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October descends, as the Paladin continues their crusade against the dark and grimy underbelly of evil and unholiness, watched by vicious, hungry eyes.

This pack includes a Paladin class card, Harpy pin, and lore card of a paladin venturing further into the depths of something scary.

It also includes the 2 Wrath Classic special double length postcards.


The night grows thick, boots bring an ache on sunken wet ground. Yet duty does not rest, nor fade in the dark.

The pursuit has proven long, proven treacherous. Yet you cannot step away now. A simple path remains, a decisive end, a towering pair of doors. Behind this barrier? Well… an end to your search. That much is known.

The squelch upon the heavy puddles gives your location to the harpies above, stalking and skulking across the rooves.

They think you carrion in the making. They very well may prove to be right.

The assailants who bear white masks, the feathered beasts who patrol your every move… the locals have reported such, their terror escalating with each passing day.

The pain in your side remains, throbbing with each step. A wound from such an assailant. A wound you intend to repay in kind.

Justice or Vengeance? A question that weighs heavy upon your mind. Under muttered breaths, you answer; Duty.

The rain beats down, bringing out the scent of decay. A deep rot resides all around you. You must be careful with your steps. What treatment you received from your assault was not enough, you struggle and strain with each step.

Still, you cannot rest. You cannot give up the ghost just yet. Not as the white mask haunts the air before you, appearing fresh in your eye. As time passes, the vacant expression in your mind's eye has twisted to a taunting smirk.

Justice or Vengeance? Must you convince your peers of your intent? Or yourself? Duty, you answer once more.

This place to which you have been lead… death is embedded within the walls. Tales abound of such a place, the meaning behind such macabre decoration is not lost on you.

Warlocks, necromancers, those who would defile the bones of those past with their twisted magic, those who would create such abominations…

Perhaps it naïve to approach this gate alone. But to hesitate is to concede. To turn back now is to surrender your knowledge.

You grip your shield tight. You are no fool to what lies ahead. You may not find victory behind these walls, but you will find answers.

You may not serve justice, you may not deliver vengeance. But you will have, at least, served duty.

Through gritted teeth and deep breathes, you rap upon the solid wood.

Come what may, let the harpies feast tonight.


Pledge to the $25 loot tier before the end of the month to have the Paladin Card, Lore Art, Harpy Pin, and Wrath Specials shipped to your address!



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