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First off I wanna share that I'm having a Britney Spears model built so I don't have to head hack her anymore. She'll be in that red catsuit and I plan to have some bodygroups to open it up. I would also like to have a few extra outfits added, but we'll see. The guy who I commissioned is Stealth211, the same guy I had make me the above Ellen Page/Jodie Holmes model.

 For the past few days, I've been animating a bunch of scenes of Jodie for the Purge movie. I wanna get these done by the time the Britney model is done so I can jump on her ;) 

 Ok so the scene I wanna share is all out of context. The warning on the screen is just for this preview, it will be replaced with other scenes in the final version. Also, the scene itself may play out differently in the real deal.

 I have the above scene to share plus a bonus clip (that still needs alot of work). I also have a shower scene for those on the 'Vault Girls Tier. I must admit, I'm having alot of fun with this model.

Jodie Preview MP4 

 *Bonus scene! 

 *Bonus scene 2! 




Looks great!...just make sure she has a range of emotions (terror, sadness, pain). It's easy to be emotionless with jodie holmes, show us something new!


Oh, and why does she leave the apartment?...maybe show that she's out of beer, or something...?


Cant wait to see the purgers!