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My next comic project features a giant Crca lady and a diver girl getting up to erotic shenangians when said Orca saves her from a group of reef sharks.. It's going to be called Diving for Pearls and I'll be giving weekly updates on how it's going on here. Timewise I'm wondering when I'm going to get this done, I gave myself until July to do it, but it may be sooner, it may be longer, it depends. Next week I'd love to have the thumbnails, it's looking like maybe 10-15 pages, but who knows with comics?😂  As always, I'll do some mini updates for everyone but the Noodle Bowl patrons will get access to full pages of this comic as they get done as well as the final in a lovely PDF.

I'm back in full swing as well. Commissions should be out this week and I'll be aiming to get Bera, my adoptable, up this weekend. Aiming to stop updating a bit on the weekend, so I have some more time to myself but there'll be some worldbuilding as well again for the Radiant Isles!



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