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I wrote this, was ready to post it, then Chrome crashed. Fuck you too, Google and Google-owned platforms. 

The main thrust of it was to state that I won't be uploading to LeagueofSuperCritics on YouTube anymore, and to inform everyone that my new HQ on YouTube will be at youtube.com/chezapoctube, and to please subscribe! Yeah, it feels weird to be begging for subscriptions, but, well, I won't call it a "mistake" per se, I... well, actually yes, I will. Because I did not own LOSC - Maker does. I don't even have access to LOSC's dashboard or metrics. Yep - I don't even know how many views per month I get. I played the game as long as I could, but it's time to move on and be free. I may speak more on this later, but suffice to say, I have reached the end of my rope.

Both leagueofsupercritics and chezapoctube are under the Maker umbrella, but where chezapoctube is a "partner" (and then only after much begging, heckling, lawyer foot-dragging and duress) leagueofsupercritics is owned by Maker. As such it is held to the same copyright standard as all of the Disney-owned channels.  As such I had to go through a VERY time-consuming vetting process to get a video on LOSC, and by and large ops didn't really care to get to my videos in a timely fashion (that's why there was generally about a two month gap between a video going up here and going up on YouTube). It was my decision to go with it as long as I did, so it's not like I'm the victim of anything here. But it's just bad business to have thrown all my eggs in the LOSC basket for as long as I have, and I'll be removing those eggs over the course of the next year. So the long and short is, when my contract with Maker is up early next year, depending on circumstances (and number of subscribers), I can leave Maker and take everything (including chezapoctube) with me - including everything I've done that's on Super critics.

So this also means most of my old Nostalgia Chick stuff is in one place, too, and I'll be uploading it at chezapoctube in full formed, not the "abridged" garbage that's on LOSC for everything circa 2012. It'll be easier having stuff all in one place, plus I can hopefully upload content at a steadier pace.

tl;dr - please subscribe to my (personal) youtube channel at youtube.com/chezapoctube, and leagueofsupercritics is functionally dead. But until my stuff gets removed from that channel, I'll still get revenue from it.*

*I should add that, owing to reasons of the state of California garnishing my wages directly from Maker (without having informed me - apparently I owe them back taxes from 2010 - who knew? I certainly didn't, because I filed as a resident of Tennessee at the time. Might have been nice for them to tell me before they started garnishing my wages) that the revenue I get from YouTube is pretty fucking negligible. 

This week has been stressful in a lot of ways. I've attached that video of the bucket of sloths from Last Week Tonight. It is, indeed, almost violently delightful. Enjoy.



Did somebody order a bucket of sloths? Yeah me. A party sized bucket with plenty of sloth hugs to go round. This is the latest video from the 'Spielberg of sloth movies', Lucy Cooke, to celebrate the launch of her first book.



I was wondering why my YouTube subscription tab suddenly had a massive Nostalgia Chick video influx. Glad to see you'll be working towards having greater control over your content on YouTube at least.

Mister CPU

Hi, I am a newish fan and love your thoughtful and funny reviews. Best of luck with making your own thing work. I will make it a point to spread the word of the Chez Apocalypse goodness!


Here's hoping things run smoothly from here on out!


I'm glad that you're using your own channel. I had subscribed awhile back and was saddened to see very little update on it. It'll be better and I'll be happy when you finally fully delegate from Maker. If you need help with the back taxes, maybe you can run a GoFundMe campaign. Or, maybe run a Kickstarter campaign to run a full on season of a series on YouTube. I've seen plenty of YouTube personalities to do it. (Look at The Dice Tower!) In the end, Lindsay, what I'm saying is that you have fans who love you and your work. If you reach out to them, just as you did with Patreon, you may be able to get help and make this easier. If you use another crowdfunding source to help you make your life easier and possibly help the creation of future content, I'd be one of the first to pledge.


Nah, I'll get it back... eventually. I just have to file an amended return, file it, and wait for Cali to refund the wages they've already garnished which is... hmm.... what's the word. Ah, bullshit. The word is bullshit. Yes. Worse still the guy at the California tax office said they probably wouldn't even look at the amended return for about six months. A tax code written by fuckboys, and me not even a permanent resident! I mean I know California is fucking broke, but Jesus...


I'm so sorry for all the hassle. You're awesome as hell and I'll get my friends to subscribe.


Jesus. Well no worries will be subscribing and passing out links <3 as long as you need support you'll have it!


About time I became a patron!


Subscribed and pledging. Best of luck , buddy


I'm so happy you feel like you're getting freedom, and I'm even more delighted to hear you'll upload your back log! Ive missed so many of the full videos, and since blip went down I didnt have much choice but the abridged ones (why on earth do they do that anyways)


Glad to see you're moving off the LOSC/Maker pad and into your own space.


Glad to see you're moving off the LOSC/Maker pad and into your own space. On the California tax issue...are they still issuing IOUs?


Happily subscribed. I'm happy to see that your work has a central hub, and I join you in solidarity of saying 'fuck you' to Chrome and other things owned by Google.


Could you (or rather: us as a crowd) perhaps compile a list of abridged videos? So far I was only vaguely aware of that aspect. It could be fun and profit ;)


Bad news on the hardship, good news on the progress. I flinched a bit at the mention of lawyers. Things shouldn't have to get that far.


Subscribed and I'm so glad to see most of your old videos in the same place, uploaded by you! I've been a fan of yours since around the time you first posted your Last Unicorn review and I always look forward to new content :)


I think I already subscribed....I had no idea there was so much legal stuff over video channels...the old days of the wild west really are dead


Sounds like a really shitty experience! Glad to see you're hanging in there though :)


I was just thinking the other day that I wasn't sure I could even find your old videos, and now here they are. So when you use vimeo to post videos on Patreon there aren't these kinds of problems because they're a subscription service, are there? Internet content creation only gets more and more confusing every day.


Already subscribed, but great to see its becoming active again! I intend on spreading the word to my filmy friends. Its nice to have a place to go back and watch my old Nostalgia Chick favourites, I must say. Good luck in the rest of your battle with Maker - I had no idea uploading content with them was such a struggle! I hope things will be easier from here on out :)

Mel Vitta

When I saw that for a while you were the only one posting to LOEC I began to wonder if you had assumed control of that channel or something. I'm glad to be subscribed to the real deal now finally.


You aren't the only prominent figure to announce leaving Maker this week...It kind of gives the impression they're doing something wrong.


I only came here for the sloths. I wish we had sloths in NZ, but oh no, all we get is kiwis, wetas and paua and the later two are not exactly adorable...


Been a fan for a couple of years now. I have to say, you and Doug create excellent content and whenever i'm feeling down, i just rewatch your old videos. Thanks for all the hard work, i'm happy I found your Patreon page so that i can start to give back, somehow. :)

Jason Olshefsky

Ack! It's like a boner in church to have all the comments turned off. I know they're old and you don't want to deal with it, but oh, please ...