Harry’s turn to shiver as he felt Daphne gently brushing her fingertips over his hard nipples. He hissed when she pressed her thumb over his nipples and pressed hard. Pulling back from their kiss, Daphne bent down and kissed his nipples and Harry groaned as he caressed her head.

She stood straight and looked at him. Harry looked her in the eyes and brought his arms around her, hugging her close to him as they both inhaled the other’s scent. Twin sighs of contentment released from their mouths as they basked in the feeling of being wrapped around each other so intimately, their upper bodies separated by just a flimsy layer of the lacy fabric of Daphne’s bra. This is what they wanted, and this is what they needed as well, being held by the one they loved so closely, to hold the one they loved so intimately, and to know that there was somewhere where they truly belonged for all of eternity.


To be continued...


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