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Hello everyone! We are now accepting submissions for a special Nov-Dec Fan Favorites episode. Please read more about it below, and remember, if you'd like to submit a Fan Favorites request, you must do so on our Discord in the Fan Favorites channel. 

This Month’s Theme: The Twelve Songs of Doug-mas

If you were to ask me to react to just one song…what would it be? What song is at the top of your personal wish list? We’re closing in on the end of the year, and I’m planning to take December off from Fan Favorites to better enjoy the holidays with my family. So, we’re planning a big year-end send-off for Fan Favorites. Someone recently told me that I could be Santa for Halloween, and I’m taking that idea and running with it. Taking our cue from the ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’, I’ll be selecting the 12 most up-voted songs in our big year-end poll to ‘gift’ the community with a super-sized Fan Favorites episode. So, here’s your chance! And…I’m raising the time limit for each recommended song to 20 minutes. I’m looking forward to seeing what’s on all your wish lists!

Here’s the stipulations:

• The submission needs to be a publicly available YouTube video

• The song needs to have not yet been included on a Daily Doug YouTube, Extended Play Lounge, Behind the Score, Fan Favorites, or Council Chat presentation.

• The song duration limitation this time is HIGHER THAN USUAL but still in effect…keep your recommendation to less than 20 minutes.

• NO MULTIPLE-SONG COMBINATIONS, PLEASE…A single track as a unified suite is fine, but I don’t want to listen to (for example) three or four shorter songs that make up about 20 minutes.

This Month's Timetable:

• Discord Submissions Start: Saturday, November 5

• Discord Submissions End: Saturday, November 19

• Patreon Poll Starts: Sunday, November 20

• Patreon Poll Ends: Saturday, November 26

• Fan Favorites Video Release: Late November/Early December



Hi Doug, Unfortunately, I'm not on Discord, but I submitted my request to you on Patreon. I'm guessing I'm the only one asking about that song, as there's no mention of it... 🤷‍♂️


Hi Doug. Can you remind us again of what "Discord" is and how to access it? Does it require a special app?

Toby Sanchez

Discord is kind of like Slack or MS Teams but is decentralized and started for (and by I think) gamers.


Hey Allen. The easist thing to do is to watch Doug's "welcome to the community" post. https://www.patreon.com/posts/welcome-to-2022-71428047 Skip to 7:45 when he starts talking about discord.


Do you want help getting on Discord? It is alot easier to get together as a community there.


I have it but have never used it . probably just need his server name/number

Max Eliaser

appreciate you putting the heads up on Patreon, I'm more likely to notice it here. Keep it up!


In Patreon under Settings > More > Connected Apps. Connect your Discord to your Patreon account. Doug says more on how to do this in his welcome video at the 7:45 mark.

Steve Hall

Yes, Discord was originally launched by and for gamers. I was happily surprised when Doug started using it, as I had never seen it used like this before. It still cracks me up when my Discord Icon (40K Black Templars) shows up on the Daily Doug Discord threads.