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Hi all,

I want to thank everyone for taking the time to respond about the Mel Brooks video. I'm in the process of incorporating some of the suggestions, and I hope to have the final version public tomorrow morning.

But in a broader sense, I wanted to thank all of you for helping fund this venture in the first place. I was talking to a friend today about how different it is now from the days when I was reliant on ad revenue - it was all about how much you could get out, how fast (which is a lot of why I'm not super proud of some of my old work). This model means not only that I'm not doing 100% of the work alone (because I can afford to pay people), but that we can focus on quality over quantity, and spend the necessary time on research, media cultivation and writing. And honestly? I find it much, much better this way. Angelina and I worked really hard on the Mel Brooks episode, and in many regards it has come to feel like a team effort with all of you guys, as well. Thank you so much for your support as well as your sharp insights - we really couldn't do it without you guys. 



Thank you for being amazing :)


My sister and I have followes you since the thayguywiththeglasses days. Even then your videos have always scratched an intense itch for analysis and in depth explanation of filmaking. Patron has been great for fans too as we always felt watching an ad just wasn't enough to show how much we appreciate your work and are so happy you can do more.


So happy to be a part of it, Lindsay! This specufic video was easily one of your best. You guys should be proud. Thank YOU for the great work you do!


Of course! Your videos are amazing, and I've learned so much from them. They've made me want to get more into story analysis as well! Thank you (and all your colleagues) for all the hard work you've put into it. We really appreciate it! :D


It's amazing seeing the effort put in your video and a pleasure hearing you speak your mind. Instructive and entertaining.


Absolutely! Only found your work a couple of days ago but the video essays are amazing. Even though I myself didn't have anything constructive to add to the Brooks video, it was really awesome to have the opportunity to contribute before the public version goes live. Hope it finds success in the wilds of Youtube!


Other creators and series have come in and out of my notice, but I've been on top of every video you have done since I went, "huh, someone called Nostalgia Chick just posted a review of Teen Witch". Routinely some of the most substantive media breakdown I've ever seen. Glad to contribute in a small way.


It has been such a pleasure to watch you sharpen your specific voice and grow as a critic over the years. In the past you've talked about how Red Letter Media changed the online critic game in their approach and how they applied their technical skills to talking about movies. In the last year or two, you have definitely and definitively eclipsed them in depth and method, and probably style too. Your toil pays off hardcore. It's clear from the videos too that having a collaborator benefits the videos too.


I've only come across your work relatively recently, having missed a lot of the boom in online video content due to grad school. Watching stuff all the way back from the early Nostalgia Chick days, it always seemed like you had something insightful to say, and I'm glad that this platform allows you to spend more time saying it.


I thoroughly enjoy your work so thank you.


You are so smart and always have such interesting analysis beyond what almost any other film channel is offering. I hope that now that this obviously huge undertaking has been completed the Micheal Bay series ramps up a bit in speed, if only because I'm dying for more! But take however long you need :) Also, Patreon is the savior of YouTube, seriously 🙌🏻 The ad system keeps getting more and more unfriendly to the kind of content I enjoy watching, so tossing a couple of bucks a month to a real person feels good and is the least I can do (and the early access is irresistible, to be honest! I'm spoiled..)


I'd say Lindsay's videos are much more academic while RLM on the whole errs more on the comedic side of things, with only the infrequent Plinkett reviews going into any real analytical depth. I laugh much more often at RLM and the roundtable-type series are great hour-long "friend simulators" but Lindsay's tapping into something special by bringing such intense thought into topics that have never really been explored before (like Transformers and auteur theory..). I would personally never make it a contest on the difference in approach alone but I would say RLM's content is comfy and likable while Lindsay constantly impresses me


Thank you for making these videos over the years. I've learned so much from them. . Patreon really is useful. I'm surprised something like it wasn't available sooner - it feels like a natural evolution off of online payment services like PayPal and the idea of subscriptions and donations in general.


I'm honestly so happy I can support you, even just with a small pledge because I'm really such a big fan of your content and it just taught me so much!


I'm a little ashamed to admit I used to be the sort of person that thought I should get content for free and without ads. Now that I'm older and wiser I finally have a better concept both of how much WORK goes into even the simplest video and that rent is a thing. I'm glad I'm in a position to give back and actually support the things I love.

⭐️Galactic Pretty Boy, Tommy⭐️

I've enjoyed your content for free since I was like...fifteen? Sixteen? It feels great to be able to give back, and to contribute in such a way that makes the content better and the participants happier. That's a tremendous feeling.


You do awesome work and I'm glad to be a small part of what enables you to make that work even better.


Like everyone here is saying, I've learned so much from you - even in the old days in videos I know you are now ambivalent about, but certainly in greater depth in the work you produce these days. It's honestly really rewarding to feel like I can be a small part of helping you bring this kind of insight and awareness to people. Thank you so much for engaging with your audience this way, and I hope you'll keep pushing us to think and explore.


This is why I love Patreon. Allowing awesome creators like to work towards their full potential. The work you have been doing lately is so incredible. I was a fan back in the Nostalgia Chick days but there really is no comparison. Your work is so much more entertaining and valuable now. Thank you.


My understanding of and interest in FIlm has increased so much trough your videos, that I consider studying Film myself within the next year. (Yes, you will be responsible for my crippling depth. ;) ) The least I can do for that inlightment is giving away a few Bucks each Month. :)


I love your new stuff, and I love your old stuff. I regularly fall into a Nostalgia Chick/early Ellis YouTube hole where I just rewatch all of your old videos. I still love them, and I'm just happy that you are creating new content with an intelligent and feminist lens. Thank you continuing to create amazing content to keep us entertained, and for working so hard to elevate the discourse.


I love your explanations - I learn something new with every video of yours that I watch. You do a great job of explaining the various aspects of film and storytelling and film _as_ storytelling as opposed to other media. I am very happy that I am able to help support your work, it is work well worth supporting!


I've been a fan of your work for a long time, and being able to support you directly like this means just as much to me as it does to you. Your Mel Brooks video seems like it's needed at this point in time, so knowing that you're able to go as in-depth as you are with this platform is a great feeling as a patron.


No problem. I really love your recent video about Mel Brooks. From someone who was obsessed with the word satire in his mid to late teens because how complicated the word is to me (today it is postmodern and modern), it really add to my knowledge at the same time reaffirm what I knew and taught by my mom and learned from myself. I really love it.

Rebel Girl

Hope we get to see more of the ideas you had to cut out in another video. :)


Lindsay... If you can do this, you need to stop doing this and start working on your masterpiece, as long as there are no superheroes, beasts or robots :) - great work mate...


You inspire me. It feels so much better to more directly fund someone who inspires me. :)


Thank you, Lindsay.


So awesome to see you flex everything you've got. As a fan since the NC days it was obvious that you had the potential to do so much more.


Your work really gives this frazzled brain of mine a place to start thinking about these subjects. Narrative and its it a social/political influence is something I've always wanted to study more in depth in college but always felt a bit shameful looking into it (basically the whole "the humanities don't contribute anything of real worth to the world" argument). All in all, thanks to you and your team for creating these insightful videos!


Thank you so much for this video and so many of the other videos where you take a truly nuanced view of how our media interacts with our society to warp and change both. Every time I watch one of your videos, I feel that I've been given something new to consider and that my mind is broadened as a result (even if I don't ultimately end up agreeing 100% after I've given it fair and full consideration). My husband and I have upped our amount per video and want you to know how much we appreciate your contribution to society.