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Hi y'all!

In the wake of all of these blocks on YouTube, we're starting to try to work ahead with uploading our videos. I am accustomed to researching, recording, editing, and premiering all in the same day, but that is becoming increasingly problematic...as I can't accurately anticipate how YouTube will handle that day's upload.

So, for the past week, I've been uploading like crazy behind the scenes. I'm preparing future episodes so that I can pick and choose from the ones that YouTube allows us to release. 

All of this behind the scenes work is why the latest EPL is not yet out...and why I haven't been active much on the discord. I plan to record my reaction to Dreamboat Annie for the next EPL tomorrow. Then, the beginning of April's EPL will be Rick Wakeman's Criminal Record (a Doug's Choice). I'll be planning to excerpt my reaction of Judas Iscariot from that album for my upcoming April 7 episode (which is Good Friday).

We'll also have a Behind the Score and this month's Fan Favorites coming soon. Make sure you've voted in the Fan Favorites Poll! And, there's a Council Hangout coming up this Saturday the 25th.

Thanks again for all your support!



Eirik Morken

Isn't Spock's Beard gonna happen on EPL?


Fantastic! Cannot wait for Wakeman.


Doug working hard behind the scenes.


This is a good plan, I think Doug. Much easier on your psyche. Keep up the great work!

Nicholas Koenig

Thanks for all your efforts Doug to bring reactions to the songs we love. Don't understand why bands or production companies wouldn't want thousands of people hearing music that may add a substantial amount of clicks on Spotify and other sources...just dumb.

Bill Coonley

We mustn't let the evil robots win! Seriously, though, I'd never heard Opeth or Nightwish, among others, before tuning in to the Daily Doug. If you keep playing 'em, we'll keep listening! Cheers!

Ray Sincere

Taking care of business. You've got it under control.


Makes sense, it also takes the pressure off knowing you have material ready to go if you need a week off or something. Do what works for you Doug!

Don K Mal 1

Hang-In-There.....you are doing a Great Job..........dk