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Hi y'all...

It's time to prepare for the next Extended Play Lounge Episode. And, I think it's time to return to King Crimson. 

I've now listened to three KC albums: In the Court of the Crimson King, Red, and Discipline. (All have EPL episodes.)

I've selected five potential KC albums to choose from. Pick your preference!

The poll will be active through March 1. Happy voting!


Einaras Sipavičius

I voted for Beat. That's my favorite 80s KC album, one of the most imaginative and underrated KC records. But of course I'm okay with Larks' Tongues In Aspic, that's one of my favourites from 70s.

John Clark

Just thinking....Doug, you should arm yourself with the lyrics to the three tracks on LTIA that have them (as I cannot see it's lead being overtaken). It would be the same as if you had bought the album and rushed home for a first time listen, all the while poring over the album cover artwork and the lyric sheet. There's a poignancy to the first two that has never diminished from day one. Book of Saturday has been my go to love song for the previously stated 50 years.


Easy decision here, it just has to be LTIA really. It's the landmark album of the 70s era for a lot of people, myself included. This is the album that really elevated King Crimson from fun and kinda interesting to one of my favourite bands of all time.

Randy Hammill

Larks’ was definitely a new beginning and remains the start of one of their most popular eras. Live they were a beast. But I have come to love Lizard. On the surface it sounds very different, but it previewed a lot of musical ground, and playing from Robert, that would become the framework of what was to come. The live performances of material from the 2014- lineup(s) were stunning.

Frits van Voorst

Bill Bruford left Yes after CTTE, the album you love so much. He needed more room to develop his musicianship. Larks is the next album he played on and yes, he got the space he needed. In Yes, he said, there always were long discussions when composing and recording songs. In King Crimson you just were expected to know what to do.

Frits van Voorst

And a last remark: I strongly recommend the SW remix: less harsh and more clarity/detail than on previous digitalizations.


Personally I would rather see a band you have not already done 3 previous ELPs of so I have not voted!


Because of King Crimson's copyright stance, I'm only able to react to their music here, so I intentionally make room for them occasionally.

Brian Rolfe

Much as I think the Larks Toungs is arguably the best of these albums I voted for Islands. Larks tounges is a precursor to Red and the first of that great triology. In the Wake is the follow up to ITCOTKC. Beat, well it's not their best album. But Lizard and Islands shows the jazz influence of Keith Trippet on the band and these two albums are remarkably different from their other output. Neither has been covered yet and logically that should be the next period covered, as the later period Thrack etc is not listed as an option. As to which of the two, either, but for me Islands edges it.


I agree that "Lizard" and "Islands" (either one) would be a nice future analysis after Doug has seen the trajectory of King Crimson in "Larks'" (I voted for "Lizard," by the way).

Michael LaPorte

I love Keith Tippett's work with Crimson. Have you heard his stuff with Elton Dean and Centipede?

Brian Rolfe

Even saw him at the hole in the wall Manchester with soft machine kegacy about five years ago

Eric F.

My understanding is that Chris Squire was an obnoxious micro-manager, and it was one of the reason he quit Yes.