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Vimeo link: https://vimeo.com/658016944/fdd72d5172

We're finishing 2021 out with a bang with the return of Dream Theater to the Extended Play Lounge. Spend an hour with me as we wind our way through the entire 8-part suite. 

As usual, please don't share this link outside of Patreon. Enjoy!


Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence (Dream Theater) Extended Play Lounge - Episode 10


The Black Queen

I have mild Autism and Solitary Shell is very relatable and comforting to me


This persuades me about DT, where I was previously wondering if they were mainly gloss. This is a real piece of musical art, wide ranging, tasteful and full of meaning. I can hear the influences, but they are not only mastered, but transcended to be used for this band's own expression. Very impressive, and also well worth returning to, which I certainly will as I immediately bought the album. Every member of this band demonstrates a high level of mastery of their instrument, and the band gels into a cohesive and coherent unit. BTW I love the Wakeman-esque moog runs played by JR. Almost feels like the pretender taking the crown!

Anthony Taylor

Thanks, Doug. Just my nickel on the grass here, I think the dichotomy in Solitary Shell may be illustrating how one puts up the appearance of things being fine, when inside, there is turbulence and loneliness, at least that's how I hear it.


The Glass Prison is one of their most balls-to-the-wall, in your face, fast tempo songs I advise you to prepare yourself for a ton of double kick runs.

Jamie Perdue

Misunderstood is my favorite song from this album. In my top 5 DT songs.

Steven Biggs

You mentioned humanity at the end of this reaction which was great by the way. Listen to Trial Of Tears by Dream Theater, it's their "softest" epic song.


He's going to need to pace himself on his drink of choice, that's for sure.

Aaron West

Vimeo was really annoying tonight so I couldn’t get the entire reaction. From what I heard, unbelievable chops, loved the overture, don’t love the vocals, and it seemed to be getting deep when my browser refused to cooperate. I think DT will always be a band I respect immensely rather than enjoy.

Zsuzsanna Vázsonyi

My favorite DT album (beside Scenes from a Memory). Honestly, I don't think they could surpass this album ever. To me this is the zenith of DT's history. Great reaction, thanks Doug! And indeed, Portnoy is Portnoy... :)

Vei Hei

WOW! Yea this was a journey for sure. This one and scenes from a memory, metropolis Pt:2 is my all time favourite DT albums and you have done them both. Really thankfull to have seen your reactions to these albums. Thanks a lot Doug. This is the main reason why i joined you here on Patreon. And yes the endings of the albums is right. The ending note goes into the start of next one. If im not misstaken the ending of this album goes into Octavarium.

Benjamin van Geest

Thanks, Doug! Your elaboration is always much appreciated!

Philip Briddon

May I make a suggestion for a future Extended Play Lounge edition. The song The Glass Prison you mention in this video is the first part of Mike Portnoy's Twelve Step Suite (which was toured as The Shattered Fortress). The 5 songs which make up this suite would be an interesting listen. I don't think Mike ever got to play the suite live with Dream Theater and I suspect due to rights issues the live footage may never be released but all 5 songs are available individually on YouTube.


After Portnoy left the band he wanted to perform the 12 step suite live and asked Haken with Ross Jennings on vocals and Eric Gillette of the Neil Morse band to perform the suite in its entirety. There is video of the performance but none of great quality. Link for those interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrZT_EyxXGk

Rob Winchell

Amazing music, beyond its years. Aging like a fine wine. DT are truly masters in so many ways. Unparalleled!🙏🏻♥️

Vei Hei

YEa that one too.. well all of them to be honest

Edward Malthouse

I really enjoyed your reaction to this. I'm happy to hear that you're considering including The Glass Prison, which is another DT classic. I would be a great Metal Monday pick. Another important, related song is The Mirror off DT's Awake album.

Nick Johnson

Now you must do The Astonishing. Its a rock opera masterpiece and the pinnacle of James' vocal work.

Ole Martin

The ending of this album is the same note that starts off their next album, Train of Thought. The first song on that album is As I Am.


Hi Doug, you might do the whole AA suite for the extended play lounge

Roy Torset

My band for the last 25 years❤️,i really hope they can do this piece on the upcoming tour,its been 20 years så theres a chance😁

Ian Raine

I believe the song about "autism" - or possibly Asperger's Syndrome - is happy because it is wrong to think of sufferers as being in some way ill. It is just how they're built, but being shunned and teased by the other children because they are different means they find solitary happiness.

Adamack Beats

Yes, agreed. In a similar vein, I have seen a lot of studies about how many people with Down Syndrome live very happy lives. Yet some people tend to look down upon them and feel overly bad for them, instead of just viewing them as people who are enjoying their lives. I feel that this may be that same dichotomy of Solitary Shell's happy vibe, only for Autism.

Adamack Beats

Thank you Doug! DT has been the only band that I have never grown out of or gotten sick of. I picked up Scenes From a Memory way back in '99, and their music connects with me in a way that nothing else has. Six Degrees is incredible. Part of me wishes the live Score version had been chosen, as it is so cool to see the band perform this with an orchestra. But this was still great. I will be looking forward to more!

DJ Black

I'd never heard anything by DT, and this has now become absolutely ESSENTIAL stuff to add to my prog-rock collection! There are a lot of similarities between DT and my other, traditional "full ride" artists (Yes, ELP, PF, Mike Oldfield, Moody Blues, etc.). Thank you, Dr. Helvering!

Khaled Akbik

Rightly so, this goes into Train of Thought, the album and My Glass Prison, the song and it does carry over on the same note. Thanks for the listen and reaction. I’m glad you’re enjoying the mastery of these musical gods. Their ability to not only perform but also write such complex pieces makes them worthy of a great deal of admiration and respect, irrespective of one’s musical taste. And I’m glad reactions and channels such as yours is spreading that message. Thank you and Merry Christmas 🙏🎄

Edward Wright

I think that "The Enemy Inside," from their 2013 self-titled release provides a more explicit, detailed, and universally relatable portrayal of PTSD than "War Inside my head." As always - nice job and thank you for giving this genre a platform.


Powerfull stuff indeed! Thank you, Doug, for taking us on these listening journeys with you. I’ll be looking forward to these in 2022! Cheers!

Izzy Mignot

Hey Doug, great stuff! Just a quick comment on the idea of reacting to The Glass Prison: I don't think you would enjoy that one as much... It's a lot heavier, full of double bass drum patterns, and not as musically/harmonically intricate as the title track that you just listened to. You should check out an instrumental track of theirs called Stream of Consciouness, or the Sep-11th-themed Sacrificed Sons (this one live in NY in 2006 - Score, with orchestra)

Daniel Andrews

Great job as usual! Love this album but do prefer the Score version dimply because I love that true orchestra sound. Still hoping for Pain of Salvation “BE” to make it to the extended lounge!!


please do Porcupine Tree's "In Absentia" and/or "Deadwing" . You will not be disappointed.

Glenn Wo

I do not think you will enjoy the glass prison mate, too much double kick drumming

Mike D

Thank you so much, Doug, for reacting to this incredible suite, and providing thoughtful insight around the difficult subject matter. Empathy is so important when dealing with the neurodiverse, and I think this song and your reaction truly help to move the needle on that. Here's some extra detail on a few of these, from how I see them. IV. The Test That Stumped Them All: This seems to be an exploration of psychosis -- which can be caused by schizophrenia (which itself can cause other symptoms besides psychosis), as well as by other factors, including stress, trauma, and addiction withdrawal. V. Goodnight Kiss: Prolonged, unprocessed grief. They explore the most searing example -- that of a mother losing an infant -- but the state can be induced by any intense grief that doesn't get processed in a healthy way ("It's been 5 years to the day... those b@stard doctors are gonna pay"). VI. Solitary Shell: Spot on, Doug -- I had only thought of autism, but I believe you're right; this applies to anyone who has withdrawn so completely. Thank you as always for providing the broader perspective. Anthony Taylor's comment about the dichotomy nails it: the smiling face and "I'm fine, how are you?" when you're dying inside. VIII. Losing Time: This one's on Dissociative Identity Disorder (what used to be called Multiple Personality Disorder). Usually induced by severe trauma, sufferers experience "losing time" (periods of amnesia), inability to recognize people (or worse, people you know look like "fakes" of the real people), a sense of detachment from oneself (as if one's life is a movie one is watching), and a blurred sense of identity. Difficult stuff indeed. Thank you for shining a light, Doug.

Michael Kalembkiewicz

I just joined because of the interview with Ross, and really wanted to hear the Mountain reaction, watched that and then this, and the difference in composition between Dream Theater and Haken are pretty notable. Haken, at least during The Mountain, were WAY, WAY more thoughtful with their composition. This is scatterbrained and rushed at best. This started my decline in interest in Dream Theater. They're as musically adept as it gets, that's fine, but as compositionally shallow as it gets as well, at least for prog. Piecemeal ideas that are (still rather adeptly) slammed together with musical trickery rather than thoughtful thematic consideration.

Tobias Schwenk

Thank you very much for this one! What a wonderful hour...

Lukáš Lipovský

Thank you Doug for listening to one of my favourite pieces. I love this album so much.

Bill Maus

Well done sir! This is the album that got me into DT. I got to see them live on this album and they played it in its entirety.


Thanks for this awesome reaction! You have listen the live version with the orchesta of About to Crash (reprise), it's one of the most impressive pieces of music I've heard. The feels it produces are amazing.

Taylor N.

I think since you have listened to both Octavarium and all of Scenes From A Memory, you should try and watch the live score version of Octavarium and The Spirit Carries on live at radio city. Both are another level of experience.

Gustavo G. Firmino

Signed up because of the interest to watch this reaction/analysis, but I am deeply disappointed that it wasn’t done on the live version with Orchestra. For a classical conposer, I’d definitely expect he would like to see the band actually performing live. For example, the reaction of Illumination Theory is arguably the best done for Dream Theater songs, in my opinion.


100% agreed. Unfortunately there was a vote by the Patreon members and the studio version won. However, Doug said he could be interested in listening to the live version on a live stream one day.


While still being awesome, I always felt that the overture lacked the intensity of the original studio version and was therefore put of by the live version. An ideal would be a completely new live recording where there is both live orchestra and the band playing. It is after all the 20th anniversary this year :)

Ricardo Vazquez

I've actually thought about this the other day. If I could ask Jordan Rudess one question, it would be if he and the band has considered re-recording this song, especially given the technological advances with instrument virtualization.

Tempest Meridian

Great piece of music, loved following along with a fellow music fan! Brought me smiles.

Bjørn Olav Bjørgum

I also love Mike Portnoy’s musicianship, but still recognize mr. Mangini as a fantastic drummer.

Tom Wright

I think the 'Score' version is totally worth a listen. The transition from Goodnight Kiss to Solitary Shell is such a monumental part of this suite, the miniscule pause between the two songs on the studio version always kind of bothered me.