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Howdy friends,

I hope you're all keeping well!

Just chiming in with an update to let you know how things are progressing with the Squaresoft video, which is to say things are progressing slowly... but well!

I knew initially that recording footage for 47 games (I think I said 48 in the last Patreon update but turns out I can't count and it is in fact 47) would be the longest part of this project as my main goal when capturing footage for these types of videos, is to make sure I represent a wide variety of a title's gameplay within the video and also to play enough of it to make sure I have a good understanding of what the game is all about.

Now the issue with Squaresoft as a topic, is that a large portion of their games are RPG's, and not only are they RPG's but we're talking about some of the most beloved video games of all time. And since playing these games for an hour or two can result in a low variety of footage, well it meant I was playing some of these 47 games for upwards of 4-6 hours a piece. So even though there are fewer games featured compared to the Namco Video, the process of playing and capturing these games has been the most time-consuming thing I've done on this channel yet. Although that being said, a lot of these games are incredible, and it's actually kind of difficult to play 6 hours of a final fantasy game, suddenly stop, and then move on to a brand new game and get hooked in all over again... only to stop and do it all over again on repeat for about a month. it's like a new form of personal torture that I accidentally invented just for myself haha

Although over a month of long nights later, I'm delighted to say I've finally finished capturing footage!

All we've got left now is the script and editing and while these will be quite intensive processes, they shouldn't take anywhere near as long so I'd like to think we're into the home stretch now. Either way, expect a long video when all is said and done!

I've been working away on the graphics and art when I've been on the train home from work, so you can have a sneak peek of the thumbnail and transition cards. I decided to update the transition with the release dates of each game across the various regions.

And finally, I've also been slowly updating my personal spreadsheet of every PS1 game and we've now reached the letter E in the Japanese Library. Initially, I was counting every single variant but once I made it to the letter A I realised that would take too long and resorted to just including the original release of each game and I can go back and add variants at a later stage if I'm in the mood. Either way, it allows you to easily sort through over 700 games currently, which is frankly a ridiculous number considering we've only made it as far as the letter E! But, anyway feel free to take a peek at that too if you like.

List Link here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p3rcUuONYK8gh3PSUgBNNs5161-LsxOn9TzVnin2LEI/edit?usp=sharing

You can expect the Squaresoft Club PlayStation to drop in the not-too-distant future, and when that appears you can expect the final video to drop in the following weeks. Once that's done we're back to wheel town, so wheel fans don't think I've forgotten about you!

As always thanks so much for your support and I'll talk to you again real soon.

Much love,
Sean <3



Ali Harlow

I was wondering how you would approach such long games! Seemed like a bit of a mission, I'm glad the bulk of the recording is done.

disk-kun, the mascot for the famicom disk system

how many of these games do you actually wind up buying/playing on real hardware? you mention picking up some of the games in the namco video upon finding you you liked them

Sean Seanson

When it comes to a video like this, I tend to already own a number of the games being featured. Stuff from my childhood and what I've picked up naturally over the years. It's part of the reason why I opt for certain companies since I have my own history with them and they partially shaped my experiences with the console. I inevitably pick up a few new games that I enjoy during the process, but I also live in a pretty small house, and space is limited so I have to be very picky when it comes to buying games these days, even if having all 47 games would benefit the video (and probably send me into debt). That being said you can expect to see a few physical games appear in this video, and footage wise it'll be a mixture of emulation and real hardware.