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This month, we're returning to the theme of 'Diamonds in the Rough'. We first did this back in May (Episode 4). As this topic is a primary vehicle by which I can really learn about and include overlooked bands and songs, we'll keep doing these periodically. 

We had massive participation and close voting over on Discord, where we received 55 submissions (our highest number yet). Sixteen of these submissions received 15 upvotes or higher. Your task is to pick up to five that you would like to see in the video at the end of the month.

I'll include as many songs (in order of their score) as I'm able in about an hour-long video.

This is a google sheet with more information (including the submitter's note) for each of the selections. 


This is an unlisted YouTube playlist that goes through the songs using the links provided. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO0n3LrUjxKqImYkM-NGiQZxumXSXvvAl

Happy voting! We'll run this poll through the end of next Sunday, September 25.


j z

That toy matinee record is one of my absolute favorite records of all time

Christopher Arters (relative timeworx - Mr.A)

Tremendous album... Great song... If you haven't seen Tim Pierce's YouTube video about the making of the album, check it out. Excellent video and the genuine love the session guys have for the material is moving: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muP89_B3q9E&list=PLUMnsMWIuQ7_6g5iP6HC1TbDB3FsdkKQM&index=1

Illume Eltanin

I hope voters give these all a listen before voting, rather than merely voting by band or title recognition. We did listening parties of all of them on the Discord, and Southern Empire wound up being one of the top vote getters. I know my five selections are different than what I would have picked based on recognition alone before listening.

Ray Sincere

Finally, Doug will get to hear Nektar. They're one of my favorites.

Mats Holmberg

Wow, Moon Safari on the list! Might not win but one day it will get there. Harmonies from heaven.


I did all my voting on the discord based on listening to every track. Unless (of course) I knew the track already. I would hope that everyone else does the same, or what’s the point of any of this then. Right?

Wade Markham

I wish you had a Pallas album and a Jadis album on the list. Or Mostly Autumn.

Illume Eltanin

Precisely! "Diamonds In the Rough" implies new-to-one pieces. I hope voters make use of the playlist Dr. Doug put together to listen to the tracks before voting.


C’mon folks. Together for Saga. A great, but very underrated band.

Neale Brassell

Go Moon Safari, Tangent, and Tiger Moth Tales (all rather unknown bands that are awesome) and Saga (better known but still wildly underrepresented on here!).

Mark J Moerman

I've been trying to get some love for The Strawbs on the channel for a while now, and it would be amazing to have two songs in the next FF set!

Dave Cohen

Hero and Heroine is a brilliant album. Can't go wrong with it.


Saga is an awesome and under rated band for sure!

MrWondrous David Beckwith

Since the mid-70s, I listen to Hero and Heroine every Autumn. Finally got to see Strawbs in Charlotte. Wakeman started with them, if I recall correctly. Autumn/Winter is a romantic favorite. To love!