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An overlong dissection of how to grow a mediocre Disney movie from the seeds of greatness.

I gotta say, making an overlong video essay on why a movie doesn't live up to potential or expectations is a lot harder than making one about why a movie is terrible. 


Hercules, Disney's Beautiful Hot Mess: a Video Essay

At long last, we can finally put to bed the mystery of why Disney's Hercules was kind of eh. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/loosecanon


Chelsea Monk

Thank you so much for these video essays. They are amazing. From back in your Nostalgia Chick days through Loose Canon you've talked about Hercules so much and I'm glad that we get this in detailed look. Can't wait for Rent video essay. Keep up the wonderful work.


Loved this. I've always found Hercules to be a film of a few tremendous highs (Hades, "I Won't Say (I'm In Love") that were hampered by the rest of the film's mediocrities. Your video essay really helped me to pinpoint just what it was that makes me so ambivalent about Hercules. Now all I need to do is figure out why I have a neutral opinion of "Alice In Wonderland" when I'm not watching it, but feel agitated and repulsed when I am watching it.


I adore this so much


I'd also really watch the shit out of your Hades/Hercules fanfic! But Hercules would have to be way more likeable.


I love the "don't go to film school, kids" bit bc my primary knowledge of film has come from your videos over the years. You always make film analysis and discussion entertaining thank you so much. This was a great breakdown of Hercules, a film I always really liked but never loooooved. What you said made so much sense and put into words why I could never muster love for it like I do for Mulan for example.


Despite its flaws, is this the best adaptation of Hercules? I'm trying to think of one...


Oh most definitely - arguably the best Greek mythology PERIOD. Because there are no good ones.


I really liked the video! One thing though, isn't Moana going to be released in two months? I'm confused by the "second half of 2017" line.


This is beautiful. Thank you so much for the thought and effort you put into these essays.

Meg Scrabble

Great video! I love listening to your essays!


Definitely one of my favorites of yours. Excellent work Lindsay!


Thank you so much Lindsay - one of your best yet!!


one of your best, among death loose canon and lotr reviews


I am so glad you have decided to make this a series. I keep sharing these with my professors and they're all so impressed.


I love this so much I can't even express my joy. Your analysis is always so insightful and interesting, but on the other hand I'm just so happy to hear you talk more about Hercules, because I too am so, so fond of that movie and weep for the lost potential.


I think you've really hit your niche


I love your video essays so much! :D


Well, that way they both get a character arc, it's even better!


I always wondered why Harry Potter worked for me despite being a 'chosen one' narrative, and this dissection of that completely hits the mark :) Yay for video essays!


Love these video essays! Hope to see more in the future. Anyway, Meg just might be my most favorite Disney character. Certainly in the top 5, at least.


I agree on this a lot, I also have this incredible bond with Hercules but at the same time I can honestly say "not your best work Disney".


"Trying to save you from student loans. Don't go to film school". I needed you to say this to me back in 2007-2008. ;)


Finished, yeah this is a movie I gave a lot of thought to. I think you nailed it. I actually did watch the TV series before I saw the movie. I skipped the movie because, back in 1997 I was that uptight nerd who was mad that it was unfaithful to the myth (I was a moron... I admit it). Then I caught the series (long time Disney Afternoon fan), really liked it, Hades especially and so I checked the movie out and found... enjoyment inside mediocrity. So yeah, I like it... but it has issues, as you've dissected.


More overlong video essays!! Your essays have so much thought and history and context in them and you present everything with such clarity. I've learned more about film theory/ how to critique a movie from your videos than I ever did in any of my film theory classes.


Only one beer? Lindsay, you can do better than that.


I think this is the first web review/analysis video where I've actually taken done some note-taking.

Kyle Williams

Treasure Planet is another in a long line of examples showing that long term passion projects by talented film makers often land with a thud.


My first thought upon seeing Lindsay enter frame left while munching Funyuns and drinking Corona was "I think I love you"; and I don't even like Funyuns or Corona. Oh my goodness, the gigantomachy (or however you spell it). Back when I was a fresh faced kid just out of school I tried to write a YA story about Artemis. That was when I first encountered the whole war with the giants. I wanted to make my book about that but I could never find any reference to it except on the internet. I bought so many books hoping to find more information but nothing. In retrospect I'm glad that this project ended up dying in the notes taking process because those Percy Jackson books ended up coming out like a year after and glutted the market for Greek mythology fanfic YA anyway. Still, has anyone seen anything about this particular myth in an actual book? I'd really love to know.


Is that a shot of Singapore at 3:07? Are we an empire that's risen or an empire that's fallen?


"Those are the rules I just made up." Does that make you an Eddie Izzard fan? If so I have just one other question. Do you have a flag?


Oh god, Hercules in New York... I've watched all of Schwarzenegger's films in chronological order, up until Twins (still working on it - it's a real project...) and that was the first one on the list. It's obscenely bad. Austrian meathead with poor understanding of English pretending to be Greek = a film too awful to even be "so bad it's funny"

Mel Vitta

So do the women in this universe also have swirl nipples?

Kathrin Shawcross

This video essay was so great that it influenced me to finally become a patron. Would love to see more like it


Loose Canon/Video Essay on Anastasia Romanov please?