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You may have noticed that there is no credits just yet- well, my little travel computer and doesn't like Patreon's coding and therefore won't display patron info for me, so there are no credits. But I will update this very shortly with credits! 

password is "schtupping"


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How could you not love a queen who cuddled unicorns and shot rainbows out of her dresses? It might be interesting to look at Elizabeth 2nd at some point down the road; she's a beloved, still living person who witnessed many important historical events and shows up in movies ALOT. I'm curious about how those depictions vary from her predecessor.


Damn, those double-bastard children always ruin a good thing.


You just had to throw this in under the month didn't ya...?


I spy Ancillary Justice!


If you do do another historical figure loose canon, I'd love it if you could look at the founding fathers. Not just because of Hamilton, but also because of the PBS-produced children's cartoon Liberty's Kids, which was my absolute favorite as a small nerdy child. (Which may have been initially in part due to the fact that AARON CARTER raps in the theme song.)


Loved it. Really informative and fun.


Aww, no Reign? I mean, I know season 3 is still going on, but their take on Elizabeth is kind of hilarious, because it's straddling ALL the theories about stuff like her banging Dudley and maybe being a penis-haver, and just her drama with Mary in general.


Good episode!


This was fun! I just wish you'd mentioned Spenser's the Faerie Queene as an instance of her being fictionalised while she was still alive.


Its pronouced Les-ter. Rhymes with fester! Best football team in England atm.....


I second looking at Liberty's Kids, historical revisionism and all

Don Bright

"shakespeare truthers" lol.

Rebecca Richards

Thanks for the recommendation on Brows Held High. I've watched that episode twice now because watching Kyle systematically destroy the anti-Stratfordians was so satisfying. I've known a few in my life, and they're always insufferable!


How did I miss that this had come out!


Arg now I'm kicking myself for not mentioning Elizabeth I's brief appearance on Sky Arts's "Psychobitches": <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk5ZZ0jjJsk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk5ZZ0jjJsk</a>


Great episode! Never noticed how one-note Queenie was before now... Could you please do a theme of Australians?? Mainly so you can talk about both the Mick Jagger and Heath Ledger versions of Ned Kelly - they are both amazingly cheesy!


I hope we have a chance to see videos on the losers sometime - a video on Hitler, Mystique, the Devil, etc, would be wonderful at some point.


It's a shame that Elizabeth's virgin status and whom she might possibly shtupp dominated many of her portrayals. Bit sexist and frustrating, as she is such a well-known monarch and had such a large role in culture and history. She has plenty of characteristics that were way more interesting than whom she may or may not be becoming unvirgin with.


I keep trying to click onto the video and it's just taking me through an infinite loop of links back to this creator post. I've tried searching on vimeo and no luck either. Is anyone else having problems getting to the video?


Late response, but no problems on my end. Is it just this video? Have you tried with different browsers?