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I've never given a massage to someone so small. So...

Edit:  Hmm, maybe I should use q-tips.




Maybe have the bean or tentacles actually give her the massage so you don't crush her spine lol


Honestly I thought it was gonna be similar to when you did the tickle tools. Like individual hands or somethin 🤔 But HER size, ya know?


HMm... Perhaps use a Q-Tip and press softly against her? I dunno, she's a tiny so not many gentle options


Don't forget her feet!!!!

Man of madness

yeah when i suggested the massage THAT was kinda where i was going with. Was expecting the bean. I'm a clumsy fool myself so I'd never try something hands on like that.


You could use those soft point rubber tipped styluses, or as most people posted Q-tips, or another (very out there) suggestion is use an egg vibrator on the lowest setting for her. You could even go as far as make a tiny chair out of a bunch of wool cotton or felt, and then place the vibrators where her back is, on the armrests, and where her feet are (there'd be one at on the seat too but we could only turn it on if she really behaves.