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After thinking about the situation for awhile, I've decided to continue the series elsewhere. I'll try and find a different website (other than Patreon) that doesn't have a problem with such things. I know alot of people like the series and I have fun making it. If anyone knows of such a place where I could host the series (similar to patreon) or has ideas on the subject, please message me. I may just end up paying someone to build me a website. Hopefully by  the end of the month, I'll have a solution to this. 


(No title)



happy you are moving but a bit upset that I can't access the last chapter of Granger Enchanted (i've waited about a week to see it ) . Hopefully the new site is easier for you & paying consumers to use


There's "Hatreon", or even better liberapay.com Anyway, what's wrong with hosting the files somewhere else where patreon wouldn't know about? Remember that Patreon is supposed to be for DONATIONS. You can do whatever you want, if you don't advertise it directly here. Be smart. <a href="http://alternativeto.net/software/patreon/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://alternativeto.net/software/patreon/</a>