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Howdy friends!

Hope you're all keeping well and avoiding that lousy smarch weather.

Just want to give you a quick heads-up on the next video, which will be a return to looking at a collection of games from an influential company in PlayStation history. This time we'll be looking at SquareSofts entire PS1 catalog since you can really only go so long with a PlayStation-centric YouTube channel before making a big SquareSoft video right?

After doing all the requisite digging, I believe there are approximately 48 unique games that Square released on the PlayStation

By region we have

Japan - 48 Releases
North America - 28 Releases
PAL - 16 Releases

Should be a fun one to put together and ideally a little quicker to make than the Namco video, but eh we'll see how that all turns out!

You can expect the requisite Club PlayStation SquareSoft edition to appear a little while before the video is ready, and then once that's done it's back into double wheel videos to help get us moving closer to Vol.20 and the dawn of the PS2.

Thanks as always for the support and please enjoy a picture of Honey and Luna for the time being!

Take care and chat with you soon!

Much love,
