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YouTube: Manufacturing Authenticity (For Fun and Profit!)

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Wow, logged on just in time to see this!


Great video! It’s interesting to hear you talk about media outside of movies and TV.


This is the best thing that ever happened to me


Something something & the jump of Chris Crocker into porn: the notion of "authenticity", renown, nostalgia, novelty and erotica.


I have a feeling "Not 'thing bad' but 'thing exist'" Is going to creep into my rhetoric a lot. Oh, who am I kidding, not creep so much as burst.


This is like my favorite thing you've ever done. I love it


Was having a bout of insomnia and saw this. Thanks for your insights. Especially as another creator. And lastly -- Vaaaanjie....miss vaaaanjie


i don't know if it is relevant but there's a strange audio glitch at around 25:48


I produce for a YouTuber who's experienced quite a bit of success over the years. Recently, they shifted their on screen personality into something that, from my perspective, is a little closer to "the real them" (whatever that means). How did subscribers react to this? With endless comments along the lines of "I miss the old ______!", "______ has changed!", "This isn't you ______!" Great essay.

Sam Frederich

Lindsay, videos like this are the reason you're the most essential YouTube channel on my radar. Keep up the stunning work.


Another great vid. Your content never ceases to inspire me! And yes I have a squarespace website, because you might as well indeed lol

Nolan Segrest

There seems to be a weird spot in the video towards the end, when you see Lindsay in the corner of the room. Glitch?


Well, now I'm sad. Thanks, I hate it. (I mean okay I don't hate it but I gotta do the meme to cope) Also there's a joke about Rent to be made with that neighbor's dog


I didn't know your middle name is C..


It's funny how deeply the idea of verisimilitude of your previous videos bleeds into my idea of "oh yes this is Lindsay" in terms of authenticity and brand. But while you were doing the many styles just to model/ critique the format of so many youtube channels during this vid, I was just so conscious of "this feels different," and it really makes you think about how easy it is to slip out of that format, and how structured that format is to keep it feeling familiar. Thanks always for making me think


Man About Cake can go cake itself!


Awesome video. Can't wait for it to go public to be able share it. :-) BTW, am I the only one to have a brain explosion due to dissonance when Lindsay explains to us something quite technical, something we all probably missed about how Youtube and Youtubers work, all the while telling us one of her passions is watching cake-making videos, while wearing an SpaceX t-shirt, and sitting barefoot in an empty room with cream-colored walls?

Jasmijn Wellner

I think the video series by StrucciMovies about parasocial relationships nicely complements this essay. Part one is here: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3vD_CAYt4g" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3vD_CAYt4g</a>

Crescent Minor

I logically know this. I know that making video essays is your job, that every bit of video I've ever seen of you, you are working. I know I maintain an affect at work, and you surely do the same. To my ape brain, your voice is as familiar to me as my actual family, and they don't even talk to me for as much time as I spend playing your videos; this has been the case for I think ten years, since I was twelve years old. But I just prefer not to think about the truth of the distance, because to me, this is what I sit down with when I come home from work. Hank mentioned increasing loneliness, which I do not experience despite having no 'meatspace' friends mostly because of videos like yours. This feels like social stimulation, UNLESS I remember that it is so one-sided, and that my presence is, to some extent, professionally tolerated in the same way I professionally tolerate customers. And that's a saddening thought, to be sure. It motivates me to be one of the 'good' ones, to pay you on Patreon, to be civil in the comments, because that actually is the best I can do.


Wow, really thought provoking video this time. I never really spent too much time thinking of just how manufactured so much of what we consume on YouTube is (not necessarily in a negative way of course). Great video by Lindsay and her crew! Also appreciate the increasingly meta “authentic” moments amidst the artsy ContraPoints framing


Damn, so many cake tube call outs in this one. The war begins.

Cal O'Boyle

Thanks! I love it.


I like that you approached this from the point of view of the video creators, but I just wanted to flag the other side. My partner adores YouTube videos and follows a few people (most notably some beauty vloggers like Fleur, Jeffree Star, and Tati), the videos entail someone sharing their lives in a natural way, but these lives are totally unattainable. The majority of the videos are: look at all this stuff I just bought, look where I am, or look at all these things I was sent by Gucci. The result is that my partner suffers from a lot of anxieties about how we aren't living those lives. But it's all just a manufactured reality. It is not nice to watch unfold, and it can cause a strain in the relationships. I don't think YouTubers are doing this intentionally, the viewers are the customers as you say... but it doesn't seem morally right to do these things. I can't imagine the effect it is having on younger, more suggestible people watching this stuff in their formative years. The consequences are going to be odd.


I simultaneously enjoyed this video, with a subtle feeling of ominous dred. Great job! :D


On some level I know that by the nature of the format (video essays) there's a great deal of artifice (a : clever or artful skill ) that goes into each one of your videos . That each one is edited to look and feel a certain way. But I've been watching them for so long that it doesn't quite feel that way when watching them. Watching your videos feels more like I'm sitting down with a friend as they explain something they're passionate about. The video kind of pushes those two perceptions to the forefront, and I got a bit of cognitive dissonance from it. That said it's very well explained, and I may have to start watching cake making videos now...


Looking at this video from a content perspective, I'm kind of reminded of CGP Grey's 'Humans Need Not Apply.' If that makes sense.


Watching this video has further entrenched that dissonant depersonalisation I got from watching StruuciMovies Fake Friends videos that keeps popping up when I get too engaged in a video now. I have no idea if that's a good thing but it is an informative thing.


Great video. Just want to second the opinion that fondant is the absolute worst food, specifically cake-related food. I adamantly refused to have fondant in my wedding cake because having a pretty cake is fine but I wanted a delicious cake. Our cake was red velvet with cream cheese inner and vanilla buttercream outside. Also lovely, though not as fancy. But fuck fondant.


Though I've always found it hard to get invested in the lives of artists/creators/celebrities. It makes small talk and art history difficult but anyone I've subbed should be safe.


I totally know the real you because we met briefly once at a party, and you are SO on brand! :-)


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big bird (not that one)

I'm so pumped to see so many quality discussions of the online personality-viewer dynamic! Man, I already feel guilty enough whenever I see a waitress's face crack under the strain of prolonged smiling, and I know that just by being there I'm making them have to keep going. At least it's common knowledge that service industry staff get paid to smile. Maybe if "expectation of 24/7 on-brandness from internet personalities" becomes a hot topic, it'll become common knowledge about them too? Even though I don't know you or any other internet personalities, the inescapable knowledge that your income is reliant on always being perfect on the internet fucks me up in an abstract way, similar to the constant presence of the shittiest parts of capitalism and the impending doom of global warming. I wish I could fix this! I wish no one would have to deal with this bullshit.


Another great video! That now makes me worry about all my favorite youtube personalities. Damn. I mean, at least 9-5 jobs have paid vacation time. Be well!

Joel Eblin

I posted this on the comments in Youtube, but I wanted to say again, I think there should be a reduction of the high pitch squeals in the VHS segments. They were so well done that they caused me to have the same discomfort I feel around old tvs.


This was a phenomenal video, and I hope you do more on this topic. Also, that moment with "you're the good ones" literally made my hair stand on end, such an emotionally poigniant moment with the set-up of the rest of the video.




This video was absolutely amazing. I particularly liked the workplace-esque informational video segments. Honestly, every video you make, you slap me with thoughtfulness in only the best ways possible. And I don't mean to devalue your personhood, but I just have to say you were serving up LOOKS in this video.

Joe G

Do you mean the thing that looks like a smudge on the camera lens? Given this video's topic I'm 95% sure that's intentional.




Hi Lindsay, this is among the best videos you’ve ever made. You’re such a fantastic content provider, and just understand that if you ever decide to do a Tony Zhou and slow down or stop creating, I’d certainly be bummed, but would totally understand. I’m just glad to have the content you’ve already made.


So very distracted by Hank Green's bookshelf looking like it contains volumes of Kodocha


A lot of food for thought in this one. I actually always felt both the need to connect emotionally to certain YouTube creators, and, simultaneously, the fundamental impossibility of that. I just lacked the correct term (affect), to describe it. Regarding the burnout effect: Is it absolutely impossible to change your public persona, the affect on display, so to speak, and if so, would that help? Or is that too scary a proposition (I could think of a number of reasons why it might be)? Anyway, thanks for the insight! I liked and enjoyed watching it.


This video is excellent. As a fellow "content creator" (quotation marks to indicate discomfort with the term), you've hit on so many points that I wonder/worry about constantly. I'll probably watch this a few more times just to keep the wheels turning and wrap my brain around everything.

Jack Atherton

Ahh!! How to Cake It! Drag Race! Marshall McLuhan! Excellent video!! :D

J. MacGillivray

Wow, a lot of food for thought in this one. Really good video. I will admit, as a Canadian I did have to laugh when you brought up "The Medium is the Message" because of the old Canadian Heritage video for that guy. Here if you wanted to see it: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNKpK_InQHQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNKpK_InQHQ</a> (Quick Explanation, the Canadian Heritage video were basically short ads that would explain a quick bit about Canadian history. Some of them are rather meme worthy by us Canadians. with some very cheesy acting.)


The creative scope of this was extremely impressive and helped me reflect on aspects of my work that are draining to me without me realizing it. Thank you for that, and I hope you find a way to engage in your creative work that doesn't slowly kill you, you deserve to be happy and fulfilled.


I like to think I can tell the difference between a Youtube video and reality even after all these years. Where I catch myself is with Livestreamers. I think that's the even scarier evolution of our current media trends. Especially in the streams that started small where I chatted with the streamers a lot, it's hard not to find myself repeating stuff they said as they were people I actually know them.

Kevin Brown

I really enjoyed this video. I like hearing your thoughts on the media and your own work. Thanks for sharing it really made me think more deeply about the things I watch on Youtube.


Is there any chance of the full conversation with Hank Green being posted? I really enjoyed the persona stream and there were a lot of thought provoking bits in there; seeing this expanded from another perspective would be wonderful. (Assuming that all involved are on board, of course!) Loved the video as is though! Thanks to both you and the folks you collaborate with for your hard work.

diego kontarovsky

this is one of the most insightful video essays i’ve ever seen (sorry if that sounds backhanded). love, respect, and support to you and your team. your voice, manufactured or not, is deeply appreciated


Interesting video, one thing I've been thinking about is that do "youtubers" or other content creators is there an added sense of being more "authentic" when they use Patreon to ask for financial support instead of just liking/subscribing/in-video advertising. How "likable" does Lindsay have to be for us to directly giver her money or is it enough that she and her team make great and engaging videos. Also, am I more likely giving because there is the illusion that I am directly supporting "Lindsay Ellis the person", which simplifies the reality that there is a team of people who make this content possible. Thank you for this thought provoking video.

Andrey Kurenkov

I think I've seen every single one of your videos, and I've got to say this is probably the best one so far (maybe comparable to LOTR/Hobbit ones).

Kayla Reed

I've looked at Emotional labor before as a librarian and it is a very interesting subject.


This was SOOOO GOOD! This goes to show that you can like something while also recognizing that it is problematic in some ways.


This was a very informative video! Another content creator (ugh, I don't like the term, but it fits) I follow had some pretty major mental health struggles recently, and while some of the fanbase was understanding, a large chunk of it was very much not. In your case, your polish and professionalism are something I really enjoy about your videos - it's clear that you aren't just some rando with a blog, you're a seasoned industry professional explaining your craft in a way that's easily accessible for a wide audience.


Lovely video! Nice to see you branching out a bit more - seems like you and your team have a lot of thoughts to share about all sorts of topics, even if movies are your forte. Maintaining a celebrity persona seems exhausting, I don't think I could manage it. At least, not the way Youtubers do.


Amazing video Lindsay! Totally relate to this!


A classic! Do mine eyes deceive me or are we seeing them contra influences bloom. Also man about fake, chortle.

Sterling Treadwell

wait.. you are short?!?!?!?! *lol* the fact thats the common thing people realize meeting you in person makes me a lil sad..


Great video! Now I'm off to buy 3 or 9 Squarespaces.

M. R. Turnage

This was pure genius on so many levels. Thank you for making it.


29:39 - 52 makes me wish I'd never watched your channel, ever. I'm a terrible person for making you make videos. I'm so goddamn sorry.


Awesome as always!!


I hardly ever comment on anything anywhere...this video randomly appeared in my yt feed and I really enjoyed it. Ended up watching the 3 of 2 hobbit videos after that, and here I am. I think you are an engaging and funny writer with a bright future that will surely go beyond yt in time. Best of luck :)


This may be my new favourite amongst of your work. Well done, y'all!


I have to say, I've loved all of your previous video essays (I feel no different about this one), but I really love the aesthetic and production of this one. I like the way that each "chapter" has a unique visual theme.


Hey Lindsay, I can’t recall what video you recently mentioned “The Prince of Egypt” and how you dislike the movie. I’m really badly paraphrasing what you mentioned about doing a deconstruction of religion for media profit (I’m so sorry if this isn’t what was discussed, I saw you mention it a while ago and I’ve been really busy with work to post this question when it was fresh in my head) I weirdly like this movie from childhood even though I’m not religious. I think it was the art the the color pallet they used that really sucked me in more then what was going on. I knowingly know I can be led by a whatever level movie if the visual art is interesting to me. I always said the story of Moses was the summer blockbuster story of the Bible. I know you said you don’t like this movie, but I’m comfortable with people not liking the same stuff as me. I think it would be really interesting if you tore it apart and touched on some of the things you mentioned about it in that five second blip about it. Thanks

Emily Kugler

I love this video so much. I already added "The Whole Plate" to my undergrad literary theory syllabus, but this is going on somewhere, too. Maybe with Benjamin?


I think she mentioned that in the list of "films I'm never doing a video on", which is a shame because I'd love to see her take on all of the movies on that list. Not to say I don't understand her reasons for not reviewing them, mind.


Really well made video, keep up the good work! &lt;3


Late to the party, but excellent work! It’s so nice seeing the Chez Apocalypse crowd elevate YouTube to such levels