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Hi everyone, Nella here with some news!

TL;DR, we’re switching this Patreon to charging per month starting October. 

For Those Still Reading: 

Starting October, we’ve decided to change this Patreon from charging patrons per video to charging by the month. One, so no one has to worry about getting charged more than once per month. Personal budgets are hard enough. Two, it gives us a little bit more leeway in terms of finishing projects rather than being slaves to the end of the month deadline. We’re hoping this will be less pressure for everyone involved. 

Thank you for all your support so far! 

Nella et al.



That's all right—I prefer monthly payment as a patron as well since it's more reliable, and it's fine if the content doesn't come on a strictly monthly basis anyway. You guys keep rocking <3


A welcome change. Thank you!

5099 5618

Thanks for the update, and for both of your ongoing efforts.


Alright by me. Looking forward to whatever's next in the pipeline.


Hi Nella! Good to know.


No problem here, I would rather have your work not feel rushed.

Alex Wright

Yay, hi Nella. Fine by me, keep up the good work!


This works better for me :) As you say, personal budgets are hard!


Kinda surprised y’all weren’t doing this already! No qualms here 🙂


That's great! I honestly have been hoping you guys would do this for a while


I changed my pledge from $10 to $2 because of this. That unexpected Beauty and the Beast video hurt the budget I was planning.

Mister Joshua

I would have been fine with the per video charge, I expected to spend 10-20 per month on my Content de Ellis. But if this encourages enthusiasts who can't spare the dosh to regularly give more, I'm cool with that as well. Nothing worse than feeling like ya have to scramble towards the difference of getting paid and not.


Seems like a good idea when your work takes a lot of time to make :) more than happy to help!

David W (d20dave) (d_dave)

Sounds good. It's pros and cons really though. If you ever under-produce one month, you might also find you then feel pressure due to taking people's money without providing what you feel is enough content to justify that. (At least, that's the argument I've heard from some creators.) But it's definitely an individual choice, and if this system works best for you, then that's fine with me.


I've seen this done before, for similar reasons, and it's generally been a move for the better. Best of luck to all involved!


I like this change. I'm relatively new and wasn't sure how often videos came out, so signed up at $2/video to not blow up my budget. Now I'll likely up it to the $10/month level knowing that it'll stay constant.


Thank you.


I like this change!


Currently on a financial plan that's better off paying per video, but I love Lindsay's videos too much to really argue. The heads-up is more appreciated than you might believe. Keep on keepin' on.


Sounds good. All patreons should be run this way imo.


I would have stayed patreon either way but this helps a lot! :) Thank you!


<3 Nella No problems here. I'm fine with either method.


Cools, thanks for the update :)

Jennifer Miller

I told Chad he should do this, especially with all the trouble he's been having with his grandma.


Sounds great! Hope you all are doing well.

Eileen Nguyen

Do people need to change anything or do we just roll over into the new setup or what? (I'm really lazy and need these things spelled out for me)


Nice. I'll probably increase my contribution a bit. Take the time necessary to make good things!


Suits me, everyone else I contribute to is monthly, this just makes it easier to predict how much I'm spending. Take all the time you need to be awesome.


I'm wondering the same - is our current tier going to become the new monthly pledge, or what?


Thank you for the update Nella, and for your work.


I'd rather have a predictable charge. I'll probably up my pledge in Oct.


Thank you! Have an excellent September


Love what you produce and very happy to be able to support it, but I have to say that I'm not happy with this change. Patreon already gives patrons the ability to limit the number of times we are charged per month if we want to, and I for one would happily pay two or even more times in a single month if you were delivering that much finished work. As for putting less pressure on you to meet deadlines, that too seems like a downside from my perspective. Without putting too fine a point on it, we are supporting you to produce work, and if you get that support even when you don't produce work, I feel like you are less accountable to me as a patron. I'm not trying to lead a revolt or anything – I hope you continue to get the support you need to produce the work that I love, but I'm going to lower my support to a minimal level for now as a result of this change. (For what it's worth, I recognise that some other prominent creators on Patreon are making a similar move, Amanda Palmer for one, and I have given those I support the same feedback.)

Haldon Lindstrom

Thank you for letting us know. I'm glad that you are taking care of yourselves.

Joe Lou

Sounds good to me too! Thanks!


NELLA!!!!!! ...that is all I have to say.

Maria Luna Celeste

Hell. I've not liked that this was by video upload. I always like contributing every month to my favorite artists and the per update model always makes me nervous I might not support just because of an unforeseen circumstance.


I was surprised when I became a patron to see the per/video model being used. I've always understood being a patron as supporting the work being done to create, not as a means to pay for the product created. The change makes sense to me and I appreciate the transparency regarding reasons and impacts.


I much prefer monthly billing.




Question: will the current per-video support automatically become the per-month support?


Sounds good. It seems like it will be more stable income for you folks as well.




Sounds good!


Big supporter of this change!

Stephen B

^^ My question too. I'm happy with monthly billing, just don't want to accidentally drop off.

Jonny Seed

So are you the director or something, Nella?




Hey, is it possible to change the monthly amount? I do not want to join the $10 tier, but I would like to double to $4 a month, but I can't find a way to do that...


No new video in October, though? :-(

Kathleen O'Sullivan-Cook

I'm wondering what's going on? It's been almost two months since we heard from anyone here.....more wondering if everything is allright?


I don't have a problem with there not being a video - part of the stated reason for the switch was to get free of monthly deadlines. And I'm happy to be supporting an ongoing process rather than paying each video - it even feels much more like being a patron vs a customer. However, an end-of-month "here's what we're working on" post would be really appreciated in months that there is no new content.