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I did not plan this to be part of the update, but as of today, looks like I've hit 1,000 patrons! Of course that could change at any second, but thank you all, I'm all verklempt!

Secondly, since I get a lot of requests for the really long video essays to compliment the Loose Canon series, I'm almost finished with a new one on Disney's Hercules - look for that tomorrow.

Because I'll be travelling a lot in October, I'll only be able to do one video that month, but in November in addition to your regularly scheduled Loose Canon episode I'll also finally have that long-anticipated much-requested video essay on RENT, and when it comes out hopefully it will be clear why I took so long. 

In the mean time, enjoy the intro to the next big dumb monstrosity oh god what have I done 


Hercules Video Essay - animated Intro teaser

Oh god what have I done



Haha I'm hooked already.


Can't wait for the Rent anaylsis!! Your videos are the best!

Haldon Lindstrom

I'm so happy for another video essay! I know these are super time consuming and hard to put together, but I love them so.




Oh man, I can't wait :D I'm still rewatching the Phantom essay from time to time because I loved it so much


Still never watched Disney's Hercules - and added to my mental "watch list" after watching your glowing Nostalgia Chick review. I need to add to my actual watch list.


Oh, I can't wait! This is looking so, so good. Hercules is one of my favourites. :')


I saw Rent (live) for the first time yesterday so...good timing!


Yay video essays are awesome. And Rent always bothered me because its characters' cause is really unjustifiable. I'm actually excited about this one. Enjoy your travels!


RENT!!! I am excited!!! :D


As a fan of Disney's Hercules -- not to mention your Disney's Hercules drinking game from a Nostalgia Chick review -- I am looking forward to your video essay! I really enjoy your Loose Canon video series, too. :)


I think I'm the only person that not only completely loves Hercules, but like it more then, say, Little Mermaid. I'm waiting for the day when they finally run out of more profitable movies and finally make a Broadway show out of this one. I feel like it'd be way more suited to the stage then the flop that was Tarzan and there would be a lot of neat things they could do with it.


I am so hyped for this and everything you have coming up!!!!!! Thank you for always providing top quality analysis in your reviews!!! It's really inspired and pushed me to improve my own analysis skills so I thank you so much!!!! <3333


Brilliant! God, I love you in a totally non-creepy way, I swear.