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POLL: Select the Next Extended Play Lounge album!

  • Camel - Moonmadness 81
  • Fairport Convention - Liege and Lief 24
  • Focus - Moving Waves 41
  • Jethro Tull - A Passion Play 119
  • The Moody Blues - On the Threshold of a Dream 65
  • 2023-09-09
  • —2023-09-15
  • 330 votes
{'title': 'POLL: Select the Next Extended Play Lounge album!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Camel - Moonmadness', 'votes': 81}, {'text': 'Fairport Convention - Liege and Lief', 'votes': 24}, {'text': 'Focus - Moving Waves', 'votes': 41}, {'text': 'Jethro Tull - A Passion Play', 'votes': 119}, {'text': 'The Moody Blues - On the Threshold of a Dream', 'votes': 65}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 15, 3, 45, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 9, 19, 41, 46, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 330}


Hi y'all! For the next EPL, we're going back to one of 5 classic prog/pop albums. All of these have been on the list for a while, and I'm eager to listen to them...but which one first?

Vote for your preferred pick!

The poll will go through September 14. 



Moonmadness for me

Rebecca Walsh

I remember the Camel album that looked like a cigarette box on it from somewhere in my childhood. When I played it on the turntable I remember going through each song thinking, what is this? I couldn't appreciate that music as a child, but now I have you to thank for my rediscovery of that band and others. THANK YOU DOUG!