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...should I invoke creator powers and scale her up to more humans proportions for her massage, or maintain her current size?



Scale her up!

Andrew Martinez

You should scale her up but be careful she may take advantage of you


Scale her up please!

Man of madness

Do as you wish paw my friend...though i advise CHILD size at most. Any further delves into risky territory. Could DEFINITELY see Raspberry trying to get even.

Brendon Boloico

Sure scale her up to a reasonable size

The Scarred Horn

At full size she might be a touch dangerous..


Scaling her up would probably be best.


You can risk that if u want but she might take advantage of her new scale up.


I was thinking we could introduce her to BB, but that was just an idea if everyone was alright with it. Other than that, I'm down for the idea if scaling her up